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August 07, 2013. Agenda Obj objective (on Front board) DWU Daily Warm up (on side board) Journal GRA Grammar VOC Vocabulary Lit Text (Today…syllabi, Prezi , Visuals) WRT DOK 1 Questions, Definitions of Rhetoric. August 08, 2013 AP Lang. Agenda
August 07, 2013 Agenda Obj objective (on Front board) DWU Daily Warm up (on side board) Journal GRA Grammar VOC Vocabulary Lit Text (Today…syllabi, Prezi, Visuals) WRT DOK 1 Questions, Definitions of Rhetoric
August 08, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can use close reading strategies to analyze a text for rhetoric and deterine author’s purpose. I can use the Rhetorical Triangle to determine author’s purpose. DWU Daily Warm up Write, unpack, and paraphrase the third definition of Rhetoric. (Prezi) Journal GRA VOC Lit Text (Today… Prezi, Visuals, Huck Finn Chapter 18) WRT Dialectic jopurnals: Reading observations and thoughts/ answer three questions and a potential bonus!
August 08, 2013 Pre AP Agenda Obj I can read a passage using transition words and phrases to deepen my understanding of meaning and author’s craft. I can paraphrase a text . I can write a descriptive paragraph using transition words to create meaning and cohesion. DWU Journal Your favorite place GRA Transition Toolbox VOC Lit Crystal Cave, Hatchet WRT paraphrasing
August 09, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. DWU Syllabus Quiz ½ sheet of paper Name – period – date Journal GRA VOC Lit ACT English Practice Test (75 questions - 45 min) WRT Self Reflection: What are my strengths and weaknesses?
August 12, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can analyze my strengths and weaknesses and set a realistic goal based on results of the ACT test data. I can use annotation strategies to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU finish the ACT English analysis sheet Journal GRA Text books and HWK assigned today due Wed VOC AP Lesson 8 Due Tuesday Lit Didion “Self Respect” WRT Self Reflection: What are my strengths and weaknesses?
August 12, 2013 Pre – AP Agenda Obj I can analyze my strengths and weaknesses and set a realistic goal based on results of the ACT test data. I can use annotation strategies to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU finish the ACT English analysis sheet Journal GRA VOC Pre-AP lesson 1 due Thurs Lit Paulsen “Hatchet” passages WRT Self Reflection: What are my strengths and weaknesses?
August 13, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can use journaling strategies to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU Voice Lesson One “Diction” GRA due Wed 08-14-13 VOC Lesson 8 Due Now Lit continuing…Didion “Self Respect” Annotate, Complete tone chart, allusion chart, and Style chart. WRT Response to Writing Prompts.
August 13, 2013 Pre – AP Agenda Obj I can use annotation strategies to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU Voice lessons 1 … diction GRA Identify and determine the function of transitional phrases (Hatchet) VOC Lesson 1 due Thurs 8-15 Lit “Hatchet” by Paulsen WRT (Predictions) Based on __________________ and ____________________ this will happen next…
August 14, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can use journaling strategies to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU Write two - three sentences about your day. Use at least one prepositional phrase and one appositive phrase. GRA due today VOC Lesson 8 – test 8-20-2013 Lit continuing…Didion “Self Respect” journal. Complete tone chart, allusion chart, and Style chart. Introduce possible writing prompt. WRT Exit slip. ON a Post-it. What is Didion’s purpose (a specific/concrete claim)? Choose one allusion from paragraphs 3-13 and explain how she uses the allusion to prove or illustrate her PURPOSE/CLAIM?
August 14, 2013 Pre – AP Agenda Obj I can make predictions and inferences as I read to deepen my understanding of a text. DWU Vocabulary exercise three GRA VOC Lesson 1 (ex 1-3) due Thurs 8-15 Lit The Pedestrian by Bradberry WRT Short Story notes
August 15, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can evaluate my abilities to analyze rhetorical devices (tone, diction, purpose, allusion) in a text. DWU Independent work: Begin completing the Allusion Chart (pg 27 0f 62) in your Didion packet. GRA Due Wednesday VOC Lesson 8 – test 8-20-2013 HWK Rhetorical essay – page Lit continuing…Didion “Self Respect” journal. Complete tone chart, allusion chart, and Style chart. Introduce possible writing prompt. WRT Journal (100-200 words) This week was an introduction to some of the skills and understandings needed for rhetorical analysis. We have been discussing purpose, tone, diction, and allusion – in which areas do you feel prepared? Why? In which areas are you concerned? Why. What do you need from me? (Bonus – up to 5 pts for every correctly used and highlighted vocabulary word.)
