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PÉTERDI, Bálint; BENDŐ, Zsolt; SZAKMÁNY, György; KASZTOVSZKY, Zsolt: Possible sources of nephrite artefacts found on Hungarian archaeological sites ( preliminary results ). Nephrite artefacts from Hungarian sites. Cca. 25 pcs . 10 pcs . Nephrite artefacts from Hungarian sites.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PÉTERDI, Bálint; BENDŐ, Zsolt; SZAKMÁNY, György; KASZTOVSZKY, Zsolt: Possiblesources of nephriteartefactsfoundon Hungarianarchaeologicalsites (preliminaryresults)

  2. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  3. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  4. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  5. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  6. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  7. NephriteartefactsfromHungariansites Cca. 25 pcs. 10 pcs.

  8. Classificationaccordingtonephriteformationaltypes (basedonbulk rock chemistry, measuredwith PGAA)

  9. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type 1: „pure” tremolite-nephritewith minor magnetite, limonite, ± ilmenite, ± pseudomorphsafterpyroxenes

  10. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type 1: „pure” tremolite-nephritewith minor magnetite, limonite, ± ilmenite, ± pseudomorphsafterpyroxenes

  11. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type 2: „pure” actinolite-nephrite with minor magnetite, limonite, ± ilmenite Type3: „pure” nephrite (act + trem) with minor chlorite, ± pseudomorphsafterpyroxenes

  12. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type 4: actinolite-nephritewithchlorite, relictclinopyroxenes (diopside), pseudomorphsafterpyroxenes, spinel (chromite), garnet (grossular), (magnetite, limonite, ± apatite, ± titanite)

  13. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type 4: actinolite-nephritewithchlorite, relictclinopyroxenes (diopside), pseudomorphsafterpyroxenes, spinel (chromite), garnet (grossular), (magnetite, limonite, ± apatite, ± titanite)

  14. Microscopicfeatures (fabric, enclosedminerals, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”) Type5: nephrite (tremolite ± aktinolite) withchlorite, relictclinopyroxenes, spinel (chromite), butwithoutgarnet

  15. Microscopicfeatures (main amphiboltype, measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod”)

  16. Nephritesourcesin Europe

  17. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  18. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  19. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  20. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  21. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  22. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  23. Nephritesourceswith detaileddescriptions and/or chemicaldata (Switzerland, boundaries of theBohemianMassif

  24. Nephritesourcesin Europe ?

  25. Classificationaccordingtonephriteformationaltypes, comparingartefactswithpossiblesources (basedonbulk rock chemistry, fromreferencedata and new PGAA data)

  26. Microscopicfeatures (main amphiboltype, comparingartefactswithpossiblesources measuredwithnon-destructive SEM-EDX, the „originalsurfacemethod” and also EPMA forthegeologicalsources)

  27. Most probablesources (preliminaryresults)

  28. Most probablesources (preliminaryresults) Jordanów Mur-river? Oberhalbstein

  29. Acknowledgements Weareindebtedtothearchaeologistsfor affording us the opportunity to study the artefacts (especiallyfor Katalin T. Biró, Tünde Horváth, Erzsébet Nagy, Szilvia Honti, Péter Németh, Judit P. Barna, Csilla Száraz, László Hotváth, Judit Regenye, Marcella Nagy, Ádám Kőszegi, Gábor Ilon, Gyula Kerékgyártó, Ernő Wolf). Wewanttothankthecolleagues and othersforhelpingusinourworkinmanyways (especiallyforVeronika Szilágyi, Katalin Gméling, Boglárka Maróti, Ágnes Veres, Emma P. Szabó, Zoltán Lantos, Péter Papp). Wearegratefultoallthescientists, whoseworkswereusedasreference (Belgya T., Bendő Zs., Bradák B., Cheng H.S., Cholewa P., D’Amico C., De Quervain F., Dietrich V., Dobosi G., Foltyn E. M., Foltyn E., Friedel O., Füri J., Gan F.X., Gasparotto G., Ghedini M., Giess H., Gunia P., Heierli J., Horváth T., Jochemczyk L., Józsa S., Judik K., Kalkowsky E., KasztovszkyZs., Kis Z., Kostov, R.I., KovářJ.J., Kuča M., Majerowicz A., Meyer A.B., Molnár M., Péterdi B., Preiswerk H., Přichystal A., RévayZs., Sachs A., Schmidt C., Schneider A., Skoczylas J., Starnini E., S. Svingor É., Staub R., Szakmány Gy., Szentmiklósi L., Szilágyi V., SzolgayZs., T. Biró K., Traube H., Welter O.A., Wojciechowski W., Wojcik A., Zentai L., Zhang Z.W.) Special thanks go to the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA Grant No. K 62874 and K 100385 for their financial support.

  30. Thankyouforyourattention!

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