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SPSS Tutorial

SPSS Tutorial. AEB 37 / AE 802 Marketing Research Methods Week 5. SPSS. You can open an excel file directly from SPSS SPSS files contain additional information on the variables Download the following file on your network drive: www.rdg.ac.uk/~aes02mm/supermarkets.sav Start SPSS

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SPSS Tutorial

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  1. SPSS Tutorial AEB 37 / AE 802 Marketing Research Methods Week 5

  2. SPSS • You can open an excel file directly from SPSS • SPSS files contain additional information on the variables • Download the following file on your network drive: www.rdg.ac.uk/~aes02mm/supermarkets.sav • Start SPSS • Open the file

  3. Variable view

  4. Data view

  5. Case summaries • Analyze / Report / Case summaries • Select target variable(s) • Select grouping variable(s) • Include additional statistics

  6. Variable(s) you are interested in Grouping variables Do not limit/display cases Click here to choose the statistics you need

  7. Output window

  8. Categorising variables • Transform/categorize variables • Select variable • Choose number of categories

  9. Tables • Analyze / Custom Tables / General Tables • Choose variables to be represented • Tick summary option • Choose summary statistic • Choose layer Example: average amount spent for each supermarket by those with and without a car (layer)

  10. TABLES 1. Select the variable to be measured and summarised 2. Click “Is summarized” + EDIT STATISTICS and select the statistics you want 5. Select columns and layers vars 6. Click OK for output 4. Click here

  11. Basic statistics and confidence intervals Analyze / Descriptive Statistics / Explore Choose variables Choose factor(s) Chose level of confidence

  12. Graphs • Graphs / Histogram • Graphs / Pie or • Graphs / Interactive / Pie

  13. Correlations • Analyze / Correlate / Bivariate • Choose variables • Check / edit output Example: relation between income, monthly amount spent and age

  14. Principal components analysis

  15. Principal components analysis: basic steps • Select the variables to perform the analysis • Set the rule to extract principal components • Give instruction to save the principal components as new variables • Examine output

  16. Analyze /Data reduction

  17. Select the variables Press here Select here

  18. Define extraction method 2. SelectCorrelation matrix 3. Extraction technique 1. Click here first Extraction rule

  19. Save components score 1. Click here first Tick this box

  20. Run the analysis

  21. Output(1) Communalities

  22. Output (2) Components interpretation

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