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英文團康活動. 講授者 : 洪茂林 ( 英文志工團顧問 ). 課程大綱. 講解的技巧 示範的技巧 領導的技巧 控場的技巧 隊呼的重點 英文營隊團康活動. 團康帶領技巧跟大地 遊戲帶領技巧基本上 是一樣的 …. 講解的技巧. 口語表達清楚、流暢 聲音要讓全場都聽得見 適當的說話速度 話語間要技巧性停頓,善用序數詞 精神充沛、儀態大方、自然 消除舞台恐懼 目光掃場 適當的手勢、肢體動作. 示範的技巧. 示範者及講解者最好是同一人,如果需要其他伙伴的幫忙,要事先溝通及配合演練 站的位置要適中 動作要正確、清楚 動作要大,誇張沒關係
英文團康活動 講授者: 洪茂林 (英文志工團顧問)
課程大綱 • 講解的技巧 • 示範的技巧 • 領導的技巧 • 控場的技巧 • 隊呼的重點 • 英文營隊團康活動
團康帶領技巧跟大地 遊戲帶領技巧基本上 是一樣的…
講解的技巧 • 口語表達清楚、流暢 • 聲音要讓全場都聽得見 • 適當的說話速度 • 話語間要技巧性停頓,善用序數詞 • 精神充沛、儀態大方、自然 • 消除舞台恐懼 • 目光掃場 • 適當的手勢、肢體動作
示範的技巧 • 示範者及講解者最好是同一人,如果需要其他伙伴的幫忙,要事先溝通及配合演練 • 站的位置要適中 • 動作要正確、清楚 • 動作要大,誇張沒關係 • 示範 + 簡明解說
領導的技巧 • 規則要簡明,用最簡單的字讓所有人都懂 • 由簡單版街進階到高階版 • 要讓每個人都參與到 • 達到效果就可結束,勿拖太久 • 如果時間充裕,講解及示範後可先練習 • 步調要緊湊,勿冷場 • 適時帶動精神較萎靡的區域 • 如果有犯規,應馬上停止重來
控場的技巧 • H: I say “be”, you say “quiet”. H: Be. Ss: Quiet. (2 or 3 times) • H: Attention. Ss: 1,2. (2 or 3 times) • Use whistle H: (whistling 2 times) Ss: (clapping 2 times) • Use chants or songs ex: “Happy Song” • Which team is the quietestgets points ….. * You can change the words in green.
隊呼的重點 • Be creative • Be energetic • Be short • Be powerful • Be easy to read and memorize • Repetition • No more than 5 different sentences
Ice-Breaker • Team Building Game
Describing myself * Everyone picks an adjective to describe yourself * Taking turns introducing yourself * Repeating the previous people’s description Pattern: Hello, I’m adj. name
Tell me who I am * Write down one thing on a piece of paper * Put the piece of paper on you forehead * Ask others questions to find out the word(s) on the paper fruit, vegetable, animal, celebrity …
Stella’s Game Stella – ella – ola – clap – clap –clap Say – es – chico – chico Chico – chico – chak Say – es – chico – chico Velos – velos – velos – velos – velos Go – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 *sit as a circle, right hand up, left hand up *when the song goes to the end, the one is hit loses.
Fruit Salad * The English version of “Big Wind Blow” * Assign each member to represent one fruit. * One person is cook, the others are vendors. * Playing by using the following sentences: Vs: What do you need? C: I need __________.
Where is My Bone * one person is the doggy * all members sit as a circle * use small stuff as the bone * others put hands at the back and start to pass the bone * the doggy needs to guess who gets the bone * music could be applied during the game
Captain Hook * captain – hook – row – your – boat • S1 says “captain” , then, points to S2 • S2 says “hook” , then, points to S3 • S3 says “row” , then, points to S4 • S4 says “your” , then, points to S5 • S5 says “boat” and do the assigned action • The Ss next to S5’s both hand sides should do the assigned actions too.
Silent Captain Hook * Playing without making any noise. 1. The starter always points to himself or herself once, then, starts the first word, “captain” and points to S2. 2. S2 points to S3, S3 points to S4, S4 points to S5, S5 needs to do the assigned action and Ss next to S5’s both hand sides should do the assigned actions too. *If you make any noise, you’ll be hit on the back.
Tempo Game 1. hit your thigh by using both hands 2. clap your hands once 3. snap your thumb and index finger of left hand 4. snap your thumb and index finger of right hand
Top Frog * The temple is the same as “temple game”. • S1 says “one frog” • S2 says “2 eyes” • S3 says “4 legs” • S4 says “ker-plunk” • S5 says “in the pond” • Then the game goes on 2 frogs, 3frogs and more and more frogs.
Who is the Criminal * One person is the criminal, one is policeman. 1. The policeman goes out. 2. Criminal does actions and others follow. 3. Policeman comes in, walking around and tries to find out the criminal by three chances. 4. Criminal needs to change actions without being seen by the police.
The Right Answer 1. The host gives out a clue and writes out the answer he or she wants. 2. The others need to give an answer relevant to the clue. 3. If the answer is wrong, the host says “pass”. 4. If the answer is correct, the host says “the right answer”. 5. The one gets the right answer loses.
The Fast Shooter * Everyone makes a circle * Use your hands to make the gesture of gun * Point to the people on your both sides * One person starts to call another’s name * The one whose name is called should say “duck” * Those who on both sides of the one who is called should say “bang” to another. * The last two people will have a competition.
The Killer Identities: the judge, the killer, the doctor, the nurse, the villager, the victims 1.The night has come, please close your eyes. 2.Killer, please open your eyes, who do you want to kill? Close your eyes. 3.Doctor/nurse, OYE, who do you wanna save? 4.Villager, OYE, who do you want to punish? 5.The day has come, ______ you’re killed.
Happy Song If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands (Clap hands 2 times)X 2 If you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap hands 2 times) (*angry – stomp your feet *scared –say “oh no” * do all three)
Happy All the Time I am in right, out right, up right, down right Happy all the time I am in right, out right, up right, down right Happy all the time For I choose to be To be a better me I am in right, out right, up right, down right Happy all the time (*one person with hands * two people with hands, then, feet)
The More We Get Together The more we get together, together, together The more we get together The happier we’ll be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get together The happier we’ll be *Sit and play with hands *Stand as a circle and follow directions
Hockey Pokey You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in And shake it all about You do the hockey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what it’s all about * left hand – right foot – left foot – head – shoulder – bum – whole body – tongue
Singing in the Rain I’m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I’m Diddly bop, diddly bop, diddly bop, whoo!! Diddly bop, diddly bop, diddly bop, whoo!! * Thumbs up – Elbows in – Knees bent – Knees together – Chest out – Butt out – Head up – Tongue out
Switch, Change, Rotate Switch – the first person switches place with the last person Change – all people turns around to the opposite way Rotate – the first person goes to the last position of the line *divide all Ss into 4 or 5 lines *Ss keep walking and follow the directions.
Arrow Game *One person faces everyone and uses hands to point out the directions. Here are different ways to play ….. 1. point and say the same direction 2. point – opposite , say – same 3. point – same , say – opposite 4. point – opposite , say – opposite
Chicken Dance See the demonstration and dance with music!!
*Review the games and activities often. *Practice makes perfect. *If you forget how to play, you’re welcome to ask me when you see me around the campus or make an appointment with me. Thanks for your great participation!!