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The Canadian Historical Experience Cecilia Danysk, Department of History, WWU. Canada Day Poster Challenge winner 2010 Annie Yu (14 yrs) Burnaby, British Columbia. Hochelaga Lawrence R. Batchelor - National Archives of Canada.
The Canadian Historical ExperienceCecilia Danysk, Department of History, WWU Canada Day Poster Challenge winner 2010 Annie Yu (14 yrs) Burnaby, British Columbia
HochelagaLawrence R. Batchelor - National Archives of Canada
Les Filles du Roi Les Coureurs de Bois(Daughters of the King) (Runners of the Woods)
Battle of the Plains of Abraham, 1759 Conquest of Canada, 1763
Royal Proclamation, 1763 Québec Act, 1774 Constitutional Protection for the rights of First Nations and the French
Upper Canada Lower Canada Rebellions of 1837-38
Métis Janet Woppumnaweskum Métis woman at Rupert’s House, 1869 Gabriel DumontMilitary leader of Métis forces, 1885
Underground Railroad to Canada • Harriet Tubman and escaped slaves
Roots of Universal Health CareCooperative Commonwealth Federation & Tommy Douglas
Multiculturalism Baltej Singh Dhillon June 27 "Canadian Multiculturalism Day"
The Coming Generation:Canada Day Poster Challenge Finalists 2010 Shadunjen Van Kampen11 years old Elena Saad8 years old http://www.pch.gc.ca/special/canada/dafc-cdpc/2010/gagnant_winner_2010-eng.cfm
The End Thank you, come to Canada again. Rachelle Robin 15 years old