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Julie J. Dubeau Canadian Defence Academy BILC CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, May 20-24 2007

Are We All On the Same Page? An Exploratory Study of OPI Ratings Across NATO Countries Using the NATO STANAG 6001 Scale*. Julie J. Dubeau Canadian Defence Academy BILC CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, May 20-24 2007

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Julie J. Dubeau Canadian Defence Academy BILC CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, May 20-24 2007

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  1. Are We All On the Same Page?An Exploratory Study of OPI RatingsAcross NATO CountriesUsing the NATO STANAG 6001 Scale* Julie J. Dubeau Canadian Defence Academy BILC CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, May 20-24 2007 *This research was conducted as an MA Thesis, Carleton University, September 06

  2. Presentation Outline • Context • Research Questions • Literature Review • Methodology • Results • Ratings • Raters • Scale use • Conclusion

  3. NATO Language Testing Context • Standardized Language Profile (SLP) based on the NATO STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENT (NATO STANAG) 6001 Language Proficiency Levels • 26 NATO countries, 20 Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries • Interoperability is essential

  4. Research Questions • The overarching research question was: How comparable or consistent are ratings across NATO raters and countries?

  5. Research Questions • Research questions pertaining to the ratings (RQ1) • Research questions pertaining raters’ training and background (RQ2) • Research questions pertaining to the rating process and to the scale (RQ3)

  6. Literature Review • Testing Constructs • What are we testing? • Rater Variance • How do raters vary?

  7. Methodology • Design of study : Exploratory survey • Participants : Recruited at Sofia BILC 05 • 103 raters from 18 countries and 2 NATO units • Control group

  8. Methodology • Instrumentation & Procedure & Analysis • Rater data questionnaire • 2 Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPIs) A & B • Questionnaire accompanying each sample OPI

  9. Methodology • Analysis • Rating comparisons • Original ratings • ‘Plus’ ratings • Rater comparisons • Training • Background

  10. Methodology • Country to country comparisons • Within country dispersion • Rating process • Rating factors • Rater/scale interaction • Scale user-friendliness

  11. Results RQ1- Summary • Ratings : To compare OPIs ratings in NATO countries, and to explore the efficacy of ‘plus levels’ or plus ratings. • Some rater-to-rater differences • ‘Plus’ levels brought ratings closer to the mean • Some country-to-country differences • Greater ‘within-country’ dispersion • Low correlation between samples A & B

  12. ResultsAll Ratings for Sample A (level 1)

  13. ResultsAll Ratings (with +) for Sample A

  14. View of OPI ratings sample A Adjusted scores with ‘pluses’ 60 Within L1 range Within L2 range Within L3 range 50 40 Count 60 30 32 20 10 10 1 0 within level 1 within level 2 within level 3 Stacked view of A

  15. All Countries’ Means for Sample A 19 20 18 17 16 15 Country numbers 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 Overall Country Mean

  16. ResultsAll Ratings for Sample B (level 2)

  17. View of OPI ratings sample B

  18. All Countries’ Means for Sample B

  19. Samples A & B • A Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient ρ = .57 • A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r = .55 = low statistical correlations between the two sets of data (Samples A & B) = no consistency from raters

  20. Results RQ2- Summary • Raters: To investigate rater training and scale training and see how (or if) they impacted the ratings, and to explore how various background characteristics impacted the ratings • Trained raters scored within the mean, especially for sample B • Experienced raters did not do as well as scale-trained raters • Full-time raters closer to mean • ‘New’ NATO raters closer to mean • No difference in ratings btwn NS & NNS raters

  21. Tester (Rater) Training 70 60 50 40 Frequency 63.27% 30 20 36.73% 10 0 none to little substantial to lots

  22. Rating B and Tester Training Crosstabulation Summary of Tester Trg Total Little Lots Score B correct? Yes No Missing Total 14 20 2 36 14 20 2 36 44 14 4 62 58 34 6 98

  23. STANAG Scale Training 60 50 40 Percent 60.0% 30 40.0% 20 10 0 none to little substantial to lots

  24. Rating B and STANAG Training Crosstabulation Summary of STANAG Trg Total Little Lots Rating B correct? Yes No Missing Total 14 20 2 36 28 24 5 57 29 8 1 38 57 32 6 95

