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NCSI Program Goals. Enhance Supplier experience with the Nadcap process through educationIntroduce Supplier to tools availableDescribe
1. Nadcap Customer Support Initiative (NCSI)
2. NCSI Program Goals Enhance Supplier experience with the Nadcap process through education
Introduce Supplier to tools available
Describe & affirm Nadcap expectations
Reduce the average number of nonconformances (NCR’s)
Reduce cycle time (time from audit to accreditation)
Increase number of Suppliers on Merit program
3. Important NCSI Slides Audit Process 18 - 22
Websites 23,102
ITAR/EAR 26 - 30
Supplier Merit 31 - 34
Failure Policy 35 - 37
Quality System 48 - 49
Supplier Advisory 71 - 72
NCR Responses/RCCA 73 - 94
Nadcap Meeting Information 99-101 3
4. NCSI Agenda 4
5. Nadcap Defined The leading, worldwide cooperative program of major companies designed to manage a cost effective consensus approach to special processes and products and provide continual improvement within the aerospace industry. 5
6. Nadcap Members PRI is a wholely owned subsidiary of the Society of Automotive Engineers. All PRI programs are based on the consensus standards of such internationally recognized organizations as SAE and ISO.PRI is a wholely owned subsidiary of the Society of Automotive Engineers. All PRI programs are based on the consensus standards of such internationally recognized organizations as SAE and ISO.
7. PRI/Nadcap Organizational Structure 7
8. 2009 PRI Board of Directors Robert Briggs
General Manager Supply Chain Quality
GE Transportation
Wayne Brown
Director, BCA Supplier Quality
Scott Collinge
Director, Business & General Aviation Customer Quality
David Handley
Head of Quality
BAE Systems Military Air Solutions
Lawrence Jenkins
Executive Vice President, Quality & Supplier Development
Rolls-Royce, plc
Mario Langlois
Quality DIrector
Joël Remond
VP Quality & Continuous Improvement
8 Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.
9. PRI/Nadcap Organizational Structure 9
10. 2009 NMC(Nadcap Management Council)
Rosella Andreozzi
Alenia Aeronautica SpA
Michael Bath
Pascal Blondet
Robert Bodemuller
Ball Aerospace & Tech.
Christian Buck
Robert Bodemuller
Ball Aerospace & Tech.
David Burger
Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Mark Cathey
Spirit AeroSystems
Chet Date
Honeywell Aerospace
Jim Diamond
Hill AFB
Peter Feind
John Haddock
BAE Systems – Military Air Soln.
10 Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all NADCAP initiatives.Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all NADCAP initiatives.
11. Nadcap Management Council (NMC) – Supplier Voting Members Corwyn Berger (MTL)
Bodycote Testing Group
Mark Brown (AQS)
Braddock Metallurgical Inc.
Miguel Gerdel (Composites)
Thermal Structures, Inc.
David Eshelman – (Fasteners)
The Young Engineers
11 Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.
12. PRI/Nadcap Organizational Structure 12
13. Supplier Support Committee Leadership Team (SSC LT) Stephane Chaumeil, Europe Sector Rep
Suzanna DeMoss, Americas Sector Rep
-Advanced Chemistry & Technology
Paul Evans, Europe Sector Rep
Sarah Fuqua, Secretary
-Kearfott Corporation
Eric Jacklin, Chairperson
-F.M. Callahan & Son
13 Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.Industry representatives set the strategic direction for all Nadcap initiatives.
14. Nadcap Audit Defined 14
15. 15
16. NCSI Agenda 16
17. Begin the Process: Initial Steps 17
18. 18
19. 19
20. 20
21. 21
22. NIP 7-04 Accreditation Term Supplier term of accreditation begins in conjunction with the audit date, not the issue date of the certificate.
Accreditation terms are tied to the Nadcap quarterly cycles
Reference NIP 7-04 (available on www.eAuditNet.com under User Documents)
23. Where to Begin and End www.eAuditNet.com
Resources/Documents/Public Documents
Change of address/Contact sheet (t-frm-11)
eAuditNet Supplier Guide & Pre & Post-Audit Tutorials
Preparatory Instructions (t-frm-02) – copy attached at each commodity location
Audit Handbooks
Miscellaneous Task Group reference and training documents (Auditor training presentations, Pyrometry Reference Guide, etc.)