August 15, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can make predictions and inferences as I read to deepen my understanding of a text. I can use academic literary terms when I speak and write about a text. DWU. Talk to your partner about the Hatchet passage you read. GRA VOC Lesson 1 (ex 1-3) Quiz Tomorrow Lit 1 Prediction Charts with The Pedestrian by Ray Bradberry 2 “Give one/get one” scene sharing using Hatchet by Paulsen (3rd Period) WRT Write a paragraph predicting what will happen next in the “Hatchet.” Use two “quotes” (cited evidence) from the passages as evidence to support your thinking. Explain your thinking, don’t make your reader (me) infer what you mean. HWK: Hatchet and Study for Vocabulary Quiz
August 16, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can read and comprehend literary fiction and nonfiction in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band proficiently I can evaluate my abilities to analyze rhetorical devices (tone, diction, purpose, allusion) in a text. DWU Number a sheet of paper 1 - 40 for today’s ACT Reading practice test. GRADue Wed VOC Lesson 8 – test 8-20-2013 HWK Rhetorical essay preview – last page of Packet Due Monday LIT Act Practice Reading Test (35 minutes 40 questions) Continue working on your chosen writing prompt. Rhetorical Essay Outline: Follow the directions on the last of page of the Didion packet. WRTDue Monday--Journal (100-200 words--typed) This week was an introduction to some of the skills and understandings needed for rhetorical analysis. We have been discussing purpose, tone, diction, and allusion – in which areas do you feel prepared? Why? In which areas are you concerned? Why. What do you need from me? (Bonus – up to 5 pts for every correctly used and highlighted vocabulary word.)
August 16, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can read and comprehend literary fiction and nonfiction in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band proficiently I can evaluate my abilities to analyze rhetorical devices (tone, diction, purpose, allusion) in a text. DWU Number a sheet of paper 1 - 40 for today’s ACT Reading practice test. GRADue Wed VOC Lesson 8 – test 8-20-2013 HWK Rhetorical essay preview – last page of Packet Due Monday LIT Act Practice Reading Test (35 minutes 40 questions) Continue working on your chosen writing prompt. Rhetorical Essay Outline: Follow the directions on the last of page of the Didion packet. WRTDue Monday--Journal (100-200 words--typed) This week was an introduction to some of the skills and understandings needed for rhetorical analysis. We have been discussing purpose, tone, diction, and allusion – in which areas do you feel prepared? Why? In which areas are you concerned? Why. What do you need from me? (Bonus – up to 5 pts for every correctly used and highlighted vocabulary word.)
August 16, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can proficiently read and comprehend complex literary fiction and nonfiction. DWU Number a sheet of paper 1 - 40 for today’s ACT Reading practice test. GRA VOC Lesson 1 Quiz today Lit ACT Reading Practice Test WRTDue today: Write a paragraph predicting what will happen next in the “Hatchet.” Use two “quotes” cited evidence from the passages as evidence to support your thinking. Explain your thinking, don’t make your reader (me) infer what you mean.
August 19, 2013 AP Lang Agenda ObjI can critique and compare the treatment of nature within multiple sources. DWU Finish ACT self-reflections GRADue Wed VOCLesson 8 – test 8-21-2013 HWKDue Today Rhetorical essay preview – last page of Packet Self-evaluation journals Study for Vocabulary test. Consider Transcendentalist presentation choices. LIT Presentation on Transcendentalists WRTKWL Charts
August 19, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. DWU Write a sentence using one of the following words: therefore, however, or although. GRA Conjunctive adverbs VOC New packet ACT PP lesson 2 Lit Gift of the Magi pg 7 WRT Finish ACT reading self reflection
August 20, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can critique and compare the treatment of nature within multiple sources. DWU GRADue tomorrow VOCLesson 8 – test TOMORROW 8-21-2013 HWK Grammar / Study for Vocabulary test. LIT passage Emerson’s “Self Reliance” pg 245 Annotate the passage for diction, imagery, and syntax. What is Emerson’s purpose. What can you learn about Transcendentalism by reading “Self Reliance?” (Green = findings, Pink = questions Continue with KWL chart as you read. Fill in the “K” side…what you think you know or the “W” if more applicable. WRT KWL Charts
August 20, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. DWU/GRAExample: Bill studied hard throughout high school; consequently, he earned a college scholarship. Examples of conjunctive adverbs: furthermore nonetheless incidentally however undoubtedly subsequently as a result thus 1. Stephanie helped me with my homework. She has been one of my best friends since grade school. 2. Jade was talking during class. Jade's teacher called her mother. VOC ACT PP lesson 2—due Friday. Lit continue Gift of the Magi pg 7 WRT What is O’Henry’s theme for The Gift of the Magi ? Using your observations from the text, explain how O’Henry revealed his theme through characterization, conflict, or setting.
