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FINAL COMMISSION REPORT Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission Alaska State Legislature

FINAL COMMISSION REPORT Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission Alaska State Legislature March 17, 2008 Representative Ralph Samuels, Chairman Representative Reggie Joule, Vice-Chairman. Research Needs Work Group

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FINAL COMMISSION REPORT Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission Alaska State Legislature

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  1. FINAL COMMISSION REPORT Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission Alaska State Legislature March 17, 2008 Representative Ralph Samuels, Chairman Representative Reggie Joule, Vice-Chairman

  2. Research Needs Work Group Recommendations on Research Needs Necessary to Implement an Alaska Climate Change Strategy Submitted to the Alaska Climate Change Sub‐Cabinet June 2009

  3. Research Needs Work Group Recommendations on Research Needs Necessary to Implement an Alaska Climate Change Strategy Overarching Needs Summary The overarching needs identified by the RNWG are: o Improved downscaled (local) climate models o Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring o Improved research infrastructure o Improved data integration and sharing o Multiple level decision‐making tools o Adaptable legal and policy frameworks o Improved baseline mapping o Education and Outreach

  4. Operating Requests Tier I Improved downscaled (local) climate models UAF High Resolution Localized Forecasts for Managers and Policymakers (SNAP) FY11 (GF: $225.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $925.0) Multiple level decision‐making tools: and Education and Outreach UAF Climate Adaptation: Information on to Inform Planning and Preparation (ACCAP) FY11 (GF: $150.0, NGF: $450.0, Total: $600.0) Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring UAF Ecological Modeling: Responses of Biological Systems to Climate Change FY11 (GF: $200.0, NGF: $650.0, Total: $850.0) Tier II Improved research infrastructure UAF Climate Change Impacts on Transportation (UATC) FY11 (GF: $250.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $950.0)

  5. Capital Requests Responding to State’s Needs UAF - Responding to Emerging Requests from the Climate Change Subcabinet FY11 (GF: $8,000k Total: $8,000k) Improved downscaled (local) climate models: UAF - Improving Sea Ice Forecasts FY11 (GF: $1,500k, Total: $1,500k) Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring UAF - Ocean Acidification FY11 (GF: $1,000k, Total: $1,000k) UAF - Commercial Fisheries FY11 (GF: $1,000k, Total: $1,000k) UAF - Coastal Erosion, Inundation FY11 (GF: $1,000k, Total: $1,000k) UAF - Natural Hazards Monitoring FY11 (GF: $1,000k, Total: $1,000k) UAF - Permafrost Dynamics FY11 (GF: $1,000k Total: $1,000k) 

  6. Capital Requests Improved data integration and sharing UAF - Climate Data Management FY11 (GF: $1,000.0, Total: $1,000.0) Improved baseline mapping UAF - Alaska Monitoring and Response Capability FY11 (GF: $4,000.0, Total: $4,000.0) Improved research infrastructure UAF - Improving Weather Predictions FY11 (GF: $1,000.0, Total: $1,000.0)

  7. Operating Requests Adaptable legal and policy frameworks UAF and UAA Legal and Policy Implications of Climate Change in Alaska FY11 (GF: $250.0, NGF: $700.0, Total: $950.0) The following proposals were submitted, but not reviewed nor discussed. It was decided to include them as second order priorities. Need for baseline environmental research and monitoring: UAF Forest Growth and Health Change Budget Request $400,000 (operating) $600,000 (capital) Copper River Watershed Sustainability and Ecology: “Glaciers to Bay” Budget Request $525,000 (operating) $900,000 (capital)

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