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2. Overview. Background on Noteworthy MPO PracticesResultsProductsQuestions
1. 1 Review of Noteworthy MPO Practices Cooperative Revenue Forecasting & Annual Project Obligation Listings Presented to
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Washington Policy Conference
March 20, 2002
Peter E. Plumeau, MPA
Senior Planning Studies Manager
Wilbur Smith Associates Outline for Presentation
MCB Program Goals and Objectives
Structure of the Program
FY 01 Activities
Needs Assessment
FY 02 Activities
Outline for Presentation
MCB Program Goals and Objectives
Structure of the Program
FY 01 Activities
Needs Assessment
FY 02 Activities
2. 2 Overview
3. 3 Background on Review of Noteworthy MPO Practices Project Objectives:
Survey MPO practices in
cooperative revenue forecasting
annual listings of obligated projects
Identify and analyze examples of noteworthy and “successful” approaches
Disseminate information for use by MPOs and other concerned organizations
4. 4 Background on Review of Noteworthy MPO Practices Federal Requirements:
TEA-21 explicitly requires the states and MPOs to cooperatively develop estimates of funds that will be available to support plan and program (TIP) implementation (also transit operator).
TEA-21 also requires MPOs to publish or make available an annual listing of projects, consistent with the categories in the TIP, for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year.
5. 5 Background on Review of Noteworthy MPO Practices Main project tasks:
Review results of recent AMPO surveys and other information to identify MPOs to be reviewed in detail concerning MPO practices;
Conduct interviews with selected MPOs, state DOTs, and transit operators and report noteworthy practices;
Present results to professional peers; and
Prepare a final report.
6. 6 Background on Review of Noteworthy MPO Practices
7. 7 Results: Noteworthy MPO Practices in Cooperative Revenue Forecasting MPOs employ a wide variety of approaches to addressing cooperative revenue forecasting needs
Approaches to cooperative revenue forecasting vary in their complexity and sophistication
A basic element of successful approaches to revenue forecasting is broad cooperation between the MPO, state DOT and transit operator(s)
8. 8 Results: Noteworthy MPO Practices in Cooperative Revenue Forecasting
9. 9 Results: Noteworthy MPO Practices in Annual Listings of Obligated Projects The interpretation of “listing of obligated projects” varies across MPOs and states
MPOs vary in how they compile, format and communicate obligated project information due to variability in the quality, quantity, and character of information they receive
MPOs often use this process to help monitor implementation of TIP programs
Cooperation and open communication between the state DOT and MPO is key; transit operators generally provide support and review
10. 10 Results: Noteworthy MPO Practices in Annual Listings of Obligated Projects
11. 11 Results: Commonalities Among Noteworthy Practices Proactive communication between the MPO and state DOT
Statewide approaches to developing revenue estimates among MPOs and non-MPO regions of the state
Credibility and usefulness of revenue forecasts among key players
Understandable and clear information provided to decision-makers and other stakeholders
Level of effort/sophistication scaled to individual MPO situations
MPO proactiveness regarding soliciting annual obligations information from the state DOT (and other sources)
MPO ability to match project obligation information to TIP program information
12. 12 Results: Other
State-to-state comparability and translatability is a consideration
13. 13 Products Final report with detailed information
CD-ROM with hyperlinks to MPO product samples & resources (in production)
MCB website
AMPO website
Dissemination to MPOs and planning partners
Future AMPO/USDOT MCB activities
14. 14
Questions and Answers