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Our Invisible Students: Homeless Children & Youth. Pam Kies-Lowe State Coordinator for Homeless Education Michigan Department of Education Office of Field Services, Special Populations Unit. FOCUS ON TITLE III : ESL, ELL, Immigrant.
Our Invisible Students:HomelessChildren & Youth Pam Kies-Lowe State Coordinator for Homeless Education Michigan Department of Education Office of Field Services, Special Populations Unit FOCUS ON TITLE III: ESL, ELL, Immigrant
More than 1.5 million children will experience homelessness over the course of a year. 42% of these children are under the age of 6. 47% of them are African-American. National Center for Family Homelessness. 2009. America’s Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness 2
An estimated 1.6 – 1.7 million youth become runaways or homeless each year. Females, African-Americans, and Native Americans are over-represented among these youth. Between 20-40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT. Understanding Homeless Youth: Numbers, Characteristics, Multisystem Involvement, and Intervention Options. Testimony Given before the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, June 19, 2007. Urban Institute. Ringwalt, C. L.; Greene, J. M.; Robertson, M. J. 1998. Familial Backgrounds and Risk Behaviors of Youth with Thrownaway Experiences. Journal of Adolescence 21(3): 241-252. 3
In any given day, researchers estimate that more than 200,000 children have no place to live. Homeless families are more likely to be headed by a single mother in her 20s with young children. National Center for Family Homelessness. 2009. America’s Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness 4
Between the 2007-2008 and the 2009-2010 school years,Michigan school districtsreported increases of 300% in the numbers of homeless students identified. 5
Our Invisible Students: Homeless Children and Youth Michigan Statistics: 2007-2010 • 7,500 homeless students were reported in Michigan’s 2007-2008 State Student Database • 23,899 homeless students were reported in unofficial counts (3/09) by Michigan schools for 2007-2008(69% higher than official count) And yet… • 14,682 homeless students were reported in Michigan’s 2008-2009 State Student Database(a 96% increase in official count over 07-08) • 22,673 homeless students were reported in Michigan’s 2000-2010 State Student Database (a 54% increase in official count over 08-09) 6
What You Need to Know About Homelessness in Michigan Families comprise more than half the homeless in MI* 1 of every 3 homeless persons in Michigan is a child* The average age of a homeless child is 7.8 years** 30% of homeless families are working poor** 77% of families are homeless due to lack of affordable housing* Of homeless families, 45% reported being homeless more than once* Between 2007 and 2008, family homelessness increased 10.8% in MI, with the largest increases in rural Michigan** * Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness, 2007 Factsheet ** The Campaign to End Homelessness, 2008 Annual Summary 8
Rural homelessness is not the same as urban homelessness… 37% of the rural homeless population is between the ages of 18 and 24, compared to 13% of the urban population 57% of rural homeless are part of a family (versus 45% of urban homeless) Rural homeless is a recent phenomena – more people in rural communities report this is their first experience ever being homeless What You Need to Know About Homelessness in Michigan * Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness, 2007 Factsheet 9
Homelessness is an economic issue… The major factors contributing to homelessness: Lack of affordable housing Poverty Domestic violence Lack of employment or underemployment Debt and/or lack of income Addiction Disabilities or health problems Natural and other disasters Abuse (physical & sexual), neglect, parental substance abuse, and family conflict (for unaccompanied youth) Top 3 reasons are highlighted in bold. 10
Lack of Affordable Housing One in seven US households – 37.3 million – has severe housing cost burdens. Most of these households (78%) are in the bottom quarter of the income distribution (earning $23,000 or less annually) A full-time worker earning minimum wage cannot afford a one bedroom unit priced at the Fair Market Rent anywhere in the United States Nationally, a full-time worker must earn $17.32 per hour to afford a two-bedroom apartment at Fair Market Rent The average wait for a Section 8 Voucher (public housing) is nearly 3 years (currently 35 months) 11
Poverty Many families do not earn adequate wages: 24 million US jobs (one-fifth of all jobs) do not keep a family of four out of poverty 15% of all American families and 32% of single-parent families lived below the Federal Poverty Line in 2006 2009 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) – $22,050 for a family of four $18,310 for a family of three $14,570 for a family of two On average, families need an income twice as high as the FPL to meet their most basic needs. 12
Domestic Violence Those fleeing domestic violence are more likely to become homeless or have a problem finding housing because of their unique and often urgent circumstances. Difficulty finding apartments due to poor credit, rental, and employment histories as a result of their abuse Few tangible social supports (Isolation of the victim is part of the cycle of domestic abuse.) Limited ability to collect and/or enforce child support and alimony payments Through a “one strike” policy, women may be evicted for a violent activity regardless of the cause or the circumstances. 13
