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It can be used on all skin types from light to dark. As opposed to lasers treatment, there is less chance of pigmentation problems after treatment. It is not suitable for people who have open cuts, wounds, sun-burnt skin, and those who are pregnant or lactating. Can I do skin needling at home? I use up to 2mm needles which is strictly an in-clinic procedure. However, we do offer rollers with 0.2mm needles that can be used on a daily basis at home. There is no downtime associated with their use, and any redness experienced post treatment is usually very transient. Although, not as aggressive as the in-clinic version, these rollers are still effective when used regularly, as they are only 0.2mm needles they do not damage the epidermis. They also are useful when used just prior to the application of your skin care products such as topical vitamin A. The needles create very small holes in the epidermis to help the penetration of your skin care products and their effectiveness. What is the difference between skin needling or fractional carbon dioxide laser? The fractional carbon dioxide lasers are lasers that have a 'fractionated' delivery of laser energy to the epidermis. In other words, the skin surface is not treated. Individual columns of laser energy are fired into the skin, each penetrating up to 2mm. <br><br><br>http://www.skinliftsup.com/perlelux

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  1. Perlelux Once the specialist examines your skin he will be able to tell you the right kind of skin care products for you. How many times have you looked in the mirror and wondered how old people think you are? When was the last time someone saw an old photo of you and commented on how little you have changed? Is it time to start looking at some sort of anti-aging skin care? It's a real crime that even though all of your body can change and age over the years your skin is the biggest tattletale when it comes to age. It's not as if we can hide it either, so we need to start looking at ways to combat the signs of aging. Using anti-aging skin care treatments are a great first step. Anti-aging creams Most of us are aware of the different skin creams that are available. These are really just a form of moisturizer that contains a few extra special ingredients like AHA, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, and retinol. Some creams come with the added protection of a sun block and have a tint added to help hide skin blemishes while protecting and re-hydrating the skin. Some are available as concentrated serums, which contain certain beneficial ingredients at higher doses to make them work faster to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Buying the right anti-aging skin care cream for your skin type. There are so many types of skin, from the dry to the oily, the sensitive and those that have a combination of all skin types. Younger skin also needs different treatment to older skin but fortunately, most skin care creams have which skin type they are suitable for clearly labeled on them. So let's look at a few of the different skin types and the creams that are most suitable. Sensitive Skin Sensitive skin is skin that is easily irritated and choosing the wrong skin cream can leave your skin looking inflamed and irritable. In some severe cases you can also end up with rashes, dermatitis and eczema. If this sounds like you then you need to be on your guard when looking for a good anti-aging product for your skin. Most people will advise that you look for anti-aging skin care products that have the reputation of being organic and natural. But the reality is that there are 'natural' skin creams for all types of skin, some of these are pretty potent, so make sure that you read the label properly. One of the worst ingredients for sensitive skin is salicylic acid. It is a potent ingredient used in many acne prone skin preparations because it easily breaks down dry scaly dead skin. This makes it great for treating blackheads, whiteheads, warts and psoriasis, but lethal for skin that is easily irritated. Skin creams that are labeled as being suitable for sensitive skin are often lighter in texture and feel than regular creams, this does not make them less effective, just less irritating. Oily Skin If you have oily skin I bet that you were told that it was OK because you would age less quickly than those with dry skin. To a point this is true, which is why most anti aging skin care treatments focus on moisturizing, but oily skin still needs help as we age so those creams that are light and contain retinol or AHA are usually fairly suitable. Serums are actually a great idea for oily skinned people because you get the benefit of the 'special ingredients' without the bulk and grease of the cream base. Normal or younger skin If this covers you then you are pretty lucky in that you can pretty-much use whatever you like without dire consequences. Younger skin does require less moisturizing than older or drier skin, http://www.skinliftsup.com/perlelux

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