User Documents
Nadcap, Supplier Info
SSC page – contact details, mentoring and more
PRI/Nadcap from a Supplier Perspective
Root Cause Corrective Action Tools/Training materials and dates
Check both sites often – updates made frequently 23
24. User Documents – Important to Read! PRI/Nadcap Internal Procedures (NIP’s) - Documents detailing specific procedures by which PRI/Nadcap Staff operates. Example; Balloting; audit report processing; pre-assessment audits, etc.
Nadcap Operating Procedures (NOP’s) - Documents detailing the specific procedures by which Nadcap operates. Example; Audit Failure, Supplier Merit, Supplier Advisories, etc.
Nadcap Task Group Operating Procedures (NTGOP’s) Documents developed by PRI describing the scope and general operating procedures for each specific PRI/Nadcap commodity program. Example; NTGOP-001, Appendix 1 = NDT 24
25. 25
26. NIP 7-07 EC-LR/Restricted* Materials and Information May 13 2008 The US government has determined that certain products, processes and technical information must be controlled.
The documents which control this are:
ITAR – International Traffic in Arms Regulation
EAR – Export Administration Regulations
Exports can occur by seeing or discussing controlled material in addition to obtaining copies of the material 26
27. NIP 7-07Export Controlled Materials and Information The Nadcap process uses both Unrestricted and Restricted personnel (auditors and Staff Engineers) on Nadcap audits
Unrestricted auditors are either US citizens or green card holders
Restricted auditors is all others.
US citizen auditors (Unrestricted) are allowed access to EC-LR materials anywhere in the world without a license
Restricted auditors are not allowed access to EC-LR/Restricted materials anywhere in the world unless they are listed on a license
Suppliers must know the status of the PRI personnel & keep any Export Controlled material away from Restricted/Unlicensed personnel
Auditor status can be found in eAuditNet next to auditors name for assigned audit
Best way to determine the rest of PRI Staff status is to ask them
28. Determine whether you have material, products, technology or information which requires a license or is otherwise restricted by the ITAR or EAR.
Contact your customers to be certain.
If you have product, information or any other materials restricted by the ITAR or EAR, you must indicate such by answering the ITAR/EAR question “YES” after accepting the supplier agreement when the audit is scheduled. This alerts PRI Scheduling as to whether ITAR/EAR controlled work exists – and guides the assignment of the auditor. Supplier Responsibilities 28
29. Supplier Responsibilities (Con’t) General information on Export Control can be found in eAuditNet (Public Documents) and on the Supplier page of the Nadcap website (www.pri-network.org)
Suppliers cannot post or reveal any technical details on EC-LR/Restricted parts in response to any findings in eAuditNet including attachments 29
30. Supplier Responsibilities (Con’t) EC-LR materials and information is not allowed at Nadcap meetings. At Nadcap meetings ensure that no information is discussed or presented to anyone which is EC-LR/Restricted.
Contact your prime customer if you have any question about the status of information as to Export Control. 30
31. Supplier Merit (NOP-008) The Supplier Merit Program awards reduced scope and/or extended frequency audits to suppliers based on performance.
Initial audits shall have an accreditation period of 12 months from the first quarter in which it is eligible for review. The first reaccrediation audit shall have an accreditation period of 12 months from the previous expiration. Subsequent reaccreditation audit accreditations shall be either 12, 18, or 24 months based on supplier ability to meet eligibility
Each Task Group shall reach consensus on supplier’s eligibility for participation in the Supplier Merit program.
Supplier merit is visible on the QML.