Research on School Mobility It takes children an average of 4-6 months to recover academically after changing schools. Mobile students score 20 points lower on standardized tests than non-mobile students. Mobile students are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities and more likely to act out or get into trouble. Average test scores for non-mobile students were significantly lower in high schools with high student mobility rates. Students who changed high schools even once were less than half as likely as stable students to graduate, even controlling for other factors. Project Forum at National Assoc. of State Directors of Special Education, March 2007 National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, 2006 14
Who is considered homeless? Children wholack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence: (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 2002) Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason Living in motels, hotels, RV/trailer parks, camping grounds due to lack of adequate alternative accommodations Living in emergency, domestic violence, or transitional shelters Temporary foster care placement or “awaiting placement” Living in a public or private place not designed for humans to live or sleep Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, bus or train stations, under bridges, etc. Migratory children living in above circumstances Runaway or “throw-away” youth not with parent/guardian 15
Impact of Homelessness on Children and Youth Research shows that children experiencing homelessness are more likely to: Get sick 4 times as often as non-homeless children Four times as many respiratory infections Twice as many ear infections Five times more gastrointestinal problems Four times more likely to have asthma Go hungry at twice the rate of other children* Have high rates of obesity due to nutritional deficiencies Have 3 times the rate of emotional and behavioral problems compared to non-homeless children* National Center on Family Homelessness, 2009 16
Impact of Homelessness on Children and Youth Experiences of Violence By age 12, 83% had been exposed to at least one serious violent event Almost 25% have witnessed acts of violence within their families Children who witness violence are more likely to exhibit Aggressive and antisocial behavior Increased fearfulness Higher levels of depression and anxiety Greater acceptance of violence as a means of resolving conflict The constant barrage of stressful and traumatic experiences also has profound effects on their development and ability to learn. National Center on Family Homelessness, 2009 17
Impact of Homelessness on Children and Youth Developmental Milestones and Academic Performance Four times more likely to show delayed development Twice as likely to have learning disabilities as non-homeless children Academic performance problems 2.5 times more likely to perform below grade level in math 1.5 times more likely to perform below grade level in reading 1.5 times more likely to perform below grade level in spelling National Center on Family Homelessness, 2009 18
Rising transportation costs and logistical challenges in making sure homeless children have access to school Inadequate staff to identify and support children and youth experiencing homelessness Lack of affordable housing and available shelter space, leading to lower enrollments Reduction in other community services and supplies Greater severity of needs in remaining families Impact of Increased Homelessness on School Districts 19
Education of Homeless Children and Youth (ECHY) – Programs in Michigan During the current 2009-2011 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education grant cycle - 30 grants representing approximately 786 of 852 school districts* and 77 of 83 Michigan counties 29 ARRA grants to build capacity and strengthen district homeless education programs Funding priorities Consortium programs to reach unserved areas of the state Professional development & training of district staff Academic achievement of homeless students Unaccompanied homeless youth Parent engagement in education * Includes Local Education Agencies, Public School Academies, and Intermediate School Districts 20
MI Homeless Grant Coverage 2010-2011 MI Homeless Grant Coverage 2008-2009 = Field Service Regions 24 counties not served by grants 5 counties not served by grants
Barriers to Education forHomeless Children and Youth Enrollment requirements (lack of school records, immunizations, proof of residence and guardianship) High mobility resulting in lack of school stability and educational continuity Lack of school supplies, clothing, etc. Lack of access to programs Lack of transportation Poor health, fatigue, hunger Lasting emotional impact Prejudice and misunderstanding 22
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Reauthorized in 2002 as Title X of NCLB Main themes: School stability Access to school and school services Support for academic success Child-centered focus Decision making in best interest of child 23
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: Key Provisions Districts must: Provide educational stability for homeless students Provide immediate school access for homeless students Appoint a local homeless education liaison Serve homeless students with Title I funds Develop, review, and revise their policies to remove barriers to the enrollment and retention of children and youth in homeless situations Address problems resulting from enrollment delays caused by immunization and medical records requirements; residency requirements; lack of birth certificates, school records or other documentation; guardianship issues; or uniform or dress code requirements 24
