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AMERICAN LITERATURE IN THE 19TH CENTURY THE BOSTON BRAHMINS. Literatura Americana II Professora Vera Lima Ceccon Grupo 2: Gabriela Mourão Leandro Couto Renata Torres UFRJ – 2010/2. John Greenleaf Whittier (1807 – 1892). Biografia Origem Vida Acadêmica “Nasce” um escritor
AMERICAN LITERATURE IN THE 19TH CENTURYTHE BOSTON BRAHMINS Literatura Americana II Professora Vera Lima Ceccon Grupo 2: Gabriela Mourão Leandro Couto Renata Torres UFRJ – 2010/2
John GreenleafWhittier(1807 – 1892) • Biografia • Origem • Vida Acadêmica • “Nasce” um escritor • Publicações/Temática • Autor , Nação & Reconhecimento
Massachussets to VirginiabyWhittier (Fragmentado) • Vocabulário: • Estrofe 1: • Blast: forte rajada de ventoHaughty: arroganteBugle: clarim (instrumento musical)Peal: som, barulhoTread: passo, caminharFile: fileira de soldados uns atrás dos outrosClang: som metálico altoHorsemen: homem que anda à cavaloSteel: arma de aço, como uma espada • Estrofe 3: • Swell: erguer-se, expandir-seForego: abandonarHewer: trabalhador braçal Oak: carvalho Axe: machado
Estrofe 6: • Hath: hasO’er: overSwept (sweep): mover-se rapidamente sobre um lugar, apoderando-se dele Briton: britânico Steelarray: um grande grupo de tropas armadas Tarleton’s charge offire, andstoutCornwallis: comandantes das forças britânicas na Virgínia durante a Revolução Americana. • Estrofe 9: • Bondmen: slavesBidding: demanda, ordemBloodhound: cão usado para rastrear pessoas ou objetos Summon: chamadoHorn: trompa, cornetaTear: destruirWretched: desgraçado
Poema: Estrofe 1: The blast from Freedom’s Northern hills, upon its Southern way, Bears greeting to Virginia from Massachusetts Bay: No word of haughty challenging, nor battle bugle’s peal, Nor steady tread of marching files, nor clang of horsemen’s steel, Estrofe 3: We hear thy threats, Virginia! thy stormy words and high Swell harshly on the Southern winds which melt along our sky; 10Yet not one brown, hard hand foregoes its honest labor here, No hewer of our mountain oaks suspends his axe in fear.
Estrofe 6: What means the Old Dominion? Hath she forgot the day When o’er her conquered valleys swept the Briton’s steel array? How, side by side with sons of hers, the Massachusetts men Encountered Tarleton’s charge of fire, and stout Cornwallis, then? • Estrofe 9: We hunt your bondmen, flying from Slavery’s hateful hell; Our voices, at your bidding, take up the bloodhound’s yell; We gather, at your summons, above our fathers’ graves. From Freedom’s holy altar-horns to tear your wretched slaves!
James Russell Lowell(1819 – 1891) • Biografia • Origem • Vida Acadêmica • “Nasce” um escritor • Publicações/Temática • Autor , Nação & Reconhecimento
TO THE DANDELIONByLowell • Vocabulário: • 1ª Estrofe: Dandelion: dente-de-leão (flor) Fring: decorar, ornamentar Pledge: sinal Blithesome: contente, feliz Pluck: arrancar Buccaneers: pirata Summer-blooms: “flores que desabrocham no verão” • 2ª Estrofe: Prow: proa Primeval: primitivo, antigo, primordial Lean: fino Brow: “fronte” Largess: “dádiva” Scatter: difundir, disseminar Lavish: que dá em abundância
3ª estrofe: 6ª Estrofe: Tropics: região dos trópicos Prodigal: abundante Heed: dar importância Deem: julgar Ravishment: êxtase Scanty: pouco Burst: “emergir” Wondrous: fantástico, maravilhoso • 4ª estrofe: Meadow: prado Graze: “pastar” Slumber: repousar Whiten: alvejar Stray: vagante, errante • 5ª Estrofe: Robin: Tordo americano (pássaro) Piety: crença Untainted: “não-contaminada”
Poema • Dear common flower, that grow'st beside the way, Fringing the dusty road with harmless gold, First pledge of blithesome May, Which children pluck, and, full of pride, uphold, High-hearted buccaneers, o'er joyed that they An Eldorado in the grass have found, Which not the rich earth's ample round. May match in wealth--thou art more dear to me Than all the prouder summer-blooms may be. • Gold such as thine ne'er drew the Spanish prow Through the primeval hush of Indian seas, Nor wrinkled the lean brow Of age, to rob the lover's heart of ease; 'T is the Spring's largess, which she scatters now To rich and poor alike, with lavish hand, Though most hearts never understand To take it at God's value, but pass by The offered wealth with unrewarded eye.
Thou art my tropics and mine Italy; To look at thee unlocks a warmer clime; The eyes thou givest me Are in the heart, and heed not space or time: Not in mid June the golden-cuirassed bee Feels a more summer-like, warm ravishment In the white lily's breezy tent, His fragrant Sybaris, than I, when first From the dark green thy yellow circles burst. • Then think I of deep shadows on the grass, Of meadows where in sun the cattle graze, Where, as the breezes pass, The gleaming rushes lean a thousand ways, Of leaves that slumber in a cloudy mass, Or whiten in the wind, of waters blue That from the distance sparkle through Some woodland gap, and of a sky above, Where one white cloud like a stray lamb doth move.
My childhood's earliest thoughts are linked with thee; The sight of thee calls back the robin's song, Who, from the dark old tree Beside the door, sang clearly all day long, And I, secure in childish piety, Listened as if I heard an angel sing With news from Heaven, which he could bring Fresh every day to my untainted ears, When birds and flowers and I were happy peers. • How like a prodigal doth nature seem, When thou, for all thy gold, so common art! Thou teachest me to deem More sacredly of every human heart, Since each reflects in joy its scanty gleam Of Heaven, and could some wondrous secret show, Did we but pay the love we owe, And with a child's undoubting wisdom look On all these living pages of God's book.
FONTE • http://www.bartleby.com/42/794.html • http://www.bbc.co.uk/robertburns/biography/ • http://books.google.com.br/books?id=ZZG9n5ZE-q4C&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=%22wood+hymns%22+%2B%22whittier%22&source=bl&ots=DXt9_zarvQ&sig=7dIZad_JAnymgWbosH4oIqou5_A&hl=pt-BR&ei=7dHlTMjuOMP88AaC-4m5CQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22wood%20hymns%22%20%2B%22whittier%22&f=false • http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/maps/1800/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Russell_Lowell • http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6538/ • http://www.haverhillpl.org/Departments/special/jgwhittier.html • http://www.johngreenleafwhittier.com/about_birthplace.htm • http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/5654 • http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma01/lisle/dial/lowell.html
http://infomotions.com/etexts/gutenberg/dirs/1/7/9/4/17948/17948.htmhttp://infomotions.com/etexts/gutenberg/dirs/1/7/9/4/17948/17948.htm • www.thefreedictionary.com • http://www1.uol.com.br/babylon/ http://www.johngreenleafwhittier.com/about_whittier.htm