  25. Years Experience 50 40 30 Frequency 49.5% 20 19.8% 10 15.84% 14.85% 0 0 to 1 year 2 to 3 years 4 to 5 years 5 years +

  26. Rating B and 4 Yrs Experience Crosstabulation Experience Total 3 yrs or less 4 yrs or more Rating B correct? Yes No Missing Total 14 20 2 36 26 6 3 35 34 29 3 66 60 35 6 101

  27. Results Raters’ Background • Work in Testing Full-time? • Yes 34 (33.0 %) • No 67 (65.0 %) • Full-time testers more reliable • 60% were NNS • 53% were from ‘older’ NATO countries

  28. ‘Old’ & ‘New’ NATO Countries Rating B Correct? Total Yes No Other/Missing New NATO? Yes No Total 14 20 2 36 27 27 54 6 26 32 4 2 6 37 55 92

  29. ‘Old’ & ‘New’ NATO Countries Summary of Tester Trg Total Little Lots New NATO?Yes No Total 14 20 2 36 6 23 29 30 28 58 36 51 87

  30. Results RQ3- Summary • Scale: To explore the ways in which raters used the various STANAG statements and rating factors to arrive at their ratings. • Rating process did not affect ratings significantly • Rating factors not equal everywhere • 3 main ‘types’ of raters emerged: • Evidence-based • Intuitive • Extra-contextual

  31. Results • An ‘evidenced-based’ rating for Sample B (level 2): This candidate’s performance cannot be rated as 2+. Grammatical/structural control is inadequate and does not rise above (even occasionally) into the upper level. Mispronunciation detracts from the delivery and can be problematic. No evidence of well-controlled but extended discourse. No clear evidence of the use of even some complex structures that might raise the performance to the + level. Finally, there is no evidence that the performance rises and crosses into level 3. (Rater 36)

  32. Results • An ‘intuitive’ rating for Sample A (level 1): I would say that just about every single sentence in the interpretation of the level 2 speaking could be applied to this man. And because of that I would say that he is literally at the top of level 2. He is on the verge of level 3 literally. So I would automatically up him to a low 3. (Rater 1)

  33. Results • An ‘extra-contextual’ rating for Sample A (level 1): I wouldn’t give him a 2 plus but I would give him a 3 minus. I have to admit that I am basing that decision on the fact that by demonstrating he is a high 2 in every single aspect of the description of a level 2, I would give him a sort of vote of confidence that in any job abroad he might have a hard time at first but I think he could handle really working in the language. (Rater 1)

  34. Results • An ‘extra-contextual’ rating for Sample A (level 1): Yes! I would be happy to give him a 1+. Since we do not use ‘plus levels’ I am afraid that rating him as a clear 1 would disadvantage him and, for this reason, I would rather give him a very low 2. (Rater 20)

  35. Results • An ‘extra-contextual’ rating for Sample A (level 1): I got to question 7 and re-read the STANAG document and now I think ‘2’ is more appropriate.(Rater 95) *** Level 3 is the basic level needed for officers in (my country). I think the candidate could perform the tasks required of him. He could easily be bulldozed by native speakers in a meeting, but would hold his own with non-native speakers. He makes mistakes that very rarely distort meaning and are rarely disturbing. (Rater 95)

  36. Results • Control group: • Comparable ratings to lesser trained group of participants • Evidence-based ratings

  37. Implications • Plus levels beneficial • Training uneven • Frequent re-training • Different grids • Institutional perspectives

  38. Limitations & Future Research • OPIs new to some participants • Future research could: • Get participants to test • Investigate rating grids • Look at other skills

  39. Conclusion So, are we all on the same page? YES! BUT… • Plus levels were instrumental in bridging gap • Training was found to be key to reliability • More in-country norming should be the first step toward international benchmarking

  40. Thank You! Questions? Are We All On the Same Page?An Exploratory Study of OPI RatingsAcross NATO CountriesUsing the NATO STANAG 6001 Scale Julie J. Dubeau Dubeau.JJ@forces.gc.ca The full thesis is available on the CDA website http://cda.mil.ca/dpd/engraph/services/lang/lang_e.asp (A condensed article is also forthcoming)

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