School Stability – Key Provisions Students can stay in their school of origin the entire time they are homeless, and until the end of any academic year in which they move into permanent housing If a student becomes homeless in between academic years, he or she may continue in the school of origin for the following academic year If district declines placement requested by a parent or guardian, the district must provide a written explanation to the parent or guardian of its decision and the right to appeal 25
School Stability – Key Provisions Children and youth experiencing homelessness can stay in their school of origin or enroll in any public school that students living in the same attendance area are eligible to attend, according to their best interest School of origin — school attended when permanently housed or in which last enrolled Best interest — keep homeless students in their schools of origin, to the extent feasible, unless this is against the parents’ or guardians’ wishes 26
Feasibility: USED Sample Criteria Use as guideline when determining school of origin feasibility - Continuity of instruction Age of the child or youth Safety of the child or youth Length of stay at the shelter Likely area where family will find permanent housing Student’s need for special instructional programs Impact of commute on education School placement of siblings Time remaining in the school year 27
Access to Services Undocumented children and youth have the same right to attend public school as U.S. citizens and are covered by the McKinney-Vento Act to the same extent as other children and youth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plyler_v._Doe) USDA policy permits liaisons and shelter directors to obtain free school meals for students by providing a list of names of students experiencing homelessness with effective dates The 2004 reauthorization of IDEA includes amendments that reinforce timely assessment, inclusion, and continuity of services for homeless children and youth with disabilities States are prohibited from segregating homeless students in separate schools, separate programs within schools, or separate settings within schools 28
Title I and Homelessness – Key Provisions A child or youth who is homeless and is attending any school in the district is automatically eligible for Title I-A services (academic support services) Services for homeless students in both Title I and non-Title I schools must be comparable to those provided to non-homeless students in Title I schools Services that are not ordinarily provided to other Title I students and that are not available from other sources Tutoring for homeless students – in shelters and other locations where homeless students are living 29
Local McKinney-VentoHomeless Education Liaisons Every LEA must designate a Liaison to serve students in homeless situations Responsibilities of the Liaison: Ensure that children and youth in homeless situations are identified and reported Ensure that homeless students enroll in and have full and equal opportunity to succeed in school (usually within 1 day) Link with educational services, including Title I, preschool, special education, and health services Link with community services, including medical, dental, mental health, etc. 30
Post public notice of educational rights (FREE posters at http://www.serve.org/nche/products.php) Resolve disputes at district level Inform parents, guardians, or youth of educational rights, including transportation services to the school of origin Visit www.serve.org/nche for Best Practices School Selection for Students in Out of Home Care Child Welfare Professionals & the McKinney-Vento Act – Q & A LIBRARY – Info. by Topic Local McKinney-VentoHomeless Education Liaisons 31
Transportation – Key Provisions School districts must eliminate transportation barriers to the school enrollment and retention of students experiencing homelessness LEAs must provide students experiencing homelessness with transportation to and from their school of origin at a parent’s or guardian’s request at the liaison’s request, for unaccompanied youth at a DHS caseworker’s request If the student’s temporary residence and the school of origin are in the same LEA, that LEA must provide or arrange transportation 32
Transportation – Key Provisions If the student is living outside of the school of origin’s LEA, the LEA where the student is living and the school of origin’s LEA must determine how to divide the responsibility and share the cost, or they must share the cost equally In addition to providing transportation to the school of origin, LEAs must provide transportation services to parents/guardians of homeless students to attend school meetings and teacher conferences, if requested Schools that do not provide transportation to students must provide it for homeless students 33
Transportation Strategies Develop close ties among local liaisons, school staff, pupil transportation staff, shelter workers and caseworkers Re-route school buses (including special education, magnet school and other buses) Develop agreements with school districts where homeless children cross district lines Provide passes for public transportation Use approved van or taxi services Provide parents with pre-paid gas cards Arrange rides with school staff 34
Resolution of Disputes – Key Provisions Every state must establish and distribute dispute resolution procedures (www.michigan.gov/homeless) When a dispute over enrollment arises, the student must be admitted immediately to the school of choice while the dispute is being resolved Liaisons must ensure unaccompanied youth are enrolled immediately while a dispute is being resolved 35
