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2019–20 Federal Program Monitoring Migrant Education Instrument Training

Learn how to effectively utilize the Migrant Education Instrument in Federal Program Monitoring. Discussing dimensions, evidence requests, and tips for a successful review process. On-site review procedures and resolution periods are covered with detailed sample schedules.

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2019–20 Federal Program Monitoring Migrant Education Instrument Training

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  1. 2019–20 Federal Program Monitoring Migrant Education Instrument Training August 1, 2019, Los Angeles August 8, 2019, Sacramento

  2. Presentation Objectives • Demystify the Migrant Education (ME) Instrument, Dimensions, Items, and Evidence Requests • Discuss answers to frequently asked questions and common pitfalls • Demonstrate effective organization of files and evidence, and Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) tips and tricks for a successful review

  3. On-site Review Process • Evidence Review Period: Reviewer accesses and provides feedback on Local Education Agency (LEA) evidence via the CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) • During Review: Reviewer visits the regional or district office and selected school sites, interviews Migrant Education Program (MEP) staff, and observes Regional Application (RA)/Direct Funded Application (DFA) and District Service Agreement (DSA) services. • Resolution Period: Not applicable if no findings, or, reviewer works with the LEA to resolve each finding within the 45 calendar day resolution period

  4. During Review Sample schedule Day 1 • 1:00–1:30 p.m. Entrance meeting • 1:30–3:30 p.m. Interview regional staff, or for a direct funded district, district office staff • 3:30–5:00 p.m. Observe a regional service, if possible (n/a for direct-funded districts) • 5:30–6:00 p.m. Interview select parent members of the Regional Parent Advisory Committee (RPAC)

  5. During Review (2) Sample schedule Day 2: School site visitation • 9:30–10 a.m. Entrance meeting at school site Additional activities to occur throughout day 2: • Observe migratory children in regular classrooms • Review cumulative files of migratory children • Interview site-based MEP staff • Observe a regular-year service • E.g., speech & debate, extended day

  6. Useful Contact Information

  7. Migrant Education Instrument • The ME FPM instrument can be found on the California Department of Education (CDE) website: https://www.cde.ca.gov/475633

  8. Dimensions There are six Dimensions: • Parent Involvement • Governance and Administration • Funding • Standards, Assessment and Accountability • Staffing and Professional Development • Opportunity and Equal Educational Access • Teaching and Learning

  9. Items • Each dimension has between one and six items. • These items relate to the dimension, and include the statutory requirements for each item listed.

  10. Evidence Requests • Evidence requests follow each item. • The description lists the suggested documents to show compliance with the statutory requirements mentioned in the previous slide. • These are suggestions. • Other documents may be acceptable.

  11. Tip #1 • It is never too soon to reach out to your reviewer if you have questions. • All phone calls or emails are documented in CMT as the official record of the review.

  12. Dimension I: Involvement ME 01: Parent Advisory Councils (PAC) This item has three evidence requests: • PAC Bylaws • PAC Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Sign-in Sheets; For Regions, provide evidence from the selected district with a DSA • Regional PAC

  13. ME 01: Parent Advisory Councils PAC Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Sign-in Sheets evidence request: • What are the actual documents to be uploaded? • What information must the reviewer be able to locate in those documents? • Where can you find that information to use as a checklist?

  14. Dimension II: Governance and Administration • ME 02: Regional or Direct Funded Application • ME 03: District Service Agreements • ME 04: Migrant Region Services • ME 05: District Services • ME 06: Inventory

  15. ME 02: Regional or Direct Funded Application (RA or DFA) • Upload the current, approved RA or DFA for your region. • You will be referencing the RA or DFA in upcoming items by providing page numbers in the CMT comments for each evidence request.

  16. ME 03: District Service Agreements • Upload the current year DSA(s) requested by the reviewer. • You will be referencing the DSA in upcoming items by providing page numbers in the CMT comments for each evidence request.

  17. ME 04: Migrant Region Services Evidence requests to demonstrate that the Migrant Region provides services encompassing the requirements in ME 4.0: • Direct services required by the service agreement • Interagency coordination to improve services to migratory children • Technical assistance according to the service agreement

  18. ME 04: Migrant Region Services (2) What evidence could you provide for the following requests? • Coordination with other agencies • Direct Service Attendance Records • Description of Migrant Region Services in DSA(s) • Description of Migrant Region Services in the RA or DFA • Technical Assistance Meetings Documentation

  19. ME 05: District Services Two evidence requests to demonstrate each district receiving MEP funds provides services, information to parents and support to instructional staff: • Description of District Services in DSA(s) • District Letters and Notices to Parents What are some examples of communications to parents you could provide for this evidence request?

  20. Tip #2 • It is never too early to begin uploading documents into the CMT • Upload multiple documents as separate files, if possible, rather than scanning many pages into one file

  21. ME 06: Inventory • A historical inventory record must be kept for equipment purchased with state or federal funds if: • the acquisition cost is more than $500 per unit • purchased with Title I Part C, Resource codes 3060, 3061, 3110 • Record must contain ME 6.0 (a–i) • Include results of a physical check within past two years • A template is provided in the CMT Resource File

  22. Dimension III: Funding ME 07: Use of Funds ME 08: Supplement, Not Supplant ME 09: Salaries and Wages

  23. ME 07: Use of Funds • The migrant region or direct funded district and LEA use MEP funds only for authorized activities and equipment. General Ledgers • Provide one each for resource codes 3060, 3061, and 3110. • Provide the current and previous fiscal years.

  24. ME 07: Use of Funds (2) Two-step process: • Upload the general ledgers. Reviewer will then request back-up documentation on several expenditures from the reports. • Provide invoices, approval letters, and an explanation of for what and whom the expenditure was used, demonstrating it is allowable under Title I, Part C.