32. Supplier Merit (NOP-008) – Additional Requirements To be eligible for an 18 month accreditation, the supplier must meet the following criteria:
Successfully completed Initial and 2 Reaccreditation audits (Merit may be granted for accreditation of 2nd reaccreditation audit)
No Non-Sustaining Corrective actions identified on current or previous audit
No VCA Audits as a result of current or previous audit
No Product Escapes or Level 2 or 3 Supplier Advisories during current or previous audit
No more than 14 Days of Cumulative Supplier Delinquency
Any other justifiable reason agreed to by Task Group
33. Supplier Merit – Additional Requirements (listed in NTGOP) To be eligible for a 24 month accreditation, the supplier must meet the following criteria:
Previous two accreditations must have been for a minimum of 18 months each
No Non-Sustaining Corrective actions identified on current or previous audit
No VCA Audits as a result of current or previous audit
No Product Escapes or Level 2 or 3 Supplier Advisories during current or previous audit
No major findings
No more than 7 Days of Cumulative Supplier Delinquency
Any other justifiable reason agreed to by Task Group
34. Metric: Supplier Merit Status (MOS #8)
35. Failure Policy (NOP-011) Modes of Failure:
A - Supplier stops audit
B – Excessive number of findings
C - Severity of findings
D - Too many review cycles to complete
E – Nonresponsiveness by Supplier
Criteria are not automatic failure points.
Only 4% of all audits conducted in 2007 resulted in failure.
Staff Engineer will contact Task Group if a certain criteria is reached.
Specific criteria determined by Task Group and listed in NOP-011 appendix.
36. Failure Policy (NOP-011) Criteria Samples 36
37. Failure Policy (NOP-011) Criteria Samples If an audit meets criteria:
PRI will perform actions as stated in NOP-011 including notifying the Task Group who will review the information to determine if the audit review process should be concluded and the audit failed
If an audit is failed:
You must wait a minimum of three months before another audit will be conducted
You must demonstrate corrective actions to the auditor on site at the time of the new audit
38. Sample Average Findings 38
39. Average Number of Total Findings Compared to Maximum Number of Total Findings 39
40. Average Cycles Compared to Maximum Number of Cycles 40
41. Metric: Audit Review Cycle Time - Initial
42. Sample Average Findings 42
43. Average Number of Total Findings Compared to Maximum Number of Total Findings 43
44. Average Cycles Compared to Maximum Number of Cycles 44
45. Metric: Audit Review Cycle Time -Reaccred
46. Agenda 46
47. Relationship between Audit Documents 47
48. Quality System Approval Before you can receive a Nadcap special process accreditation, your quality system must be approved:
Nadcap recognized quality systems approvals:
AS9003 and AS/EN/JISQ 9100 quality system approvals performed by approved registrars - listed in the IAQG Oasis database. (www.iaqg.org/oasis). Product groups require AS9100.
ISO/IEC 17025 for testing laboratories (AC7101), must cover the Nadcap scope of accreditation and be from an approved NACLA/ILAC accreditation body.
If you have neither of these, you will need a Nadcap AQS audit to AC7004 or AC7006 (labs) to support the special process accreditation.
Refer to NOP-002 in www.eAuditNet.com. 48
49. Quality System Approval (Cont’d) 49
50. Pre-Assessment Audit You can schedule a pre-assessment audit using a Nadcap auditor BEFORE your actual Nadcap audit.
All the data from the audit will be left with you. No need to close out any findings.
The only findings which will be sent to Primes are findings which may potentially impact hardware.
Contact PRI Scheduling and/or review NIP 7-06 for more details. 50
51. Best Investment of Your Time Use the tools available to you on www.eAuditNet.com
Tutorials where available
Audit Handbooks where available
Strengthen your internal audit program – if you do not use the Nadcap checklist you should! Include Job Audits every time.
Get involved in the Nadcap process
Seek guidance from your prime(s).
Familiarize yourself with www.pri-network.org and the tools available
Keep your management informed
52. Job Audit 52
53. Job Audit – Heat Treat Sample 53
54. Common Findings Job Audits
Customer flowdown
Lack of shop discipline – inform your personnel!
Lack of documentation/Objective evidence
Data transfers
Processes requiring approvals not approved (i.e., NDT Techniques or other frozen process)
Specification compliance (i.e., frozen process doesn’t meet specification or AMS 2750 compliance)
Parts cleaning not in accordance with requirements
Testing including periodic 54
55. Common Findings (Examples)– look on eAuditNet! Shop paperwork missing information (part, test piece requirements, etc.)
