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…system overview…. …system overview…. …includes…. ..a prescription booking-in screen that is a web page enabling booking-in anywhere with access to the hospital intranet.
…system overview… …includes… ..a prescription booking-in screen that is a web page enabling booking-in anywhere with access to the hospital intranet ..a home page that always gives the current status of prescriptions – with colour coded backgrounds indicating performance against standards ..at the click of a mouse button you gain access to full details relating to the selected prescription ..a quick find facility:- by prescription id or ward or patient id ..comprehensive reporting and analysis including the ability to “filter” the available data by any field or fields within the database
…system overview… …includes… ..a barcode based methodology to record where in the dispensing process a prescription has reached ..the possibility of recording dispensing errors by barcode scanning OR keyboard entry
…the process… …booking-in… ..with or without a link to your patient record system the start of the tracking process carries little overhead..
…the process… …booking-in… ..PTSi includes the facility to schedule when a prescription is required – immediately or at a specified date and time..
…the process… …booking-in… ..pharmacies can add notes to each prescription, either free format, or from a drop down list of predetermined notes. These notes can be made available to anyone with access to the intranet..
…the process… …booking-in… ..at the click of the “Create Prescription” button the process starts – and your prescription barcode will be produced..
…the process… …tracking the prescription… ..as the prescription arrives at each stage in the dispensing process the person receiving it scans their ID barcode..
…the process… …tracking the prescription… ..then they scan the prescription barcode…
…the process… …tracking the prescription… ..it really is as simple as that, the only variation might be in the situation where scanners are designated as roaming i.e. they can be used at any stage in the process, in this case an additional barcode is scanned describing the stage in the process…
…the process… …tracking the prescription… ..each time you scan a barcode a message will appear either on the scanner’s LCD screen (if it is a cordless scanner) or on the PC screen (if it is a tethered scanner).. ..and if you make a mistake or a stage in the dispensing process as been missed the system will warn you – including an optional warning sound..
…the process… …the stages in the process… Booking In Clinical Checking ..are defined by you, therefore you can have as many or as few stages as you need – minimum being just “booking-in” pretty meaningless – so here is a a more useful example.. Dispensing Label Production Final Checking Collected by Porter Received in ward
…the process… …suspending the process… ..you will be pleased to learn that PTSi does allow the process to be suspended if you are unable to complete a prescription due to reasons outside your control.. ..you achieve this by scanning a suspend duration barcode...
…the process… …suspending the process… ..you then scan the reason for suspension..
…the process… …suspending the process… ..the suspend duration is then added to the target time for the prescription type you are processing – however this additional time is not included in dispensing statistics on reports. The reason for suspension can be seen by wards.. ..the process restarts as soon as an activity barcode for the prescription is scanned..
…the process… …suspending the process… ..it is also possible to suspend the process without scanning barcodes by selecting a prescription from the home page and clicking on the Suspend button, then clicking on the suspend duration and finally choosing the reason for suspension…
…the process… …error logging… ..PTSi includes a means to record dispensing errors via a sequence of barcode scans.. ..you scan the following barcodes: your ID, error reporting, the stage at which the error was made, the drug ID, and then the type of error..
…the process… …error logging… ..alternatively PTSi includes a means to record dispensing errors via screen input..
…setting PTSi up… …look – up tables… ..before you can use PTSi the Lookups have to be populated..
…setting PTSi up… …look – up tables… ..the same basic principle applies for all look-up tables but don’t let that concern you as the on-site installation and training will cover all of this in detail.. We will look at the Operators table as an example..
…setting PTSi up… …look – up tables… ..you can edit or delete the chosen record’s details by clicking on it’s entry in the table..
…the outputs… …home page… ..the heart of the PTSi application is the “homepage”. This single web page allows the user to see the status of all prescriptions and access the various components of the system. What a user can see & do depends upon their system access rights..
…the outputs… …home page… ..the background colour of the prescription indicates compliance – or not – with the standard for this type of prescription. Green is well within target, amber indicates 75% of allowed time lapsed and red means prescription is overdue.
…the outputs… …home page… ..dependent upon the selected tab PTSi lists the appropriate prescriptions giving all the important data at your fingertips. The tabs represent all prescriptions, those that are outstanding, scripts awaiting collection and those that have been collected..
…the outputs… …home page… ..by clicking on a prescription full details can be revealed..
…the outputs… …home page… ..any notes made against a prescription can be accessed by clicking the memo icon..
…the outputs… …home page… ..the home page also shows what the average dispensing time is for each prescription type..
…the outputs… …home page… ..The home page gives access to the PTSi Quick find facility.. ..with the capability to search by patient ID, prescription ID if known or by ward.. ..simply choose the ward from the drop down list.. ..and PTSi will list all prescriptions relating to the selected ward..
…the outputs… …reports… ..the Search / Reports page allows you to search for a prescriptions in many ways.. ..PTSi enables you to search for / filter Prescriptions by virtually any of the fields in the database. You simply select the search criteria from the drop down list – in this case we will use Prescription’s booked in date between..
…the outputs… …reports… ..the Search / Reports page allows you to search for a prescriptions in many ways.. ..then if required you can add another search criteria.. ..up to 6 search criteria can be used. Once you have chosen all the criteria you want – simply Apply Search..
…the outputs… …reports… ..the prescriptions that match your search criteria are listed here.. ..and you can select any that you want included in a report by putting a tick in the box..
…the outputs… …reports… ..these are the reports you can run. Select one to see a brief description and an example of the report format..
…the outputs… …reports… ..and to run a report you simply click on the Go button..
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows the number of items dispensed compared to the number prescribed by date.
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows the number of prescriptions that were completed within target time.
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows, by prescription type, the average completion time, and the difference between the average and target times.
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows the number of prescriptions that were booked in during various time bands throughout the day.
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows, graphically, the number of prescriptions that were booked in during various time bands throughout the day.
…the outputs… …reports… This report shows a breakdown of which activities were being performed on prescription at various time bands throughout the day.
…the outputs… …reports… ..and remember the data to be included in the reports can be filtered by almost any field in the database making comprehensive analysis extremely easy..
…the outputs… …prescription status… ..PTSi includes the facility to show outpatients when prescriptions are ready for collection – this screen could be displayed in the pharmacy waiting area or anywhere with access to the hospital intranet.. ..you can select which pharmacy and prescription type(s) you want displaying..
…the outputs… …prescription status… ..the Prescription Status screen will show prescriptions as they become ready and those that are currently being worked upon..
…pricing… …hardware options… ..Datalogic PowerScan cordless laser scanner £550 ..Base station / Charger unit (Min. 1) £245 ..Charger unit £195 ..Datalogic “Heron” CCD scanner £105 ..Includes “Hands-Free” stand ..Datalogic “Touch” 65 CCD scanner £65 ..Optional Stand £15 ** Prices include all cables and power supplies where applicable Prices exclude VAT and delivery **