Annotations – Gift of the Magi • Pink DELLA • Blue James • Yellow setting • Green conflict What do you notice as you read “Gift” that helps you understand what O. Henry is trying to tell us? What is his theme? Prompt: What is O’Henry’s theme for The Gift of the Magi ? Using your observations from the text, explain how O’Henry revealed his theme through characterization, conflict, or setting.
August 20th 2013Writing Assignment for Gift of the Magi What do you notice as you read “G of the M” that helps you understand what O. Henry is trying to tell us? What is his theme? Writing Prompt: What is O’Henry’s theme for The Gift of the Magi ? Using your observations from the text, explain how O’Henry revealed his theme through characterization, conflict, or setting. Paragraph Assessment – 20 pts 10 points: Topic sentence: author, title, and clearly stated theme. 5 points: Evidence from the text. 5 points: Explanation (LOGICALLY connect the evidence the theme.
August 21, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can critique and compare the treatment of nature within multiple sources. DWU Pretest for Transcendentalist Unit. GRADue today VOCLesson 8 Test Today HWK Transcendentalism Project LIT Take notes on Transcendentalists Presentation Continue with KWL chart (from Monday) WRTNotes and KWL Charts
August 21, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. DWU/GRAExample: Bill studied hard throughout high school; consequently, he earned a college scholarship. Examples of conjunctive adverbs: furthermore nonetheless incidentally however undoubtedly subsequently as a result thus 3. Mark always wanted to play the guitar. Mark takes guitar lessons twice a week. 4. Susie, Jamal's girlfriend, was seen talking to Roderick. Jamal seemed very annoyed during lunch. VOC ACT PP lesson 2 -- Quiz on Friday Lit Cask of Amontillado WRT What is O’Henry’s theme for The Gift of the Magi ? Using your observations from the text, explain how O’Henry revealed his theme through characterization, conflict, or setting.
August 22, 2013 AP Lang Agenda Obj I can critique and compare the treatment of nature within multiple sources. DWU On the post it note--What are three things you know about Transcendentalists GRAQuiz next week over the past 2 weeks VOC HWK Emerson Critical Reading due today Transcendentalism Project LIT Finish notes on Transcendentalists Presentation Continue with KWL chart (from Monday) Walden pg 252 by Thoreau WRTNotes and KWL Charts Create a vocabulary list of 10 or more words pulled from your reading of Walden. Define each word and then explain what Walden means when he uses the word.
August 22, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. DWU/GRAExample: Bill studied hard throughout high school; consequently, he earned a college scholarship. Examples of conjunctive adverbs: furthermore nonetheless incidentally however undoubtedly subsequently as a result thus 5. Juliet begged Friar Lawrence for help. The Friar, who was also an apothecary, blended a sleeping potion. 6. He had to jump to reach him. Timmy wanted to pet the giraffe at the zoo. VOC ACT PP lesson 2 -- Quiz on Friday Lit Cask of Amontillado pg 87 WRT Paragraph: Choose a literary element from yesterday’s chart and discuss how Poe uses it to create conflict, characterization or theme in “Cask.”
August 23, 2013 AP Lang Agenda ObjI can critique and compare the treatment of nature within multiple sources. I can use close reading and annotation strategies to deepen my understanding of a text and the author’s craft. DWU Write the green objective on last night’s homework. Below that explain how deepening your understanding of the vocabulary helped you understand Thoreau’s “Walden.” Use at least one specific example and explain how that one word changed your understanding of the text. GRAReview over the past 2 weeks: Quiz next week VOCLesson 7 due Tuesday HWKDue now. Thoreau vocabulary words. Due Tuesday: Transcribe the 1st paragraph of Thoreau. LIT Walden pg 253by Thoreau & Aravaipa Canyon by Edward Abbey WRT
August 23, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. I can analyze and evaluate point of view in a text. DWU Use Vocabulary words to finish the analogy Fortunato is to beleagured as Montresor is to … VOC ACT PP lesson 2 -- Quiz Lit Cask of Amontillado pg 87: presenting key ideas/theme using specific literary details in a text. WRT
August 23, 2013 Pre–AP Agenda Obj I can interpret how a text supports key ideas or themes with specific details. I can analyze and evaluate point of view in a text. DWU Use Vocabulary words to finish the analogy Fortunato is to beleagured as Montresor is to … VOC ACT PP lesson 2 -- Quiz Lit Cask of Amontillado pg 87: presenting key ideas/theme using specific literary details in a text. WRT
Leveled Questions • DOK 1 DOK??? • DOK 2 Depth of Knowledge • DOK 3
Leveled Questions • DOK 1 Literal (Explicit) clear, open • DOK 2 Inferred (implied) covered, • DOK 3 evaluative • DOK 1 Who did Juliet fall in love with? • DOK 2 Why did Juliet fall in love? • DOK 3 How do you know love is real?