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OPEN ISN  Page 136-137. TOPIC: MY GOAL: GET ON TASK… Ughhhh NOW. Tues 01.29.13. MT 15, Reproduction of Life. I will differentiate between asex . & sex. Repro. & begin MITosis. Look On Concept Map on ISN page 137

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  1. OPEN ISN Page 136-137 TOPIC: MY GOAL: GET ON TASK… Ughhhh NOW Tues 01.29.13 MT 15, Reproduction of Life • I will differentiate between asex. & sex. Repro. & begin MITosis

  2. Look On Concept Map on ISN page 137 PURPOSE of MITosis = growth & repair of SOMATIC cells  every cell in body EXCEPT gamete cells! PURPOSE of MEIosis = produce gametes/sex cells Xsome # identical to parent Xsome ½ the original as parent cell These 4 gamete cells would be sperm for guy, eggs for a girl

  3. Notes Copy on to TOP of ISN Page 136 • ASEXUAL • Binary Fission • Budding • Fragmentation • Regeneration • SEXUAL • Gametes • Sperm • Egg • Zygote

  4. BiNary Fission in Bacteria Asexual Reproduction! • Binary Fission In Paramecium Up to 3 times/day can divide every 20 minutes  single cell can produce a colony of 107 to 108 bacteria in about 12 hours (100 mill) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnlkvquWXS8&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FBBnNhN_NM&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  5. Budding in Yeast Asexual Reproduction! • Budding in Hydra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=489CSop00sY&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOvrq6ssy2Y&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  6. Fragmentation in Planaria Asexual Reproduction! • Fragmentation is the unintentional cutting up of the body of an organism which each grows into different organism. (planaria, starfish) • Regeneration is the growing back of a lost part of the body of an organism. It is usually used as a method of defense. (lizard) • Regeneration in Starfish

  7. Asexual Reproduction in Plants!

  8. = + Joining… Fusion of GAMETES  Fertilization SPERM + EGG = ZYGOTE Sexual Reproduction!

  9. Sexual Reproduction in Plants!

  10. = + • COMPLETE ½ sheet Formative • ATTACH TO ISN p.136 • This is NOT comparing Mitosis & Meiosis…. Asexual Sexual • DRAW • # of cells at start = • # of cells at end = • Use of gametes? • Genetic variety in daughter cells? • 2 • 2 1 (zygote) • No Yes • No Yes

  11. Recall this..?ANIMAL DIVISION INTERPHASE Animal cells separate by pinching membrane in PROPHASE METAPHASE ANAPHASE TELOPHASE

  12. Recall this..?PLANT MITOSIS INTERPHASE PROPHASE Plants cells are separ-ated by a cell plate METAPHASE ANAPHASE TELOPHASE

  13. YOUR JOB TODAY Complete ISN page 139 Flow Chart, Mitosis Complete ISN page 139 On MITosis READ to find where to turn in textbook for help Briefly describe what is happening OVERALL in each phase.

  14. Stop Think And Review Movin’ on… Clip comparing DRAWN picsvs the REAL DEAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6ZRlJsHu4o&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  15. SHOW ME THAT YOU LEARNED SOMETHING TODAY Your “Ticket To Exit” on the 1/4 sheet of blue paper you picked up at the beginning of the period…answer this question: What is the basic difference between MITOSIS & CYTOKINESIS!

  16. Accept our connectedness to events. • It is not unknown forces that cause our problems. • We are the cause and the cure. • We create our own reality and we can change it. HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world

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