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Performance Analysis of RPL Routing Protocol in Noisy Environment

Performance Analysis of RPL Routing Protocol in Noisy Environment. Advisor: Dr . Omprakash Gnawali Dong Han Spring 2012. Outline. RPL Background Project Motivation Project Overview Questions. RPL Background. RPL: IPv6 R outing P rotocol for L ow-power and Lossy Networks.

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Performance Analysis of RPL Routing Protocol in Noisy Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Performance Analysis of RPL Routing Protocol in Noisy Environment Advisor: Dr. OmprakashGnawali Dong Han Spring 2012

  2. Outline • RPL Background • Project Motivation • Project Overview • Questions

  3. RPL Background • RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and LossyNetworks. • RPL’s high-level goal is to provide efficient routing paths • Current performance evaluations were performed in simulation or controlled environment

  4. Project Motivation • By understanding computer user behavior may obtain the guidelines of computer system design • Unique: measured on exactly same model of computers. • Evaluate the performance of RPL in noisy environment • Unique: measured in dynamical noisy environment

  5. Project Overview • Measure CPU Usage of every process, on each machine. • Measure Power Consumption on each machine. • Measure RPL performance.

  6. Measure CPU usage • Runs as Windows Service • Sender Time Tag • Server Time Tag • Machine Name • User Name • Process Name • CPU Usage

  7. Measure Power Consumption • Powernet meter(hardware from Stanford) • Energy Meter • Wireless Sensor Nodes

  8. Measure Power Consumption (2) • Calibrate Power Meter Readings • Readings from different meters are different. • Use six lamps (fixed power consumption) as reference. • Monitor, soldering gun are not fixed. • Covered 40w – 270w • 20 readings at each step • Calibrated 30 meters.

  9. Measure Power Consumption (3) • Calibration Results Before After

  10. Measure RPL Performance • Control Overhead • Entries in Forwarding Table; Retransmission times; Rank; DIO; DSO; DAO; • Route Information • TTL; OriginID; OriginSeqNo; NextHop; PathETX; LinkETX; ForwRSSI; BackRSSI; Path[]; TimeStamp

  11. Questions

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