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Testing multifactor models. Plan. Up to now: Testing CAPM Single pre-specified factor Today: Testing multifactor models The factors are unspecified!. Detailed plan. Theoretical base for the multifactor models: APT and ICAPM Testing when factors are traded portfolios Statistical factors
Plan • Up to now: • Testing CAPM • Single pre-specified factor • Today: • Testing multifactor models • The factors are unspecified! EFM 2006/7
Detailed plan • Theoretical base for the multifactor models: APT and ICAPM • Testing when factors are traded portfolios • Statistical factors • Macroeconomic factors • Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) • Fundamental factors • Fama and French (1993) EFM 2006/7
APT • K-factor return-generating model for N assets: Rt = a + Bft + εt, • where errors have zero expectation and are orthogonal to factors • B is NxK matrix of factor loadings • Cross-sectional equation for risk premiums: E[R] = λ0l + BλK • where λ is Kx1 vector of factor risk premiums • ICAPM: another interpretation of factors • The market ptf + state variables describing shifts in the mean-variance frontier EFM 2006/7
Specifics of testing APT • No need to estimate the market ptf • Can be estimated within a subset of the assets • Assume the exact form of APT • In general, approximate APT, which is not testable • The factors and their number are unspecified • Factors can be traded portfolios or not • Factors may explain cross differences in volatility, but have low risk premiums EFM 2006/7
Testing when factors are traded portfolios • With risk-free asset: • Regression of excess asset returns on excess factor returns rt = a + Brf,t + εt, • H0: a=0, F-test • Risk premia: mean excess factor returns • Time-series estimator of variance EFM 2006/7
Testing when factors are traded portfolios(cont.) • Without risk-free asset: need to estimate zero-beta return γ0 • Unconstrained regression of asset returns on factor returns: Rt = a + BRf,t + εt • Constrained regression: Rt = (lN-BlK)γ0 + BRf,t + εt • H0: a=(lN-BlK)γ0, LR test • Risk premia: mean factor returns in excess of γ0 • Variance is adjusted for the estimation error for γ0 EFM 2006/7
Testing when factors are traded portfolios(cont.) • When factor portfolios span the mean-variance frontier: no need to specify zero-beta asset • Regression of asset returns on factor returns: Rt = a + BRf,t + εt • H0: a=0 and BlK=lN • Jensen’s alpha =0 & portfolio weights sum up to 1 • Otherwise, factors do not span the MV frontier of the assets with returns Rt EFM 2006/7
Three approaches to estimate factors • Statistical factors • Extracted from returns • Estimate B and λ at the same time • Macroeconomic factors • Estimate B, then λ • Fundamental factors • Estimate λ for given B (proxied by firm characteristics) EFM 2006/7
Statistical factors:factor analysis Rt- μ = Bft + εt cov(Rt) = B Ω B’ + D • Assuming strict factor structure: • D≡cov(εt) is diagonal • Specification restrictions on factors: • E(ft)=0, Ω≡cov(ft)=I • Estimation: • Estimate B and D by ML • Get ft from the cross-sectional GLS regression of asset returns on B EFM 2006/7
Statistical factors:principal components • Classical approach: • Choose linear combinations of asset returns that maximize explained variance • Each subsequent component is orthogonal to the previous ones • Correspond to the largest eigenvectors of NxN matrix cov(Rt) • Rescaled s.t. weights sum up to 1 EFM 2006/7
Statistical factors:principal components • Connor and Korajczyk (1988): • Take K largest eigenvectors of TxT matrix r’r/N • where r is NxT excess return matrix • As N→∞, KxT matrix of eigenvectors = factor realizations • The factor estimates allow for time-varying risk premiums! • Refinement (like GLS): same for the scaled cross-product matrix r’D-1r/N • where D has variances of the residuals from the first-stage ‘OLS’ on the diagonal, zeros off the diagonal • This increases the efficiency of the estimation EFM 2006/7
Results • 5-6 factors are enough • Based on explicit statistical tests and asset pricing tests • Explain up to 40% of CS variation in stock returns • Better than CAPM • Explain some (January), but not all (size, BE/ME) anomalies EFM 2006/7
Discussion of statistical factors • Missing economic interpretation • The explanatory power out of sample is much lower than in-sample • # factors rises with N • CK fix this problem • Static: slow reaction to the structural changes • Except for CK PCs EFM 2006/7
Macroeconomic factors • Time series to estimate B: Ri,t = ai + b’ift + εi,t • Cross-sectional regressions to estimate ex post risk premia for each t: Ri,t = λ0,t + b'iλK,t + ei,t, • Risk premia: mean and std from the time series of ex post risk premia λt EFM 2006/7
Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) "Economic forces and the stock market" • Examine the relation between (macro) economic state variables and stock returns • Variables related to CFs / discount rates • Data: • Monthly returns on 20 EW size-sorted portfolios, 1953-1983 EFM 2006/7
Data: macro variables • Industrial production growth: MPt=ln(IPt/IPt-1), YPt=ln(IPt/IPt-12) • Unanticipated inflation: UIt = It – Et-1[It] • Change in expected inflation: DEIt = Et[It+1] – Et-1[It] • Default premium: UPRt = Baat – LGBt • Term premium: UTSt = LGBt – TBt-1 • Real interest rate: RHOt = TBt-1 – It • Market return: EWNYt and VWNYt (NYSE) • Real consumption growth: CG • Change in oil prices: OG EFM 2006/7
Methodology: Fama-MacBeth procedure • Each year, using 20 EW size-sorted portfolios: • Estimate factor loadings B from time-series regression, using previous 5 years Ri,t = ai + b’ift + εi,t • Estimate ex post risk premia from a cross-sectional regression for each of the next 12 months Ri,t = λ0,t + b'iλK,t + ei,t, • Risk premia: mean and std from the time series of ex post risk premia λt EFM 2006/7
Results • Table 4, risk premia • MP: +, insurance against real systematic production risks • UPR: +, hedging against unexpected increases in aggregate risk premium • UTS: - in 1968-77, assets whose prices rise in response to a fall in LR% are more valuable • UI and DEI: - in 1968-77, when they were very volatile • YP, EWNY, VWNY are insignificant EFM 2006/7
Results (cont.) • Table 5, risk premia when market betas are estimated in univariate TS regression • VWNY is significant when alone in CS regression • VWNY is insignificant in the multivariate CS regression • Tables 6 and 7, adding other variables • CG is insignificant • OG: + in 1958-67 EFM 2006/7
Conclusions • Stocks are “exposed to systematic economic news and priced in accordance with their exposures” • Market betas fail to explain CS of stock returns • Though market index is the most significant factor in TS regression • No support for consumption-based pricing EFM 2006/7
Discussionof macroeconomic factors • Strong economic intuition • Static • Slow reaction to the structural changes • Bad predictive performance EFM 2006/7
Fundamental factors • B is proxied by firm characteristics: • Market cap, leverage, E/P, liquidity, etc. • Taken from CAPM violations • Cross-sectional regressions for each t to estimate risk premia: Ri,t = λ0,t + b'iλK,t + ei,t • Alternative: factor-mimicking portfolios • Zero-investment portfolios: long/short position in stocks with high/low value of the attribute EFM 2006/7
Fama and French(1993) "Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds" • Identify risk factors in stock and bond markets • Factors for stocks are size and book-to-market • In contrast to Fama&French (1992): time series tests • Factors for bonds are term structure variables • Links between stock and bond factors EFM 2006/7
Data • All non-financial firms in NYSE, AMEX, and (after 1972) NASDAQ in 1963-1991 • Monthly return data (CRSP) • Annual financial statement data (COMPUSTAT) • Used with a 6m gap • Market index: the CRSP value-wtd portfolio of stocks in the three exchanges EFM 2006/7
Methodology • Stock market factors: • Market: RM-RF • Size: ME • Book-to-market equity: BE/ME • Bond market factors: • TERM = (Return on Long-term Gvt Bonds) – (T-bill rate) • DEF = (Return on Corp Bonds) – (Return on Long-term Gvt Bonds) EFM 2006/7
Constructing factor-mimicking portfolios • In June of each year t, break stocks into: • Two size groups: Small / Big (below/above median) • Three BE/ME groups: Low (bottom 30%) / Medium / High (top 30%) • Compute monthly VW returns of 6 size-BE/ME portfolios for the next 12 months • Factor-mimicking portfolios: zero-investment • Size: SMB = 1/3(SL+SM+SH) – 1/3(BL+BM+BH) • BE/ME: HML = 1/2(BH+SH) – 1/2(BL+SL) EFM 2006/7
The returns to be explained • 25 stock portfolios • In June of each year t, stocks are sorted by size (current ME) and (independently) by BE/ME (as of December of t-1) • Using NYSE quintile breakpoints, all stocks are allocated to one of 5 size portfolios and one of 5 BE/ME portfolios • From July of t to June of t+1, monthly VW returns of 25 size-BE/ME portfolios are computed • 7 bond portfolios • 2 gvt portfolios: 1-5y, 6-10y maturity • 5 corporate bond portfolios: Aaa, Aa, A, Baa, below Baa EFM 2006/7
Time-series tests • Regressions of excess asset returns on factor returns: ri,t = ai + b’irf,t + εi,t • Common variation: slopes and R2 • Pricing: intercepts EFM 2006/7
Results • Table 2: summary statistics • RM-RF, SMB, and HML: high mean and std, (marginally) significant • TERM, DEF: low mean, but high volatility • SMB & HML are almost uncorrelated (-0.08) • RM-RF is positively correlated with SMB (0.32) and negatively with HML (-0.38) EFM 2006/7