Resolution of Disputes – Key Provisions Whenever a school declines the school selection or service request of the parent/guardian of a homeless student, or when a dispute arises, the parent or guardian must be provided with a written explanation of the school’s decision, including the right to appeal The school must refer the child, youth, parent, or guardian to the liaison to carry out the dispute resolution process as expeditiously as possible Documentation should be kept for all local liaison interventions with parents—not just formal disputes (NCLB) 36
Immigrant and refugee children & youth often experience higher rates of mobility and poverty These are associated with learning difficulties, academic failure, and increased dropout rates – very similar to families experiencing homelessness Living conditions may make them eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Title III and Homeless Students 38
McKinney-Vento services are designed to reduce academic barriers and have a positive impact on the educational outcomes of students experiencing “homelessness” M-V services can also help create a safe and welcoming environment for immigrant students and their parents who lack a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” Title III and Homeless Students (2) 39
Determining McKinney-Vento Eligibility for Immigrant Students • Due to services available for immigrants, it is rare for them not to have housing • Immigrant students do have higher rates of poverty and high mobility – both predictors for homelessness • Immigrant families often stay with friends or family members, or in overcrowded conditions, due to economic hardship • Some of these conditions are similar to families experiencing homelessness
Determining McKinney-Vento Eligibility for Immigrant Students (2) • Explain that the reason for asking questions is to see if the student is eligible for additional educational services. • Avoid using the term “homeless.” Instead use “families in transition.” • Explain the legal definition: “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” • Encourage parent participation by providing interpreters, explaining school policies and expectations, and offering transportation for school meetings
Determining McKinney-Vento Eligibility for Immigrant Students (3) • Is this a permanent living arrangement or just a temporary place to stay? • Are you living with friends or relatives? • In how many places have you lived since you came the United States? • How long have you been in your current place? • How long do you intend to stay there?
Determining McKinney-Vento Eligibility for Immigrant Students (4) • How many people live in the home? • How many bathrooms are there? • Do you and the children share a room? • How many stay in one room? • Does the home have electricity/heat/hot & cold running water?
Educational Barriers to Successfor Title III students • Language barriers • Lack of school and parent materials in native languages • Educational deficits from previous gaps in schooling • Lack of documents verifying birth and immunizations • Perceived lack of academic support from parents • Differences in cultures and learning styles
Educational Barriers to Successfor Title III students (continued) • Difficulty in tracking students’ progress due to high mobility (and language barriers) • Lack of quality professional development programs for school staff (related to serving immigrants) • Discrimination – often from lack of accurate information and cultural misunderstandings • Students’ needs to work full-time to support their families (interferes with class time and school schedules)
Strategies to Reduce Barriers McKinney-Vento Liaisons should: • Connect with local immigrant leadership groups, churches, mosques, parent advisory councils, etc. to become more familiar with immigrant cultural and language issues. • Work closely with refugee resettlement agencies in order to determine M-V eligibility on a case-by-case basis • Have school materials translated into immigrants’ native languages. • Arrange transportation for parents and ensure that interpreters are available for parent meetings.
Strategies to Reduce Barriers McKinney-Vento Liaisons should: • Arrange for immunizations or retrieve immunization records for students • Make referrals to healthcare, dental, mental health, and other community services, as needed. • Coordinate with other school programs to assure that immigrant & refugee children receive appropriate academic support. • CAUTION: Lack of English skills should NOT mean these children are placed in special education or low academic tracks, despite high capabilities!
Coordination with Title III • Increase awareness of M-V Act and services, as well as understanding of who is eligible • Increase awareness of district & community services for immigrants and refugees • Identify a term in immigrants’ native languages that connotes homelessness or eligibility for such services • Coordinate assistance in providing interpreters when interviewing immigrant or refugee families or students
Coordination with Community Agencies • Gather information on local laws/policies related to immigrant families • Learn what services are available in the community and discuss ways to coordinate with school services • Collaborate to develop procedures for agencies to refer children and families who may be eligible for M-V services to the local district Liaison • Find assistance with translating/interpreting
Contact Information Michigan Department of Education Homeless Education Program Office 517-241-1162 Homeless Education Website www.michigan.gov/homeless Pam Kies-Lowe State Coordinator for Homeless Education kies-lowep@michigan.gov 50