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Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre SEI Tallinn Säästva Eesti Instituut. 20 years – 20 milestones. 1992. SEI Tallinn Centre established.
Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn CentreSEI TallinnSäästva Eesti Instituut • 20 years – 20 milestones
SEI Tallinn Centreestablished SEI`s Tallinn Centre was established 1/11/1992 with the agreement of the Swedish and Estonian governments, as the fourth SEI centre after Stockholm, York and Boston. Started with 4 staff, nowover 20 staff. Lai str 34, Tallinn
Environmental Conventions The first international conference on the status of multilateral environmental agreements in the Baltic States, organised by SEI Tallinn in Estonia. SEI Tallinn has organised altogether 4 international conferences on this topic: in addition to 1993, also in 1995, 1997 and 2001.
Climate and energy Start of two UNEP and GEF global programmes in Estonia on climate change. At present the work in the programme supports the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol in Estonia in two major directions: EU ETS of GHG allowances and Joint Implementation projects. 2012 - toolkit forthepolicy-makers, spatial planners and the businessestodealwithclimatechange. In 12 languages toolkit.balticclimate.org
Environmental management (EM) The EM Programme - to promote sustainable consumption & production, integrated product policy & sustainable use of natural resources(waste policy). Capacity building and knowledge transfer of best practices in EM systems (ISO, EMAS), life cycle assessment (LCA), green public procurement &corporate social responsibility. 2012 - EMAS for regional tourism clusters in EU countries
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) SEI Tallinn organised the international conference on EIA in the Baltic States. EIA has been one of the core expertizessince the first years of SEI Tallinn.
Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development SEI Tallinn extended its name to emphasize the relationship with country of location. The first letters of the name in Estonian also form an acronym SEI: Säästva Eesti Instituut The official name became the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre, Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development.
SEI Tallinn publication series First book in the series of SEI Tallinn publications was issued: Sustainable Development Glossary. As of 2012, altogether 20 books authored by SEI Tallinn experts have been published in the series.
European Commission R&Dframework programmes SEI Tallinn started to participate as a partner in its first EC Framework Programme project: ENER Forums – The European Network for Energy Economics Research. Since then, SEI Tallinn experts have been partners to 3–4 framework programme projects each year CEERES LIAISE FLAGSHIP
Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs (EKO) SEI Tallinn was one of the founding members of EKO. EKO is an informal politically independent cooperation network that helps environmental activists jointly achieve the environmental protection goals that are important for all of us.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) The SEA of the forestry sector development plan was completed by SEI Tallinn experts. Since then, SEI experts have conducted several SEAs for national level development plans: electricity, transport, oil shaleuse and energystrategies. Since 2007 scenarioanalyses -
Sustainability measures (SM) TheProgramme was established to analyse & develop integrated environmental policy for decision-making: Policy analyses, impact assessments, advancement of knowledge in environmental policy integration, urban planning,sustainable transport & mobility, nature management, Natura 2000 & urban biodiversity, environmental governance, strategic planning, education for sustainable development.
Estonian Association for Environmental Management (EKJA) EKJA was founded on the initiative of SEI Tallinn. It is a non-profit organisation which brings together enterprises, organisations and individuals, who wanttoimprovetheenvironmental performance of corporate management. EKJA - green entrepreneurs
National allocation plans (NAP) for GHG emission allowances In 2004 and 2006, on the request of the Ministry of Environment SEI Tallinn prepared the Estonian NAP of Greenhouse Gases allowances for the implementation of EU Emissions Trading Scheme for the first (2005–2007) & second trading period (2008–2012).
Ecological tax reform The Estonian government approved the basis for the ecological tax reform (ETR) in which SEI Tallinn provided core input. The aim of the ETR is to shift the tax base away from labour taxes and towards the consumption of natural resources and pollution of environment. 2008 - SEI Tallinn studies on resource & waste taxes, 2012 - impact of all environmental taxes on enterprises
Sustainable Development Glossary SEI Tallinn launched the web-based glossarywhich includes terms in Estonian, English, German and Russian with explanations in Estonian. www.seit.ee/sass
Environmental economics and accounting (EEA) The EEA programme was established in SEI Tallinn. Main topics: analyses of monetary & regulatory environmental policy instruments,socio-economic impact assessments, economic valuation studies, research on monetary indicators of sustainable development.
Urban biodiversity conservation The aim is to promote and increase awareness. Several analyses and guidelines have been published; urban ecology lectures have been initiated at Tallinn University.
Mobility management SEI Tallinn has introduced the concept of mobility management in Estonia and is actively promoting it, being also the coordinator of the Estonian network of mobility management “LiLi”. www.facebook.com/groups/lilid
Estonian Commission for Sustainable Development Dr Kaja Peterson was elected chairman of the Commission, a 16-member group that advises the Estonian governmenton sustainable development issues.
Sustainable Development Forums The goal of the Forums, which were initiated by SEI Tallinn in 2001 and are held periodically, is to bring sustainability issues to the forefront of public discourse and to promote sustainable development. 2012– forumon Green Economy SEI Tallinn gave Green Economy Promoter Awards to enterprises.
Work in progress 2012-2013 Estonian low-carbon future scenarios till 2050 studyin collaboration with RAKE at the University of Tartu Estonian environmental fees system and its impact on enterprises and competition studyin collaboration with RAKE at the University of Tartu Economic and social analyses of the EU Marine Strategy implementation in Estonia under the INTERREG funded GES-REG project in collaboration with Estonian marineinstitutes, Ministry of Environment, Finnish, Swedish and Latvian partners Several international projects on Impact Assessment of policies and strategies, urban biodiversity and mobility management