Solution Analysis (log sheet, reviews)
Process Observations (operator compliance issues; solutions not at correct temperature when processing, plating current is not equal to the required current, Paint is not mixed for required time, etc.) 55
56. Common Findings (Examples) Con’t Heat Treating:
Pyrometry continues to be the largest area of findings
Top 5 checklist questions with the most findings:, 9.20.1, 9.18.1,
9.18.5, 9.20.2. Details on eAuditNet!
Level 2/Level 3 practical exams (Does the candidate document the results of what was detected? Is a check sheet used by the responsible level 3 or delegate?, etc.)
Records for the training, qualification and certification of NDT personnel.
Level 3 has not approved the person administering the eye examinations.
Weld wire control (traceability, storage, purchase)
Welder Qualification (eyesight, qualification records, welder not qualified for work being performed, etc.)
Training – insufficient evidence
57. Best Practices for Nadcap Success Performing a thorough and complete self-audit.
Record, by question, where in your system you document the requirement
Record, by question, where in your system you have objective evidence of compliance
If you cannot write down where in your system you have documentation and what you will show the auditor – the answer is No!
Fix all “No’s with complete root cause corrective action prior to audit. 57
58. Internal Audit – Prepare your System Crucial to Nadcap success!
Review NCR’s from past audits to ensure your corrections are sustaining
Pay attention to past Major NCR’s – especially those with product impact
Review minor findings and observations for trends
Perform a full set of Nadcap job audits
Download and perform an audit to the Nadcap checklist
Confirm that all personnel understand the role they play in making the reaccreditation audit successful and fruitful – merit!
Correct all deficiencies with complete Root Cause Corrective Action BEFORE the auditor arrives 58
59. PRI Staff Engineer The PRI Task Group Staff Engineer has commodity specific knowledge and expertise.
The Staff Engineers review and approve all specified audit packages.
Staff Engineers have years of audit review experience – use their expertise before and after your audit
60. Staff Engineer Advice Do not rely on your customer to have found everything in the specification.
It is your responsibility to make sure you meet all requirements.
Ensure compliance throughout all of your documents.
Auditor will check for complete compliance.
Pay attention to details, we will.
Ask the Staff Engineer questions regarding interpretations – early!
61. More Staff Engineer Advice
If there is a conflict between the checklist and your customer requirement, pick the most stringent.
Multiple customer requirements will require a more robust system.
The specification is the requirement. Procedures must meet all requirements in the specification
All process requirements must:
Be Documented
Be Complied with
Have objective evidence of compliance.
Of special note:
NDT – Check your exams
HT – Check your pyrometry
CP – Check your periodic testing
62. NCSI Agenda 62
63. Scope Verification During the audit in-briefing, the auditor will log onto eAuditNet.com to conduct a sign-off process to verify the scope of the audit.
You will be asked to review the information to ensure accuracy and make any changes prior to the audit.
After the audit is conducted, no changes can be made to the scope of accreditation.
If you have any questions, contact your customer. 63
64. Daily Briefings At the end of each audit day, the auditor will conduct a daily briefing.
Ensure that all findings are understood.
Ensure that proper supplier personnel are in attendance.
Raise any issues or questions you have from the audit.
Open communication between the supplier and auditor is important. If problems arise, contact the appropriate staff engineer.
65. Exit Meeting Schedule top management to attend.
Make certain that you understand all NCR’s as written – ask questions if you do not understand - this is your chance to ensure the finding will be written clearly.
Review the process requirements and expectations before the auditor leaves.
Open communication between the supplier and auditor is important. If problems arise, contact the appropriate Staff Engineer. 65
66. NCR Classifications Major Nonconformance:
The absence of, or systemic breakdown of, the Process Control and/or Quality Management system. Or
Any non-conformance where the effect impacts or has the potential to impact the integrity of the product.
Examples: incorrect process parameters, missing inspections or processing steps, failure to record required data, missed or out of tolerance calibration; result from failure to implement a corrective action from the previous audit.
