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New Media Centers 2001 Salary Survey

New Media Centers 2001 Salary Survey. David Herrington Manager, Academic Technology Services Princeton University May 25, 2001. Art Institute of Boston Bradley University Brown University California State University, Chico Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College

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New Media Centers 2001 Salary Survey

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  1. New Media Centers 2001 Salary Survey David Herrington Manager, Academic Technology Services Princeton University May 25, 2001

  2. Art Institute of Boston Bradley University Brown University California State University, Chico Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mount Holyoke College New York University Ohio State University Princeton University Santa Fe Community College Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Participating Schools

  3. Terra Community College University of California, Davis University of Nebraska, Lincoln University of New Mexico University of North Dakota, Grand Forks University of Rochester University of St. Thomas University of Texas at Austin Virginia Tech Participating Schools (cont’d)

  4. Participating Schools

  5. Positions Reported

  6. Regional Cost of Living Adjustment • Why? • A $40K job in New York pays less than a $40K job in Lincoln Nebraska. • Statistics less meaningful if not performed. • How? • Using the “Salary Wizard” at salary.com • Benchmark job: Internet and New Media Content Specialist

  7. COLA Calculation • For each region participating in survey, look up the annual salary of "Internet and New Media" occupation "Content Specialist" on salary.com. Call this test salary TS. • Calculate the multiplier M to convert to Columbus dollars as follows: M = 44180 / TS. • All salaries converted to Columbus dollars prior to statistical calculations. • To convert salary averages and ranges back to regional dollars, multiply by 1/M.

  8. Areas with higher cost of living than Columbus Ohio

  9. Areas with lower cost of living than Columbus Ohio

  10. Statistics in a Nutshell • Numeric Mean • Commonly known as “average” • Mean of [1,3,4,9,20] is (1+3+4+9+20) / 5 = 7.4 • Median • Middle value if odd number of values • Average of two middle values if even number • Median of [1,3,4,9,20] is 4 • Mode • Most common value

  11. Normal Distribution ± 1 SD - 68% ± 2 SD - 95% ± 3 SD - 99% Statistics in a Nutshell Mean 68%

  12. Sample mean 1 Sample mean 2 Statistics in a Nutshell • Mean of sample may not equal population mean

  13. Confidence interval estimate of population mean 95% certain population mean is within confidence interval Sample mean 1 Population mean Statistics in a Nutshell

  14. And now, the survey results…

  15. Digital Audio-Visual Staff Digital Media Specialist Educational Technology Center Consultant Educational Technology Center Consultant Graphics Research Specialist Graphics Research Specialist Information Technology Consultant Information Technology Consultant Instructional Support Assistant Instructional Technologist Instructional Technology Consultant Instructional Technology Consultant Instructional Technology Consultant Media Production Specialist III Multimedia Specialist NMC Operations Assistant Senior Technologist Senior Technologist Senior Technologist Sr. Graphics Research Specialist Systems Specialist Consultant / Specialist

  16. Consultant/Specialist • Degree 0=none; 1=Assoc; 2=Bachelor; 3=Masters; 4=Doctorate

  17. Consultant/Specialist • Full-time staff (“-” means zero in above.)

  18. Consultant/Specialist • Part-time staff

  19. Consultant/Specialist • Adjusted salary

  20. Coordinator • Coordinator of Course Management Systems • Coordinator of Educational Catalyst Center • Faculty Coordinator • Instructional Tech Project Man / NMC Coordinator • Instructional Technology Coordinator • Multimedia Developer / Lab Coordinator • Online Operations Coordinator

  21. Coordinator • Degree 0=none; 1=Assoc; 2=Bachelor; 3=Masters; 4=Doctorate

  22. Coordinator • Full-time staff (“-” means zero in above.)

  23. Coordinator • Part-time staff

  24. Coordinator • Adjusted Salary

  25. Academic Computing Lab Manager Computer Facilities Manager Director, NMC Educational Technology Center Lab Manager Facilities Director Manager of Educational Technology Center (New Media Center) Manager, Academic Technology Services Media Production Specialist Multimedia Lab Manager Multimedia Lab Manager NMC Manager Operations Manager, Distributed Learning Technology Manager

  26. Manager • Degree 0=none; 1=Assoc; 2=Bachelor; 3=Masters; 4=Doctorate

  27. Manager • Full-time staff (“-” means zero in above.)

  28. Manager • Part-time staff

  29. Manager • Adjusted Salary

  30. Acting Director / Associate Professor Associate Director Associate Director Associate Director, IET Mediaworks Director Director & Assistant Professor Director, Center for Instructional Technologies Director, CoLA New Media Center Director of Academic Computing / NMC Director Director of Research Director of the Multimedia Lab Executive Producer Instructional Aides Associate / Director of ETS Manager, New Media and Extended Learning Group Director

  31. Director • Degree 0=none; 1=Assoc; 2=Bachelor; 3=Masters; 4=Doctorate

  32. Director • Full-time staff

  33. Director • Part-time staff

  34. Director • Adjusted salary

  35. Too few to quantify • Administrative Associate -2 • Associate Professor • Graphic Artist • Interactivity Designer / Art Director • Instructional Designer • Instructional Designer • Media Technician • Systems Developer / Engineer

  36. Summary

  37. Problems with this survey • Sample size too small • 14 Directors • 12 Managers • 8 Coordinators • 22 Consultants / Specialists • Assignment of positions to above categories was arbitrary • (See notes on position pages)

  38. Recommendations • NMC’s should work together to establish classifications and descriptions for common positions. • We should seek to know how people with the same skills are paid, outside of Education, so we can avoid losing good people because of salary issues.

  39. This presentation and associated summary data is on the web at http://www.princeton.edu/~daveh/nmcss2001

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