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Estimation of Production Functions: Fixed Effects in Panel Data. Lecture VIII. Analysis of Covariance. Looking at a representative regression model
Estimation of Production Functions: Fixed Effects in Panel Data Lecture VIII
Analysis of Covariance • Looking at a representative regression model • It is well known that ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions of y on x and z are best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE) of α, β, and γ
However, the results are corrupted if we do not observe z. Specifically if the covariance of x and z are correlated, then OLS estimates of the β are biased. • However, if repeated observations of a group of individuals are available (i.e., panel or longitudinal data) they may us to get rid of the effect of z.
For example if zit = zi (or the unobserved variable is the same for each individual across time), the effect of the unobserved variables can be removed by first-differencing the dependent and independent variables
Similarly if zit = zt (or the unobserved variables are the same for every individual at a any point in time) we can derive a consistent estimator by subtracting the mean of the dependent and independent variables for each individual
OLS estimators then provide unbiased and consistent estimates of β. • Unfortunately, if we have a cross-sectional dataset (i.e., T = 1) or a single time-series (i.e., N = 1) these transformations cannot be used.
Next, starting from the pooled estimates • Case I: Heterogeneous intercepts (αi ≠ α) and a homogeneous slope (βi = β).
Case II: Heterogeneous slopes and intercepts (αi ≠ α , βi ≠ β )
Empirical Procedure • From the general model, we pose three different hypotheses: • H1: Regression slope coefficients are identical and the intercepts are not. • H2: Regression intercepts are the same and the slope coefficients are not. • H3: Both slopes and the intercepts are the same.
Testing first for pooling both the slope and intercept terms:
If this hypothesis is rejected, we then test for homogeneity of the slopes, but heterogeneity of the constants
Given this formulation, we know the OLS estimation of • The OLS estimation of α and β are obtained by minimizing