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Current R&D Activities at the Institute of Isotopes Related to Nuclear Safeguards, Forensics and Environmental Monitoring (Introduction). A. Kovács Head Department of Radiation Safety akovacs@iki.kfki.hu. Institute of Isotopes ( founded in 1959).
Current R&D Activities at the Institute of IsotopesRelated to Nuclear Safeguards, Forensics and Environmental Monitoring(Introduction) A. Kovács Head Department of Radiation Safety akovacs@iki.kfki.hu
Institute of Isotopes (founded in 1959) R & D Institute Technical Support Organization Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Tasks: - Basic and applied research; - To support authority tasks for HAEA - Production, application, trade of radioactive materials - Technical assistance
Profile Changes in the Institute of Isotopes • Safeguards accountancy up to 1996 HAEA • Radioactive material registry IKI / HAEA Production (IoI Co.Ltd.) 1993 Institute of Isotopes ~ 400 employee R & D, service TSO Trading (IZINTA Co. Ltd.) 1985
Present R&D + Application Activities Catalytic reactions Radiation chemistry (waste water treatment) Fundamental research Nuclear physics (archeology; geology; dating) Radioactive tracer techniques (migration studies) Nuclear safeguards, forensics, environmental monitoring
Technical Assistance • Central registry of radioactive materials at national level; • Evaluation of license applications for packaging and transport of radioactive material • Security of radioactive sources • Safeguards verification of nuclear material • Identification and characterization of illicit nuclear material • Studies of radiation resistance of material and equipment
Present R&D Activities: Safeguards Quantitative assay of neutron sources (e.g. Pu-Be) Measurement of damaged spent fuel Safeguards oriented developments Age determination of U samples reprocessing enrichment Measurement of fresh fuel Swipe (bulk) samples Single particle analysis Characterization of spent fuel assemblies Burn-up distribution
Present R&D Activities: Nuclear Forensics Identification, categorization, characterization and securingillicit nuclear material: • Characterization of seized uranium samples • Assay of Pu in Pu-Be sources • Age determination of U samples • Presence of reprocessed U • Isotopics determination • Study of detectability with interfering radioactive sources and shielding
Present R&D Activities: Nuclear Forensics • Assay of nuclear material by PGAA • Mass spectrometry for the analysis of nuclear material of unknown origin • Retrospective dosimetry • Swipe analysis
Present R&D Activities: Environmental Monitoring • Analysis of environmental samples: long-lived radioactive nuclides • Environmental swipe samples (bulk analysis) • Single particle analysis (LA-ICP-MS)
Main facilities, equipments, techniques, laboratories • Gamma spectrometry (HPGe, CdZnTe,NaJ) • Neutron coincidence counting • Mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) • Cold neutron beam (PGAA) • Linear electron accelerator (pulsed neutron source) • Chemical and TL/OSL (retrospective) dosimetry • Scanning electron microscope (with XRF tube) • In collaboration within the research campus: - α- spectrometry; - X-ray fluorescence; - Particle induced X-ray emission;
Thank you for your attention! A. Kovacs akovacs@iki.kfki.hu