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Future goals of EFOMP in education, profession and science

Future goals of EFOMP in education, profession and science. The „temple of Medical Physics“. Science, R & D. Professional affairs. Education & Training. Medical Physics in Europe. Education and Training. The most urgent open problems.

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Future goals of EFOMP in education, profession and science

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  1. Future goals of EFOMP in education, profession and science

  2. The „temple of Medical Physics“ Science,R & D Professional affairs Education & Training Medical Physics in Europe

  3. Education and Training The most urgent open problems • Regular education and training programs are missing in many European countries (see contr. T Eudaldo) • Harmonisation is urgently required • How EFOMP can contribute: • Help NMOs to develop MP education and training schemes • Establish own ressources: ESMP • ENMPS

  4. Basic Degree:Physics, Engineering or equivalent University Postgraduate Training:Theory : 300 - 400 hoursformal courses Practicals: min. 2 yrs hospital practice ESMP ENMPTS Hospital(On-the-job training) Registration as Qualified Medical Physicist Special Courses, Workshops, Congresses etc.,Self-directed learning Continuing Professional Development: 5 - year cycle credit point system Registration as Specialist Medical Physicist [eq. Medical Physics Expert] EFOMP recommendations on Education, Training and CPD of Medical Physicists

  5. Education & Training EFOMP Operational Platform • European School of Medical Physics (ESMP, jointly organized by ESI and EFOMP) • 5 consecutive one week courses • Ultrasound and MRI • Imaging • Computing • Radiotherapy • Brachytherapy ESMP in Archamps/France Under preparation: week 6- radiation protection and dosimetry • EFOMP Travel Award and the EFOMP ESMP Award

  6. Medical Physics as a profession The current situation of Medical Physics in Europe The countries which are members of EFOMP have a combined population of 870 million people, and the average number of Medical Physicists in thesecountries is 7.6/million. However there is a wide range, from well below 1 per million to over 30. >20 15-20 10-15 5-10 1-5 <5

  7. Medical Physics (MP) as a profession The most urgent open problems • Only 40% of the European countries have an official government accreditation for Medical Physicists • In 15 countries there is an unofficial accreditation (by societies,universities etc.) • In the majority of European countries, Medical Physics is not considered to be a regulated profession • Mobility of MPs between countries is still a problem

  8. Medical Physics (MP) as a profession How EFOMP could contribute: • MP is not listed on the list of professions of the ILO

  9. Science The most urgent open problems • Medical Physics is poorly represented as a science in Europe (only very few independent departments or Chairs for Medical Physics at Universities or research institutions) • Medical Physics as a science is distributed to many different areas and scientific societies (ESTRO, EANM, ESMRBM, ESR, ...)

  10. Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology ESTRO ESR X-rays,CT Nuclear Medicine EANM Medical Physics in Imaging EFSUMB Ultrasound Magnetic Resonance Imaging ESMRMB 1950 today The evolution of Medical Physics Physics of Ionizing Radiation: X-ray imaging, radiotherapy 1900

  11. The future: imaging and radiation oncology are coming together again • stronger magnetic fields (3T + 7T) • Improved • resolution • faster sequences 2D/ 3D/ 4D imaging MRI fMRI MRS • Integrated cone beam imaging/ • tomotherapy Radiation Oncology • Real-time • imaging, 4D US • MRI ?? PET • New tracers • Molecular Profiling

  12. Science My vision is that EFOMP develops into a roof-organisation providing: • Cross-disciplinary research networks that include expert groups from both fields. • Common workshops, seminars and conferences to improve communication and education across the disciplines. • Collaboration on training and education among relevant professional and learned societies.

  13. Introduce a scientific journal (Physica Medica European Journal of Medical Physics) done On the way Requires changeof the constitution Under discussion Evolution of EFOMP Overall goal: Strengthen EFOMP as a professional and scientific society • Turn EFOMP into a legal body(allowing participation in official projects) • Improve relations to the other scientific societies • organize independent scientific conferences („European conferences on Medical Physics“) • Introduce personal membership ?

  14. EFOMP and the Future Building European bridges • Education • Training • CPD • Recognition • Freedom of Movement

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