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Explore and learn new vocabulary terms from Chapter 18, including verbs like "praecurro" and "revocavit," nouns like "manus" and "legatus," and phrases like "Quid agis?" and "Mehercule!" Improve your language skills and broaden your knowledge with these words.
Chapter 18 Vocabulary Chadd H. Baribault All picture came from google.com/images
Verb praecurro,praecurrere, praecurri,praecursurus- to run ahead current, precursor, occur
Noun Homo, hominis m-Man Homo sapien, homonid, homunculus
Verb Si praecipitant = they hurl themselves, rush Precipitation, precipice
verb Fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturus- to flee Fugitive, refuge
Noun manus, manūs F = hand; band Manual,manualy, maniupulate, manumission, manifest, manufacture
Noun Hi canes- these dogs Canine, canine teeth
Adverb modo- only modal, modalism, modality, mode, model, moderate, moderation, modern, modernism, modernist, modernity, modernization, modernize, modest, modesty, modification, modifier, modify, modulate, modulation, module, modus operandi; M.O.
Noun cauda,-ae F. = tail coda
verb Big Bang appāreō, appārēre, appāruī, apparitūrus/a/um = to appear appear, apparation
Adjective obēsus, -a, -um-- fat obese, obesity
verb revocavit = he/she called back Revoke
verb pernoctaverunt- they have spent the night nocturnal
Adverb Olim- Once (upon a time)
Noun Legatus –i- m envoy Legit, delegate, legitimate, legacy
Phrase Quid agis?- How are you? agent, agitate, actor
Phrase Mehercule! By Hercules!
Phrase nisi erro- unless I am mistaken errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus = to wander; be wrong error, erroneous, aberration
Verb agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus = to recognize Acknowledge
Verb doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitus/a/um = to feel pain, suffer condolatory, condole, condolence, dole, doleful, dolefully, dolor (singular), dolores