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Mr. Tiefenbach / Technology. Tech Lab Rules and Class Information. Email. wtiefenbach@watervlietps.org When emailing me, please be specific in the title of your email and if attaching documents, please have the document specifically named.
Mr. Tiefenbach / Technology Tech Lab Rules and Class Information
Email • wtiefenbach@watervlietps.org • When emailing me, please be specific in the title of your email and if attaching documents, please have the document specifically named. • If you are over the age of 13, I recommend setting up an email account with your parents permission if you don’t already have one. I recommend using a Google Gmail account.
What You Need to Bring to Class • You need to bring your own set of headphones or earbuds if possible. We use them on a daily basis. I do have some available in my class, but it is recommended that you bring your own. • A Pencil. If you bring me one for my pencil cup once, you can always borrow one. If you don’t, please bring a pencil everyday.
Classroom Rules and Procedures Classroom
No Drinks / Food / Candy • Do not bring drinks, food, candy into class. • No eating or drinking in my classroom. (If you need water with you in class, please speak with me). • Gum is ok, but please throw it away if you are finished with it… • Suckers are by permission only!
Personal Electronic Devices (PD’s) • Phones, Mp3 players, tablets, Ipads, etc., are ok to have in my class. They are to be used for listening to your OWN music or for other educational purposes only. • During instructional time, students must always remove their headphones and close their device. • Students under no circumstances are allowed to text other students, use social media sites or take pictures in class. • Violation of any of these rules will result in possible referral and automatic privileges revoked.
Personal Space • Keep your hands to yourself. • Do not touch anyone else’s computer, keyboard, mouse, monitor, workstation. • Do not pull out any of the cords from the back of your computer or on the wall. • Treat your workstation and computer with respect. Do not abuse your privileges.
Mr. T’s Space • Please do not come behind my desk. If you have a question, please come up to the front of my desk. • If you would like to borrow something off of my desk, you need to ask permission first. (Pencils, stapler, tape, etc…). • Stay out of the closets unless instructed to go in there and do not open or lock my filing cabinet.
Common Sense Stuff… • I do not tolerate inappropriate language and conversations. • No running, horseplay, hanging out in my room. Stay seated at all times unless you have a question for me. • No talking when directions are being given or questions are being asked. Focus on your assignments, listen carefully to all directions and learn something new everyday! • Always sit in your assigned seat unless instructed to work at another workstation. Please do not ask if you can sit somewhere else. • Having a substitute teacher in the room does not give you permission to break any rules. Trust me….I know what happens in my room when I’m not present. • Use the bathroom in between classes!!!
Logging On/Logging Off Procedures Classroom
Logging On to Your Computer • When you come into class, you need to find your assigned workstation and log on right away. • Your username is, the year you graduate, first name initial, full last name. (ex. 20tsmith) • If you do not remember your password, raise your hand and I will change it. • NEVER log in as someone else and NEVER give out your password!! • If you want to change your password on your own, click Ctrl+Alt+Delete • Your password should be no longer than 6-10 characters and something you will easily remember but no one else would. You may use letters, numbers and symbols. Write down your password somewhere in your planner to refer back to. • Once Logged On, navigate to your class website and begin your assignments. You may use project330 to quickly change your wallpaper or quickly check your email. But once the bell has rung, you must start your assignment immediately.
Logging Off Your Computer • Always remember to log off your computer. • Do not log off before the bell rings unless instructed to. • Always save your documents before logging off, save them to your H:Drive and save them with a specific name. • If you used a pair of “Beatz by T”, please return them to the box. • Reorganize your workstation for the next hour. Straighten keyboards, mouse, monitor. Pick up and throw away any garbage left behind. Have respect. • Push in your chair and if you are the last class of the day, please stack the chairs at the end of the row. • If you are instructed to log off early, do not line up at the door. Stay by your workstation.
Computer & Internet Rules and Procedures Classroom
Computer Use Rules • Do not unplug cords or exchange equipment without permission. • Do not change any of the computer settings or add/remove programs, download anything from the Internet without permission. • Check your computer and computer equipment everyday. If you notice something missing, broken, altered, downloaded, please see me immediately. • Ask permission to print. • Ask permission to use any flash drive. • Ask permission to charge your phone/PD’s. • This is not your personal or home computer. School computers and technology resources are to be used for educational purposes only!
Internet Rules Classroom
We Keep Track of Your History!! • Remember: the school monitors the websites you visit on the school’s network. It’s never just “deleted”. Even over wifi. • The Internet is to be used for educational purposes only.
Don’ts • Games are NOT allowed. During any “free time” students may ONLY visit the websites that are located on my homepage under “favorite links”. Please do not abuse this privilege. • No social networking sites (facebook, twitter, etc…) allowed on school computers or PD’s, unless we are learning an application in class. • Don’t live stream music or videos from sites such as Pandora, Grooveshark, YouTube, etc…Music can ONLY be played through your PD. No exceptions!! • Don’t use message boards, discussion boards or chat rooms without permission.
Do’s • Do use the video tutorials that are associated with my classes. • Do save any website you use often to your bookmarks. • Do use the Internet as a resource to troubleshoot and obtain new ideas!
Consequences • Using PD’s/phones while I’m talking or not supposed to be = privilege revoked • Misuse of computers or Internet = call to parents, detention, suspension of your school account.
Technical Issues?? Classroom
If your computer is not working correctly, follow these steps: • Log off and back on to your computer. • Restart your computer by choosing the Start Button. • Ask a neighbor if they might have a suggestion. • Try doing an Internet Search on your technical issue. • Raise your hand or come to my desk for further assistance.