Minor Nonconformance:
Any single system failure or lapse in conformance with the applicable standard or audit criteria.
Examples: paperwork oversights, minor changes to procedures for clarification.
67. NCR Review NCR responses may be rejected:
By the Staff Engineer
Based on history and experience with Task Group
History with similar findings/responses
By the Task Group
Each Rejection:
Delays your Accreditation
Adds to cycle time
68. After the Auditor Leaves We value your feedback – Nadcap is a cooperative program
When you submit your responses you will be prompted to complete an online questionnaire
Complaints must be submitted in writing and will be addressed independently of the audit review process
There is an appeals process for NCRs, Staff Engineer decisions, and Task Group decisions
Contact the Staff Engineer for more information
If you have an issue that is not being resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact one of the Nadcap Managers:
Arshad Hafeez – Director, Global Business Operations, +1 724 772 1616 x8666 or via email at arshad@sae.org
EJ Kegerreis – Director, Special Processes/Technology Development,
+1 724 772-1616 x4094 or via email at ekegerreis@sae.org
70. Between Audit & Accreditation Supplier submits corrective action responses
71. Supplier Advisory/Early Review If a potential product impact or failure issue is identified all User members will receive an early review notice to look at the audit results.
If deemed necessary, a Supplier Advisory will be issued.
An advisory is a formal way of communicating concerns regarding documented possible product impact, changes in key personnel, quality systems, equipment, etc. to Nadcap Subscribing Prime Members.
Four levels; Preliminary, Potential Product Impact, Safety Alert, Audit Failure, plus one informational.
72. Supplier Advisory/Early Review (Cont’d) Suppliers are encouraged to provide their own comments as part of the advisory (within 5 working days).
Before closing the advisory, all other accreditations will be reviewed to determine if the identified issue is systemic and affects other accreditations/ registrations.
If the issue is widespread, revocation of current accreditation (if one exists) and other commodity/quality certificates could occur.
Refer to NOP-006 for more information.
73. Response Submittals Initial responses are due 21 calendar days from the close of the audit.
Submit in eAuditNet
Submit in accordance with Requirements for Corrective Action Response Requirements (eAuditNet Supplier Guide and www.pri-network.org)
For completeness of the audit report, additional information or clarifications may be requested by the Staff Engineer. These responses must be submitted through the Observation Forum on the audit.
74. 74
75. Response Requirements Help available:
- A link to Response Requirements is attached to the NCR
Also: www.pri-network.org
-Supplier Info – main page
-Supplier Training – additional tools
Also: www.eQuaLearn.com to register for RCCA training
_ 75
76. 76
77. Corrective Action Response Requirements Reply to your Non-conformances in the Supplier Discussion for each NCR in the format below and addressing each item in the ‘Your Reply’ section of the eAuditNet Supplier response forum for each NCR.
Immediate Corrective Action Taken (Containment Actions)
Root Cause of Nonconformance
Impact of all Identified Causes and the Root Cause
Action Taken to Prevent Recurrence
Objective Evidence is required on ALL findings (see NIP 7-03) for details
Effectivity Date
For detailed instructions, refer to the eAuditNet Supplier Guide or the Post-Audit eAuditNet tutorial available in the Public Documents section of www.eAuditNet.com.
78. Example – The Non Conformance The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel (QA-OP-01, Rev J) does not meet NAS 410-2 for the following:
A. Incorrect classroom training hours for PT level 2,
B. Does not require the level 2 candidate to document
the NDT results during the practical examination.
C. Allows administration of Practical exams by Level 2’s,
D. Does not require the designation of a “Responsible Level 3.
E. Does not provide the method for the approval of person(s) administering eye exams,
F. Etc……
79. Immediate Corrective Action Define Immediate Corrective Action Taken
Describe the actions taken immediately to:
Stop the nonconformance
Assess the damage
Segregate impacted product
Notify as appropriate
What action was taken following the issue being discovered
during the audit?
Did you stop the problem from continuing?
Did you contain the problem found?
These actions address the immediate or direct cause of the NCR only.
