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- ing or to ?

- ing or to ?. Using „to“. When to use the infinitive The infinitive form is used after certain verbs :. POZOR! I happen to know it . Náhodou to viem. Do you happen to know it ? The negative is formed by adding not before the verb :

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- ing or to ?

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  1. -ing or to ?

  2. Using „to“ • When to use the infinitive • The infinitive form is used after certain verbs: POZOR! I happen to knowit. Náhodou to viem. Do youhappen to knowit? The negativeisformed by addingnotbefore the verb: Hedecided to buy a new car. Hedecidednot to buy a new car.

  3. Using– ing /gerund • Verbs followed by -ing form • I look forward to meeting you next week.I don’t mind staying late.I really enjoy travelling abroad. • Aftereachpreposition • I am goodatsinging. Sheisboredwithdoingthe samethingseveryday. Afterdoing my HW, I wentout. • At the begginingofthesentence – slovesné pod. meno • Readingis my hobby. • NEGATIVES:not-ing. I suggestnotgoingthere. Navrhujem nechodiť tam. (, aby sme tam nešli.)

  4. Verbs + infinitivewithout „to“ • The verbs make and let are followed by an object and the infinitivewithout „to“ • She wanted to go home, but her boss made her stay until the work was finished.My boss let me have the afternoon off to go to my sister’s wedding.Let meknowit. • Itmakesmesmile.

  5. Verbs + infinitivewithout „to“ • The verb of perception (see, watch, notice, hear, listen, feel) are followed by infinitive without „to“ or by -ing form (gerund). • I saw him paint/paintingthe cheque. • Weheardthemsing/singing. • I watchedthemplayingfootball.

  6. Infinitive or -ing Quiz • 1We like ...... (visit) our grandmother on Sundays. • 2I want ......(borrow)your Science notes. • 3My father hates....(wear) a tie to work. • 4We can't afford....(take) a vacation this summer. • 5 Shespendstime .... (do) crazythings. • 6The company was pleased .....(receive)your thank-you letter. • 7 Would you mind ..... (open) a window? • 8 My parentsdon´t let us ...... (watch) thathorror. • 9She cannot leave the table without .....(finish) her dinner. • 10The music will continue.....(play)until you turn it off. • 11 My little brother dislikes .... (have)his hair brushed. • 12 Lastweekwesawthem .... (steal) moneyfrom the people. Answer on slide No 9

  7. Some verbs can be followed by either -ing form or the infinitive and the meaning of the verb changes. Here are some common examples: • REMEMBER – I rememberedsendingthe letter. Pamätal som si, že som poslal list. ALE: • I remembered to sendthe letter. Pamätal som, si(nezabudol som poslať list) • STOP- I stopped to smoke. Zastavil som sa, aby som si zafajčil. ALE: • I stopped smoking. Prestal som fajčiť.

  8. FORGET • 1. (memory) • I forgotmeetingherlastyear. Zabudol som, že som ju minulý rok stretol. • 2. (action) • Yesterday I forgot to goto the shop. So I mustgotheretoday. Včera som zabudol ísť do obchodu. • POZOR!!! • I prefer +ing (working) - preferences • (I preferworkingabroadtobeingunemployed • I wouldprefer + to (work) • I would prefer to leave now rather than wait. • I likedancing or to dance. • I wouldlike to dance.

  9. Do you feel like ______________________________ (go) to the theatre on Friday? I spent a lot of time ______________________________ (make) a birthday cake for him. He agreed ______________________________ (see) me at ten o'clock They promised ______________________________ (read) my report today I suggest ______________________________ (pay) by check, it's safer than cash He offered ______________________________ (make) dinner for us. He put off ______________________________ (see) her until very late in the afternoon. I refused ______________________________ (pay) for the repairs. I've finished ______________________________ (read) that book at last! We decided ______________________________ (go) to the cinema instead I enjoyed the play. The ______________________________ (act) was very good. I lookforward to _______________________ (see) younexttime.He's my favourite writer, his ______________________________ (write) is wonderful. His ______________________________ (complain) is getting on my nerves. He's never happy. They have terrible debts. Their ______________________________ (spend) is out of control I can still remember ______________________________ (visit) my grandparents fifty years ago. Please, remember ______________________________ (feed) the dog while I'm away I'll never forget ______________________________ (see) that van Gogh exhibition in New York Don't forget ______________________________ (post) my letters, please. I'll just finish ______________________________ (clean) the kitchen then I'll stop. She suggested ______________________________ (have) dinner at her house. She doesn't mind ______________________________ (do) the boring jobs. He keeps ______________________________ (ask) me to go out with him. He has given up ______________________________ (smoke). He's very good at ______________________________ (get) me to do what he wants He insisted on ______________________________ (be) refunded immediately. He failed. He's very bad at ______________________________ (do) exams. • I´dprefer _____________________ (visit) Australiaratherthan the USA. • We are lookingforward to _____________ (hear) fromyousoom.

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