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Journey of Bud: Finding Family and Identity

Follow Bud, a skinny boy with a suitcase, on his adventure to find his father in Flint and Grand Rapids. Encounter colorful characters like Quick-witted Lefty Luis and Serious Herman E. Calloway. Discover Bud's escapades with the Amoses and his quest to reunite with his dad. Will Bud catch the train? Find out in this captivating story of resilience and hope.

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Journey of Bud: Finding Family and Identity

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  1. Bud,Not Buddy Joey Torres

  2. Bud • “A little bit on the skinny side” • Physical characteristic • This shows you thathe is skinny and does not eat alot. • Bud always carried around a brow suitcase.

  3. Lefty Luis • “ Quick witted but has a sense of humor.”(pg. 51) • Personality Characteristic. • He knows how to get out of trouble but jokes a lot.

  4. Herman E. Calloway • Very Old with a little sense of humor. • Personality Characteristic • He is very serious and at first he denies that Bud is his son.

  5. Setting • A little poor town called Flint. • The people ate at missions if they couldn’t afford food.

  6. Setting • Grand Rapids Michigan. • Sunniest town in all of Michigan (pg.47) • This shows you that at the time it was a very active and cheerful town.

  7. Bud and the Amoses • Bud Has been moved to a home with a family to try it out but this new family isn’t working out so well, first of all the Amoses’s son Todd woke bud up with a fist! Well Todd had an asthma attack right as Mrs. Amoses walked in!

  8. Bud and the run away train. • Bud has no choice but to run away from the foster home! He decides to sleep under a pine tree by the library.He wakes up to his friend Bugs! Bugs convinces Bud to catch a train that is heading out west.But they don’t actualy have tickets for the train so they’re going to have to make a run for it!

  9. The search for daddy • Bud is hitch hiking to try and find his long lost dad Herman E. Calloway. When a red Chevy truck stops and the driving. Bud dove into a nearby bush. But the driver spots him.The driver offers Bud a soda and a bologna and mustard sandwich. Later bud gets in the car because he is so hungry. The man introduces himself as Lefty Luis. He asks bud Where he is going. Bud says the Grand rapids because that’s where his momma said that his dad lives. When he gets to a the adress it turns out to be a music studio.He tfinds the man in the picture in the back of a group of people with Insruments. But when he talks to his dad. He says that Bud is not his son!

  10. Story Critique • I thought my book was very cool and exciting,Because it has a good story line. • People Who like books about Children that run away from foster homes will like this book. • Will Bud catch the train? What will happen to bud with the Amoses? Will bud find his dad? Read Bud, Not Buddy to find out!

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