80. Immediate Corrective Action (Cont’d) Define Immediate Corrective Action Taken:
NCR Example:
The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT
personnel does not meet NAS 410-2
Example of an Unacceptable Immediate Corrective Action:
The procedure was modified.
Example of an Acceptable Immediate Corrective Action:
Procedure was reviewed in it’s entirety against the requirements of NAS 410 rev 2 and approved by our responsible Level 3. Procedure attached, note – changes made are specifically identified on our procedure change sheet.
81. Root Cause Define Root Cause of the Nonconformance:
Investigate all causes contributing to the nonconformance using fish bone diagrams, 5-why analysis or similar tools. The root cause will be the last logical cause in the chain.
Think you got it? Try one more!
Only the identified Root Cause should be included in your response (Do not write a thesis). Supplemental information to support your cause analysis may be included as objective evidence if necessary.
82. Root Cause (Cont’d) Define Root Cause of the Nonconformance:
NCR Example:
The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT
personnel does not meet NAS 410-2
Example of an Unacceptable Root Cause:
We have been audited by many customers and Nadcap in the past.This has never been a problem and our requirements have been found to be acceptable.
Example of an Acceptable Root Cause:
Inadequate review of our procedure against the customer/industry standards due to a lack of formal review procedure and lack of assigned personnel to this task.
83. Impact of Identified Causes Define the Impact of all Identified Causes and the Root Cause:
What impact did the nonconformance actually have?
Were any parts affected?
Were any affected parts shipped to the customer?
Was the customer contacted? 83
84. Impact of Identified Causes (Cont’d) Define the Impact:
NCR Example:
The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT
personnel does not meet NAS 410-2
Impact to Hardware:
Example of an Unacceptable Impact Statement:
No Impact.
Example of an Acceptable Impact Statement:
No Impact. This discrepancy was procedural only. All NDT recordswere reviewed and found to be compliant with NAS410 rev 2.
85. Actions Taken to Prevent Recurrence Define the Actions Taken to Prevent Recurrence: define the steps taken to prevent this problem from occurring again.
What is the long term action to prevent recurrence?
Can only be addressed when the true root cause is known.
Do not rush, consider the effectiveness, feasibility,
suitability to the company, and the company's budget.
Remember, non-sustaining Corrective Actions (CA) become MAJOR findings. By not addressing CA’s adequately there is a potential for a non-sustaining finding on the next audit. This will affect your Supplier Merit. 85
86. Actions Taken to Prevent Recurrence (Cont’d) Define the Actions Taken to Prevent Recurrence: define the steps taken to prevent this problem from occurring again.
NCR Example:
The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel does not meet NAS 410-2.
Example of an Unacceptable Action Taken:
The procedure is revised.
Example of an Acceptable Action Taken:
Review teams have been created to address the review of special processes, including NDT. The teams will be comprised of two individuals (for NDT, one of the team members will be the responsible Level 3) and will perform a back to back review of the internal specification against the customer / industry standard for compliance. The reviewers will complete a document review sheet, the procedure will be changed and identified on the review sheet and then forwarded to the relevant personnel for final approval. 86
87. Objective Evidence Define and Attach Objective Evidence:
What information can you provide to demonstrate the RCCA process you applied to the NCR?
Objective evidence is required for Major & Minor NCR’s except minor NCR’s accepted (not closed) onsite by the auditor
Note: It is expected that the supplier clearly define the root cause corrective action taken. If a procedure is changed, clearly specify what the change was.
Don’t forget to identify the specific actions taken to resolve the nonconformance(s), (e.g., exact text of procedure change, text of stamp to be ordered, etc.)
Objective evidence should be attached electronically in www.eAuditNet.com or submitted by U-fax.
A U-fax directory is located in the Public Documents section of www.eAuditNet.com
Contact the Staff Engineer with any questions.
If you change or create a procedure, implement a new system or method, perform training, propose audits, develop new checklists - SHOW THIS. It may prevent another review cycle.
88. Objective Evidence (Cont’d) Define and Attach Objective Evidence:
NCR Example:
The procedure for the Qualification and Certification of NDT
personnel does not meet NAS 410-2
Objective Evidence:
Example of Unacceptable Objective Evidence:
See attached revised procedure.