Results on common variation • Table 3: explanatory power of bond-market factors • The slopes are higher for stocks, similar to those for long-term bonds • TERM coefficients rise with bond maturity • Small stocks and low-grade bonds are more sensitive to DEF • R2 is higher for bonds EFM 2006/7
Results on common variation(cont.) • Table 4: explanatory power of the market factor • R2 for stocks is much higher, up to 0.9 for small low BE/ME stocks • The slopes for bonds are small, but highly significant, rising with maturity and riskiness • Table 5: explanatory power of SMB and HML • Significant slopes and quite high R2 for stocks • Typically insignificant slopes and zero R2 for bonds EFM 2006/7
Results on common variation(cont.) • Table 6: explanatory power of RM-RF, SMB and HML • Slopes for stocks are highly significant, R2 is typically over 0.9 • Market betas move toward one • The SMB and HML slopes for bonds become significant • Table 7: five-factor regressions • Stocks: stock factors remain significant, but kill significance of bond factors • Bonds: bond factors remain significant, stock factors become much less important • RM-RF help to explain high-grade bonds • SMB and HML help to explain low-grade bonds EFM 2006/7
Results on common variation(cont.) • Orthogonalization of the market factor: RM-RF=0.5+0.44SMB-0.63HML+0.81TERM+0.79DEF+e • All coefficients are significant, R2=0.38 • The market factor captures common variation in stock and bond markets! • Orthogonalized market factor: RMO = const + error • Table 8: five-factor regressions with RMO • Stocks: bond factors become highly significant EFM 2006/7
Results on pricing • Table 9a, stocks • TERM, DEF: positive intercepts • RM-RF: size effect • SMB, HML: big positive intercepts • RM-RF, SMB, HML: most intercepts are 0 • Adding bond factors does not improve EFM 2006/7
Results on pricing(cont.) • Table 9b, bonds • TERM, DEF: positive intercepts for gvt bonds • RM-RF or SMB with HML make intercepts insignificant • Increased precision due to TERM and DEF explains positive intercepts in a five-factor model • Table 9c, F-test • Joint test for zero intercepts rejects the null for all models • The best model for stocks is a model with three stock factors EFM 2006/7
Diagnostics • Time series regressions of residuals from the five-factor model on D/P, default spread, term spread, and short-term interest rates • No evidence of predictability! • Table 10, time series regressions of residuals on January dummy • January seasonals are weak, mostly for small and high BE/ME stocks • Except for TERM, there are January seasonals in risk factors, esp. in SMB and HML EFM 2006/7
Split-sample tests • Each of the size-BE/ME portfolios is split into two halves • One is used to form factors • Another is used as dependent variables in regressions • Similar results EFM 2006/7
Other sets of portfolios • Portfolios formed on E/P • Zero intercepts • Portfolios formed on D/P • The only unexplained portfolio: D=0, a=-0.23 EFM 2006/7
Conclusions • There is an overlap between processes in stock and bond markets • Bond market factors capture common variation in stock and bond returns, though explain almost no average excess stock returns • Three-factor model with the market, size, and book-to-market factors explains well stock returns • SMB and HML explain the cross differences • RM-RF explains why stock returns are on average above the T-bill rate • Two bond factors explain well variation in bond returns • SMB and HML help to explain variation of low-grade bonds EFM 2006/7
Fama and French(1995) "Size and book-to-market factors in earnings and returns" • There are size and book-to-market factors in earnings which proxy for relative distress • Strong firms with persistently high earnings have low BE/ME • Small stocks tend to be less profitable • There is some relation between common factors in earnings and return variation EFM 2006/7
Fama and French(1996) "Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies" • Run time-series regressions for decile portfolios based on sorting by E/P, C/P, sales, past returns • The three-factor model explains all anomalies but one-year momentum effect • Interpretation of the three-factor model in terms of the underlying portfolios M, S, B, H, and L: spanning tests • M and B are highly correlated (0.99) • Excess returns of any three of M, S, H, and L explain the fourth • Different triplets of the excess returns for M, S, H, and L provide similar results in explaining stock returns • This is taken as evidence of multifactor ICAPM or APT EFM 2006/7
Discussionof fundamental factors • High predictive power • Dynamic • Though: data-intensive • Widely applied: • Portfolio selection and risk management • Performance evaluation • Measuring abnormal returns in event studies • Estimating the cost of capital EFM 2006/7