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FIQH CLASS 4 LE SSON 12. THINGS THAT BREAK SALAAT. Realized by a Kaniz-e-Fatima for isale sawab of her mummy French version Approved by Mulla Nissarhussen Rajpar. Some of the things that break Salaat (make it Batil) are: 1 - All the things that make Wudhu Batil. E.g. * going to the toilet
FIQH CLASS 4 LESSON 12 THINGS THAT BREAK SALAAT Realized by a Kaniz-e-Fatima for isale sawab of her mummy French version Approved by Mulla Nissarhussen Rajpar
Some of the things that break Salaat (make it Batil) are: 1 - All the things that make Wudhu Batil.
E.g. * going to the toilet * Passing gas from the Stomach
* falling asleep, * Unconsciousness etc.
4. Speaking - except to reply to Salaam with the same answer (Assalamou Alaykoum) Assalamou Alaykoum
Amine 8. Saying 'Ameen' after Suratul Fatiha