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Disclosure Document. Mrs. Robison Pre-Algebra & Algebra. Basic Info. Mrs. Robison: Midvale Middle School Website: robisonlovesmath.wikispaces.com Click on Algebra or Pre-Algebra Assignments will be uploaded Email: mindy.robison@canyonsdistrict.org. Course Description: Algebra.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disclosure Document Mrs. Robison Pre-Algebra & Algebra

  2. Basic Info • Mrs. Robison: Midvale Middle School • Website: robisonlovesmath.wikispaces.com • Click on Algebra or Pre-Algebra • Assignments will be uploaded • Email: mindy.robison@canyonsdistrict.org

  3. Course Description: Algebra • This class will focus mainly on linear relationships. • study solving linear equations & inequalities • systems of linear equations & inequalities • generating equivalent expressions • using formulas • applying proportionality. • We will also study exponents, polynomials, geometry, probability, and irrational numbers.

  4. Course Description: Pre-Algebra • This course is designed to develop fluency with: • rational numbers • proportional relationships. • Students will begin to understand the foundations of • Algebra, • Geometry • Probability

  5. Textbooks & materials • Algebra:Glencoe’s: Algebra 1 • Pre-Algebra:McDougal Littells: Passport to Algebra and Geometry • The students will need: • a 3-ring loose leaf binder (1 inch) • paper & pencil • This binder will serve as the student’s math journal. Students will also need to have paper and a pencil each day.

  6. Evaluation • Student’s grades are earned on a point system based on self-starters, assignments, math journals, projects, quizzes, participation, and unit tests.

  7. A: 100-94 B: 83-86 C: 73-76 D: 63-66 A-: 90-93 B-: 80-82 C-: 70-72 D-: 60-62 B+: 87-89 C+: 77-79 D+: 67-69 F: Below 59%

  8. Homework • Homework is important! • Students will be expected to spend about ten minutes an evening on homework. • Homework will be returned within a week of submission.

  9. Make-up work • Students are expected to complete all assignments. • If a student is absent they are expected to come before or after school to find out the assignments they have missed. • Students can also look at email updates or my website robisonlovesmath.wikispaces.com for missing assignments. • Make-up work must be graded and turned in within a week of the student’s return to school. Students can access their grades and missing assignments through Skyward.

  10. Late work • Students are expected to turn in assignments when they are due! • Late work will be accepted with a penalty up to 50%, as long as it is turned in beforethe quiz, unit test, or project on the material has been given. • Students will be required to come in before or after school to grade their own late work.

  11. tests • Each chapter or unit will contain a test. • The tests cover the concepts discussed in class as well as assigned homework. • Students will not be able to retake tests. • Students with an excused absence must take the test within one week of their return to school.

  12. attendance • Attendance is imperative for success. • Classroom discussion and activities play a major role in the learning process. • Missed work, due to an excused absence, may be made up. • Work due to unexcused absences may not be made up. Parents and students can check student absences on Skyward.

  13. tardies • Students are expected to be in their seats with all necessary materials before the tardy bell finishes ringing. • Students will not be allowed to make up unexcused tardies. • Each unexcused tardy will result in a 10 point citizenship deduction. • Parents and students can check tardies on Skyward.

  14. Expectations • Students are expected to be: • appropriate • respectful at all times. • Students are also expected to be an active participant in class.

  15. rules • Come to class prepared and follow all established procedures. • Follow Mrs. Robison’s instructions immediately. • Always show consideration for the classroom, your peers, and Mrs. Robison.

  16. Negative consequences • Citizenship point deduction. • Loss of classroom privileges. • Parental contact. • Administrative Referral.

  17. Positive consequences • Additional citizenship points. • Classroom privileges and incentives. • Positive letters home to parents.

  18. Citizenship grades • Citizenship grades are based on: • Personal conduct • Attendance • Promptness • Each student will begin each term with 90 points. • Points will be deducted for • tardies (10pts each), • unexcused absences (25 pts each) • misbehavior (5-25 pts)

  19. Citizenship grades • Positive points can also be earned for good behavior! • H (Honors) 90-100 • S (Satisfactory) 70-89 • N (Needs Improvement) 50-69 • U = (Unsatisfactory) Below 50

  20. Parental inquiry • Parents with questions or concerns regarding this class can contact me at school • (801) 826-7300 between 7:20-7:50 a.m. and 2:50-3:20 p.m. • Parents can also email me at mindy.robison@canyonsdistrict.org

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