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Latest Measurements in Cosmology and their Implications. http://leandros.physics.uch.gr. Λ. Περιβολαρόπουλος Φυσικό Τμήμα Παν/μιο Κρήτης και Ινστιτούτο Πυρηνικής Φυσικής Κέντρο Ερευνών ‘Δημόκριτος’. WWW Site of Talk: http://leandros.physics.uch.gr/CosmoStatus99/index.html. Contents.
Latest Measurements in Cosmology and their Implications http://leandros.physics.uch.gr Λ. Περιβολαρόπουλος Φυσικό Τμήμα Παν/μιο Κρήτης και Ινστιτούτο Πυρηνικής Φυσικής Κέντρο Ερευνών ‘Δημόκριτος’ WWW Site of Talk: http://leandros.physics.uch.gr/CosmoStatus99/index.html
Contents • 1. Big Bang: The Basic Framework • 2. Open Questions, Free Parameters, • Goals of Modern Cosmology • 3. Observations: • Microwave Background • Supernova’s : Accelerated Expansion • Large Scale Velocity Flows • Lensing of QSO’s • Large Scale Structure • Hubble Constant: The Age Crisis • SuperKamiokande: Hot Dark Matter? • X-Rays from Intracluster Gas • 4. Is ΛCDM the final theory? • 5. Summary - Bibliography
Big Bang: The Basic Framework Isotropy + Homogeneity Hubble Expansion General Relativity Big Bang CMB Perfect Fluid Nucleosynthesis
Open Questions • 1. Quantity and Quality of Matter • (Ωi, wi, where pi = wi pi ) • 2. Origin of Density Fluctuations • Physical Mechanism • Power Spectrum • Statistics 3. Expansion Rate - Age of the Universe 4. Gravitational Waves
Goals of Cosmology 1. Measure Cosmological Parameters 2. Derive Minimal Theories that produce these values. Example: Density Fluctuations Inflation Defects δρ/ρ δρ/ρ x x Scale Invariant - Gaussian Random Phase Waves Superposed Scale Invariant - Non Gaussian Seeds Superposed
Matter in the Universe Most of the Matter is Dark and most of the Dark Matter is Non-Baryonic.
Angular Power Spectrum COBE Smaller Scales
CMB Statistics Non-Gaussianity in the COBE Data : The Angular Bispectrum is 0 for Gausian Fluctuations Ferreira et. Al. 1998 Perivolaropoulos, Simatos 1998
Observations II:Cosmic Acceleration (Perlmutter et. al. 1997) SNIa:
Observations III:Large Scale Velocity Flows POTENT Method: Assumption:Peculiar Velocities are generated by gravity Result: Gravitational Potential, Ωm Dekel 1999:
Observations IV:Frequency of QSO Lensing Frequency of multiply lensed quasars is higher in accelerating Universe. Kochanek 1996
Observations V:Large Scale Structure + COBE (Kolb 1998)
Viable CDM Models ΛCDM can tolerate the largest values of the Hubble Constant (Dodelson et. al. 1996)
Observations VI:The Age Crisis Age of the Universe as a function of Parameters Dodelson et. al. 1996 Ages of oldest stars:
Not Dark Matter (Neutrinos) Minimum Neutrino mass detectable from Large Scale Structure Power Spectrum Measurements (Hu et. al. 1998) SuperKamiokande:
Observations VIIX-Rays from Baryons 1. X-Ray Flux fixes the mas in baryons 2. X-Ray Temperature fixes the total mass (virial theorem).
Converging Puzzle? ΛCDM: 1. Density Fluctuations are Gaussian - Scale Invariant. 2. ΩΛ=0.7, ΩCDM=0.25, ΩΒ=0.05, Ων=0.02, n=1 Advantages Disadvantages 1. Consistent with Ωtot=1 CMB - Inflation 2. Consistent with SN Ia 3. Less power on small scales than sCDM (teq occurs later) 4. Settles the Age Crisis 5. Consistent with Baryonic x-Rays Velocity Flows 6. Consistent with QSO lensing: ΩΛ<0.66 1. Fine Tuning: 2. We live at Special Time
Upcoming Probes 1. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (density power spectrum) 2. Anglo - Australian Two Degree Field 250.000 redshifts on 20 patches 1, 2 will give Density Power Spectrum up to COBE scales (50) 3. MAP (NASA) 4. PLANCK (ESA)
Summary 1. The ΛCDM model with ΩΛ=0.7, ΩCDM=0.25, ΩΒ=0.05, Ων=0.02, n=1 is currently the most consistent model with cosmological observations. 2. It’s main disadvantage is fine tuning but it opens new window for exotic theoretical physics. 3. New observational probes will probably offer conclusive evidence for the right cosmological model in the next 5 years.
References 1.CONSTRAINTS ON THE COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT FROM FLOWS AND SUPERNOVAE.By Idit Zehavi, Avishai Dekel. e-Print Archive: astro-ph/9904221 2.WHY COSMOLOGISTS BELIEVE THE UNIVERSE IS ACCELERATING. By Michael S. Turner. e-Print Archive: astro-ph/9904049 3.PARTICLE PHYSICS IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE. By Edward W. Kolb. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9810362 4. COLD DARK MATTER MODELS. By Scott Dodelson, Evalyn I. Gates, Michael S. Turner Science 274:69-75,1996, astro-ph/9603081 5.IS THERE A COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT? By Christopher S. Kochanek, astro-ph/9510077 6. WEIGHING NEUTRINOS WITH GALAXY SURVEYS. By Wayne Hu, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Max Tegmark. Phys.Rev.Lett.80:5255-5258,1998, astro-ph/9712057