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Electron Configurations

Electron Configurations. Mr. Lambert. The Energy of Electrons. Remember…Schrodinger’s equation tells us how much energy an electron has…and depending upon how much energy an electron has…is where it is…

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Electron Configurations

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  1. Electron Configurations Mr. Lambert

  2. The Energy of Electrons • Remember…Schrodinger’s equation tells us how much energy an electron has…and depending upon how much energy an electron has…is where it is… • The natural tendency is for an element to arrange its electrons to achieve the lowest level of energy. • This arrangement of electrons is an element’s electron configuration.

  3. Three Principles • Three main Principles guide the assignment of electron configurations to an element • The aufbau principle • The Pauli exclusion principle • Hund’s rule

  4. Aufbau Principle • Aufbau Principle- • Electrons occupy the orbitals of lowest energy level first.

  5. Aufbau Principle • A few notes to the Aufbau principle: • The orbitals within any SUBLEVEL of any Quantum level are of equal energy. • Of all of the sublevels in a given Quantum level, the s sublevel is always of the lowest energy.. • The sublevels of a Quantum level can overlap the sublevels of another Quantum level. • 4s is lower in energy than 3d

  6. Pauli Exclusion Principle • Pauli Exclusion Principle- • An orbital may describe the location of only 2 electrons • To have two electrons occupy the same orbital, the electrons must have opposite spins. • Based on Quantum Mechanical Model

  7. Hund’s Rule • When filling orbitals according to the aufbau principle, one electron enters each orbital of a sublevel until all of the orbitals contain one electron with the same spin direction. • Then, second electrons with an opposite spin will pair with the placed electrons.

  8. Writing an Electron Configuration • Step 1: • Determine number of electrons the element has. • Step 2: • Start counting up. Always begin at the first Quantum level. • Fill one sublevel at a time. Place number of electrons in the sublevel in a superscript. • Step 3: Ensure all your superscript #’s match the # of electrons in your element.

  9. Exceptional Electron Configurations • Some electrons configurations don’t follow the aufbau principle…why? • Half-filled sublevels are not a stable as filled sublevels • Cr and Cu are good examples.

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