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2/13. Politics. Analyze the following Wordles . What are the differences between the two? What similarities exist?. State of the Union. #SOTU. GOP Response. WHAT ARE YOU? •What is a ……. Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Libertarian Reactionary. Intro to Political Ideologies.
2/13 Politics
Analyze the following Wordles. • What are the differences between the two? • What similarities exist? State of the Union
WHAT ARE YOU? •What is a ……. Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Libertarian Reactionary Intro to Political Ideologies
There are various different opinions about what is actually being measured along this axis: • Whether the state should prioritize equality or liberty. • Whether the government's involvement with the economy should be interventionist or laissez-faire • Whether the government should be secular and separate itself from religious beliefs or should take a stance of religious morality. • Whether one embraces change or prefers status quo. • Whether human nature and society is malleable or fixed. • Support for the economic interests of the poor or the rich. What does the political spectrum help us measure?
What is a … 1. Radical 2. Liberal 3. Moderate 4. Conservative 5. Reactionary The Political Spectrum
HUMAN NATURE- Conservatives tend to be pessimistic about human nature LAW & ORDER- Conservatives stress law & order; believe morality needs to be regulated to ensure safety; prodeath penalty; prison should be punitive WORLD VIEW- Conservatives tend to be isolationists; worry about home front before anyone else; anti U.N. ECONOMICS- Conservatives support economic freedoms, laissez faire policies, pro business, and supply side economics; against high taxes GENERAL VIEWPOINTS- Conservatives stress traditional family values, supports private schools; strong military and defense The Conservative
HUMAN NATURELiberals tend to be optimistic about human nature and its potential LAW & ORDERLiberals promote civil rights and liberties, Group Rights; affirmative action; against government regulating morality; anti death penalty WORLD VIEWLiberals tend to be internationalists, working to aid human suffering globally; pro U.N. ECONOMICSLiberals support government intervention in economic affairs, pro laborer; taxation used to support programs and redistribute wealth GENERAL VIEWPOINTSLiberals support environmental programs; separation of church/state; supports government intervention The Liberal
The Moderate takes no definitive position on any issue • Moderates pick and choose their viewpoints • Tend to favor status quo and desire no change • Tend to be independent in their political perspectives The Moderate
Desires immediate, progressive (new) change (violent if necessary) • Desires ultimate sense of equality (everyone is the same) • Government can be the instrument that ensures that equality among all The Radical
Believes in ultimate individualism • Believes in minimal government intervention- • Minimal taxes, minimal government regulation • Government control of the economy should be minimal. • As long as actions do not harm others, they should be legal. Freedom and rights cannot be compromised Libertarian
Desires immediate, retrogressive change (violent if necessary) • Extremely racist, xenophobic, and isolationist The Reactionary
The government should forcibly remove all non white citizens to their original homelands and go back to the days when immigration was strictly limited. • A. Conservative • B. Liberal • C. Libertarian • D. Reactionary DO YOU KNOW
The government needs to take over health care in America in order to ensure everyone has insurance and can afford it. • A. Conservative • B. Liberal • C. Libertarian • D. Radical DO YOU KNOW??
The U.S. should support government humanitarian aid, such as food relief and loans to poor countries all over the world. • A. Conservative • B. Liberal • C. Libertarian • D. Radical DO YOU KNOW??
Income & Occupation • Education • Sex & Age • Religious/Ethnic Background • Geography • Family • Registration What factors control the way people vote?
