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Enhancing Vocabulary with Chapter 18 Terms

Explore and learn new vocabulary terms from Chapter 18, including verbs like "praecurro" and "revocavit," nouns like "manus" and "legatus," and phrases like "Quid agis?" and "Mehercule!" Improve your language skills and broaden your knowledge with these words.

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Enhancing Vocabulary with Chapter 18 Terms

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  1. Chapter 18 Vocabulary Chadd H. Baribault All picture came from google.com/images

  2. Verb praecurro,praecurrere, praecurri,praecursurus- to run ahead current, precursor, occur

  3. Noun Homo, hominis m-Man Homo sapien, homonid, homunculus

  4. Verb Si praecipitant = they hurl themselves, rush Precipitation, precipice

  5. verb Fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus- to flee Fugitive, refuge

  6. Noun manus, manūs F = hand; band Manual,manualy, maniupulate, manumission, manifest, manufacture

  7. Noun Hi canes- these dogs Canine, canine teeth

  8. Adverb modo- only modal, modalism, modality, mode, model, moderate, moderation, modern, modernism, modernist, modernity, modernization, modernize, modest, modesty, modification, modifier, modify, modulate, modulation, module, modus operandi; M.O.

  9. Noun cauda,-ae F. = tail coda

  10. verb Big Bang appāreō, appārēre, appāruī, apparitūrus/a/um = to appear appear, apparation

  11. Adjective obēsus, -a, -um-- fat obese, obesity

  12. verb revocavit = he/she called back Revoke

  13. verb pernoctaverunt- they have spent the night nocturnal

  14. Adverb Olim- Once (upon a time)

  15. Noun Legatus –i- m envoy Legit, delegate, legitimate, legacy

  16. Phrase Quid agis?- How are you? agent, agitate, actor

  17. Phrase Mehercule! By Hercules!

  18. Phrase nisi erro- unless I am mistaken errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus = to wander; be wrong error, erroneous, aberration

  19. Verb agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus = to recognize Acknowledge

  20. Verb doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitus/a/um = to feel pain, suffer condolatory, condole, condolence, dole, doleful, dolefully, dolor (singular), dolores

  21. Missing words see pages 3-4

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