  25. ME 08: Supplement Not Supplant • Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) resources must be used to provide base services and programs to migratory children, including English Language Development (ELD) and access to the core curriculum. • Provision of such programs and services must not be contingent upon receipt of local or state funds.

  26. ME 08: Supplement Not Supplant (2) LEA Summer School Records • Provide student attendance records • Provide schedules and program descriptions for non-MEP summer school programs available to migratory children Supplement not Supplant in the RFA/DFA • Comment the page numbers where service descriptions indicate services are supplemental

  27. Tip #3 • Budget estimates alone, or other distribution percentages do not qualify as support for charges to federal awards. Source: California School Accounting Manual (CSAM), Procedure 905

  28. ME 09: Salaries and Wages Evidence Requests: • Duty Statements* • Payroll Records • Position Control Report • Time and Effort Records* * More details on the next slides

  29. ME 09: Salaries and Wages (2) • What is the difference between a duty statement and a job description? Duty statements: • Are tailored to a single employee or position • Include specific tasks tied to the funding source(s) • Indicate specific tasks that are part of a more general job description

  30. ME 09: Salaries and Wages (3) Time and Effort Records • Single-funded: Periodic (Semiannual) Certification • Required for both regular and non-regular, non-contract or temporary employees • Must: • Be prepared at least semiannually • State that the employee worked only on that single federal program • Be signed by the employee or supervisor with firsthand knowledge of the employee’s work Source: CSAM, Procedure 905

  31. ME 09: Semiannual Certification Source: CSAM, Procedure 905

  32. ME 09: Salaries and Wages (4) Time and Effort records • Multi-funded positions: Personnel Activity Report (PAR) or equivalent • Must: • Reflect after-the-fact, actual activities • Account for all activities for which employee is compensated • Be prepared at least monthly • Be signed by the employee Source: CSAM, Procedure 905

  33. ME 09: Personnel Activity Report (PAR) Source: CSAM, Procedure 905

  34. Tip #4 • When considering information to be included in time and effort documents, the safest approach is to provide more documentation rather than less. Source: CSAM,Procedure 905

  35. Dimension IV: Standards, Assessment, and Accountability ME 10: Evaluation, Assessment, and Effectiveness

  36. ME 10: Evaluation, Assessment, and Effectiveness What is necessary to determine the effectiveness of MEP services? • Measure student progress against desired outcomes • Complete individual educational and health needs assessment • Identify and address unique needs through measurable goals and outcomes • Use academic assessment results to improve academic achievement • Determine whether students are provided the opportunity to meet challenging standards

  37. ME 10: Evaluation, Assessment, and Effectiveness (2) Evidence • Page numbers in DSA, RA or DFA • Individual Needs Assessments Forms • Pre/post formative assessment results from a minimum of three programs

  38. Dimension V: Staffing and Professional Development Item ME 11: Staffing Item ME 12: Professional Development (PD)

  39. ME 11: Staffing Proper credentials and training Evidence Requests • Staff credentials: Regular Year and Summer School • Pre-Kindergarten permits • Appropriate teacher credentials • A template is provided in the CMT Resources File • Staff Roster: Regular Year and Summer School • Grade and subject area assignments and full-time equivalent percentage charged to MEP funding

  40. ME 12: Professional Development Two types of evidence for Identification & Recruitment (I&R) staff, teachers, and MEP staff: • Records of Professional Development (PD): Evidence the PD sessions have occurred and who attended • Implementation: Evidence of staff using the PD provided to them • Observation forms or notes • Feedback to staff from walk-throughs or observations

  41. ME 12: Professional Development (2) What types of documents are evidence that the PD has occurred? • Sign in sheets, minutes, calendars • Training materials, content What type of evidence shows the PD is actually being implemented? • Evidence of completed observations • Observations of grade-level core academic subjects

  42. Tip #5 • Ensure comments are tied to the item or evidence request to which they refer. • In the “View Comments” tab, filter by item number to easily see all the comments related to one item.

  43. Dimension VI: Opportunity and Equal Educational Access ME 13: Equal Opportunity

  44. ME 13: Equal Opportunity Six Evidence Requests: • Pages in the DSA(s) • Pages in the RA or DFA • Lesson Plans* • Migrant Student Information Network (MSIN) Service report for Priority for Service (PFS) students • Regular and Summer School Schedules* • Transfer Records from the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX)* * More details on the next slides

  45. ME 13: Equal Opportunity (2) • Total number of documents: 9 • Do not forget: Highlight how services are coordinated with the core curriculum and the State Service Delivery Plan (SSDP) Focus Areas

  46. ME 13: Equal Opportunity (3) • Total number of documents: 5 • Do not forget: Narrative on how funds support migratory students’ achievement of state academic standards

  47. ME 13: Equal Opportunity (4) • Total number of documents: 7 • Do not forget: List of staff trained in MSIX

  48. Dimension VII: Teaching and Learning ME 14: Educational and Other Services ME 15: Identification, Recruitment (I&R) and Quality Control

  49. ME 14: Educational and Other Services • Coordination with Other State and Federal Programs • Provide evidence of MEP staff being included alongside staff from other state or federal programs in discussions of allocating services and resources • What types of documents could be evidence? • Cumulative Records of Migratory Children • Reviewed on site; do not upload any documents to this evidence request

  50. ME 14: Educational and Other Services (2) • Individualized Learning • Individualized learning plans (ILPs) for three different migratory children at different grade levels • Include pre/post test scores, standardized test scores and any other documentation relevant to the student’s individualized learning and outcomes • Migratory Children Enrollment • Provide a list for the region based on priority for service • Do not forget an explanation of internal controls for identifying Priority for Service (PFS) students as they arrive

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