Income & Occupation In General •As income increases, more likely to vote •Government employees tend to vote in large numbers • Lower income brackets- Vote Liberal • Middle to Upper- Vote Conservative • Labor- Liberal • White Collar- Conservative
Education • As education increases, more likely to vote • College tends to liberalize people
In General •As you get older, tendency to vote increases •As you get older, tend to become more conservative •Women tend to vote in larger numbers than men •Younger population tends to be a weak group because of their lack to vote Women do not firmly commit to one party; gender gap comes and goes; lean Democratic “Soccer Mom” phenomena Sex & Age
Religious/Ethnic Background In General •Whites tend to vote in larger percentages than blacks •Those who claim to be religious tend to vote more often • Blacks- Democratic (‘00: 90% Gore) • Jewish/Catholic: tend to be Democratic • Protestant: Republican • Hispanics: Have played larger role in politics http://www.gallup.com/poll/154559/us-presidential-election-center.aspx
South tends to be strong conservative; thus Republican • Northerners more likely to vote than Southerner • New England & Sun Belt: Republican • Northeast and Urban areas: Democratic • West: Liberal/Democratic • Midwest: “Bell Weather” States Geography
Family • Children tend to vote the same as parents • More registered Democrats • Independents are fastest growing segment of population
Voter Registration • Historically, minorities do not register to vote • Motor Voter Bill of 1993-eligible to vote when you register to receive/renew driver’s license • Increased minority registration
What are some different groups who can’t vote? • Why don’t some people vote. Have reasons in your notes Who Doesn’t/Can’t Vote
Which of the following is true of AGE and its connection to voting/political behavior? • A. As age increase you become more liberal • B. As age increases you become more conservative • C. As age increase you are less likely to vote • D. 18-24 is the age group with the highest voting percentage DO YOU KNOW??
Which of the following people are most likely to vote? • A. unmarried 27 year old union worker • B. 58 year old business executive • C. 33 year old single mother • D. 18 year old unemployed teenager DO YOU KNOW??
Which of the following are most likely to vote CONSERVATIVE? • A. A female union worker • B. A male Baptist preacher • C. An African American 18 year old • D. A Jewish female DO YOU KNOW??
An organization that connects people to the government- LINKAGE INSTITUTION • Share the same ideas of government • Members committed to party goals • Get candidates elected to office • Get laws passed to aid party goals • MAIN PURPOSE: DOMINATE GOVT- Want to dominate the Exec & Leg branches What is a Political Party?
“Political parties are organizations that try to win control of government by electing people to public office who carry the party label.” --Greenberg & Page Political Party Definition
Most countries have political parties • WHAT DOES THE UNITED STATES HAVE? • Party systems • One party • Two party • Multi-party Party Systems
Party and government are almost the same- China • One party’s members run for office • Head of government usually head of party • Party members recruit new party members • Party members given top government jobs One Party System
Two party system • Two major parties vie for office • Other minor parties exist • Major parties • Democratic Party • Republican Party U.S. Party System
Disagree on ways to meet goals • Major question: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT?-Democrats: Government should have major role-Republicans: Government should have minor role Differences
Can 2 parties meet all of the needs of the diverse population? • Eventually, major party incorporate minor groups and their ideas Disadvantages
Three or more parties- Japan, Israel • Advantage- More voter choice • Disadvantage- Voters divided • No party gets majority votes • Must form coalition government • Coalition may not work- • 50 governments in Italy since W.W.II Multi-Party System
People belong to a particular political party..... • A. According to regulations by State law. • B. Voluntarily, because they made a personal choice. • C. Based on the location of the State in which they live, • D. According to regulations by federal law. DO YOU KNOW??
The REPUBLICAN PARTY Who makes up the Republican Party Social Conservatives- Evangelical Christians Fiscal Conservatives- Keep Govt spending down National Defense Conservatives- Strong Army= Strong U.S.
The DEMOCRATIC PARTY Who makes up the Democratic Party Labor- Unions are a key Democratic group Hispanics, African Americans & other Minorities Women Urban Liberals
CULTURAL REASONS American Culture: Who you hang out with Parties are broad based TV/Internet SYSTEMATIC REASONS Federalism Sep. of Powers- PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM Why Are Parties Weak Today?
3rd PARTIES http://politics1.com/parties.htm
Which country has a one party system within its government? • A. The United States • B. Russia • C. Great Britain • D. China DO YOU KNOW???