Example of Acceptable Objective Evidence:
See attached revised procedure (QA-OP-01, Rev K) for the training and approval of NDT Personnel. Note: Includes approval by the responsible Level 3. See attached procedure (QA-01 Rev B) addressing the addition of the specification review teams. See attached completed document review sheet for QA-OP-01 against NAS410 rev 2. See attached training log sheet for affected personnel.
89. Corrective Action Response Requirements (Cont’d) Effectivity Date:
When will the corrective actions be completely implemented?
(Accreditation generally cannot be issued until after this date.)
90. Corrective Action Problems Not supplying all the necessary objective evidence, e.g. copy of revised procedure, procedure approval, copy of revised process control log, evidence of training, etc.
Some aspect of the Root Cause Corrective Action (RCCA) not addressed adequately.
Immediate corrective action taken
Root cause
Impact to hardware
Action taken to prevent recurrence
Objective evidence
Information not provided within the defined time frame 90
91. Corrective Action – More details
Call the Staff Engineer!
If you need clarification on a request for more information, a phone call may save you an additional review cycle.
If you will not be able to meet the procedural time frames for responses...extensions can not be granted but communication about WHY a date is missed is important.
92. If Your Response is Not Accepted You have 7 calendar days to respond to the Staff Engineer request for additional information.
If the Staff Engineer details a specific request:
Review and comply with the entire request. Your response will not be accepted until all items are addressed.
In the event of a generic rejection, i.e., “Readdress Root Cause”
Review the Requirements for Submittal of Corrective Action Responses and make certain you are complying with these requirements.
Call the Staff Engineer for clarification.
Repetitive rounds of responses are the largest contributor to cycle time, and can lead to failure.
93. Response Due Dates No extensions to the responses requirements of 21/7 calendar days can be granted.
This has always been the procedural requirement. An informal extension process existed, but to ensure the process is equitable for all, a formal process was established.
All suppliers now have up to 45 days of cumulative lateness in responding.
Lateness is viewable on the Prime QML.
If you use any of this time, your response is considered late.
Using late time COULD affect merit as the Supplier Merit procedure (NOP-008) requires timely response to NCR’s.
Email reminders are sent to Suppliers (15/30 days late, 45 days = failure notice).
94. Avoid Repetitive NCR’S! Involve all personnel that will have the responsibility to fix, implement and monitor the corrective actions.
Issue notifications throughout all company departments when policies/procedures are changed as a result of corrective action responses.
Ensure that more than one person within the company is totally familiar with past and present Nadcap audits and NCR’s.
Create a process to ensure Corrective Actions for all NCR’s - major or minor - have been implemented and are monitored, as part of the internal audit process. Management involvement and monitoring is mandatory! (AS9100)
Do not attempt quick fixes - even for minor non conformances. If quick fixes are accomplished there should be a process within the company on how these are accomplished and what the limitations are.
95. NCSI Agenda 95
96. eAuditNet Information Keep your email address current to ensure you receive important emails related to your audit.
If there is a change in your contact information, inform the PRI Scheduling Department.
Do not reply to automated emails received from eAuditNet – there are contacts listed in the email.
For eAuditNet Support, refer to the Public Documents section for User Guides or contact the Help Desk at +1 724 772 1616 x8679 or via email at eAuditNetsupport@sae.org
97. 97
98. 98
99. Nadcap Meeting Information Available at www.pri-network.org
Minutes & Agendas
Keep up with Task Group activities
Participate in Task Group decisions
Plan to attend Open Meeting – Suppliers are always welcome
Closed meeting times for User Members only are necessary to discuss proprietary supplier company accreditation issues such as appeals, findings, etc.
100. SSC Meeting Information Operates independently of the Task Groups – focus on overall issues common to suppliers – not technical or Task Group specific
Attend the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) meeting to learn about ongoing projects:
Get involved – Join the SSC! Volunteers Needed! 100
101. 101
102. Important Websites www.pri-network.org
www.eQuaLearn.com 102
103. Key Points 103