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Vocabulary Study Tool. Sycophant. 1 : 2 :. Flatterer. Clown. Home. Dapper. 1 : 2 :. Neat or Trim in Dress; Smart. Foreboding; Portending evil or harm. Home. Pulchritudinous. 1 : 2 :. Morally right; righteous. Beautiful; Comely. Home. Cohorts. 1 : 2 :. A group or entourage.
Sycophant 1: 2: Flatterer Clown Home
Dapper 1: 2: Neat or Trim in Dress; Smart Foreboding; Portending evil or harm Home
Pulchritudinous 1: 2: Morally right; righteous Beautiful; Comely Home
Cohorts 1: 2: A group or entourage A display or courage or self confidence Home
Epithets 1: 2: To entertain lavishly; delight Characterizing word or phrase Home
Ominously 1: 2: Cheerful readiness; liveliness; willingness Foreboding; portending to evil or harm Home
Bravado 1: 2: Display or courage or self confidence; swagger Free from reserve or restraint; naïve; careless; honest Home
Infuriate 1: 2: Reunite; come together again Enrage; to cause anger Home
Lingered 1: 2: To stay in one place or general area for a long duration of time. A persons’ area of skill, expertise, or knowledge Home
Putrid 1: 2: Decaying; rotting; emitting a foul smell Beautiful; comely Home
Jocose Hot; just below boiling point 1: 2: Characterized by good humor; witty; joking; clown Home
Alacrity 1: 2: Cheerful readiness; liveliness; willingness Swelteringly hot; immense heat Home
Regale To stay in one place or general area for a long duration of time 1: 2: To entertain lavishly; delight Home
Sultry 1: 2: Swelteringly hot; immense heat Enrage; to cause anger Home
Simmering 1: 2: Decaying; rotting; emitting a foul smell Hot; just below boiling point Home
Ambled 1: 2: Slow, easy pace; stroll Deep black Home
Ebony Group or entourage 1: 2: Deep Black Home
Virtuous 1: 2: Hot; just below boiling point Morally right; righteous Home
Bailiwick 1: 2: A persons’ area of skill, expertise, or knowledge An entrance, door, or gate Home
Rejoined 1: 2: Reunite; come together again Morally right; righteous Home
Portal 1: 2: Flatterer An entrance, door, or gate Home
ANSWER KEY Sycophant: Flatterer Dapper: Neat or trim in dress; smart Pulchritudinous: Beautiful; Comely Cohorts: A group or entourage Epithets: A characterizing word or phrase Ominously: Foreboding; portending to evil or harm Bravado: Display of courage or confidence; swagger Infuriate: enrage; to cause strong anger Putrid: Decaying; rotting; emitting a foul smell Jocose: Characterized by good humor; witty; jokingAlacrity: Cheerful readiness; liveliness; willingness Regale: to entertain lavishly; delight Sultry: Swelteringly hot; immense heat Simmering: Hot; just below boiling point Ambled: slow, easy pace; stroll Ebony: Deep black Virtuous: morally right; righteous Bailiwick: A persons’ area of expertise or knowledge Rejoined: reunite; come together again Portals: an entrance, door, or gate Lingered: To remain in one place or location for a long duration of time Home
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