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WEB publishing of Argo float data from Black Sea A. Stefanov , A. Palazov, V. Slabakova, E.Peneva. About BulARGO project Funded by:
WEB publishing of Argo float data from Black Sea A. Stefanov, A. Palazov, V. Slabakova, E.Peneva
About BulARGO project • Funded by: • Bulgarian National Science Fund to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, which aims to establish a national research infrastructure in the frame of Euro-Argo activities. • The partners: • Bulgarian Institute of Oceanology – BAS • Sofia University "St. KlimentOhridski“ • National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - BAS.
Why do we need Black Sea Argo Program ? Lack of regular observations of the marine environmental parameters has hindered the development and validation of regional basin- scale models; Climate system monitoring and climate change detection need long-term data records; Marine industry (shipping, fishery, tourism) needs marine products; Safety at sea (search and rescue, oil spills) needs real time data and forecasts
BulARGO Goals: To develop national research infrastructure as a Bulgarian component of the Euro-Argo network; To deploy and make operational an array of 5 floats during the 3 years of the BulARGO project execution (3 floats in the beginning of 2011 and 2 more in 2012) To increase Black Sea in-situ data sources and to improve quality of local in-situ products and forecasts; To promote international collaboration towards establishment of a Black Sea Argo program; To demonstrate utility of Argo floats in the Black Sea to the stakeholders and user community.
Why do we need local DMS for BUL Argo Program ? TheCoriolis data center is a GLOBAL data assembly center (DAC) for French and Europeans Argo floats. The real time QC automatic procedures are applied daily by the CORIOLIS data center. The role of LOCAL BulArgo data centre is to: Collect, control and distribute argo float data for operational oceanography between all partners; Apply specific methods for the qualification of floats in delayed mode; Dissemination of argo data through SeaDataNet infrastructure.
Standard Software Win2008 (IIS) MSSql2008 Esri Arc Info, ArcGis server 9.2 Reporting Services : • Uses network-based model of web services. • Allow access, download and manage usage data with a convenient ID and password. • Reports may be “broadcast” to a subscribers during off-hours; • Display graphic representations of the data • View data at various levels of detail, such as in summary tabular form or in graphics views; • Download data in a variety of formats, including HTML, or export to a spreadsheet according the SEADATANET ODV standard for reporting oceanographic data.
Clients ArcGis Server GIS DATABASE Data Base Server • Main steps • Create map application • Create service based on map application and corresponding web application on ARGIS Server • Load periodically Argo float data in map application WEB publishing – standard approach
Clients Report Server ArcGis Server General DATABASE GIS DATABASE Data Base Server (s) • Main steps • Create map application • Create service based on map application and corresponding web application on ARGIS Server • Modification the code behind map object identification tool to build the query against general data base using Report server • Load periodically only trajectory of argo float data as layers in GIS data base • Load other argo float data in general data base WEB publishing – combined approach
The advantages of such an approach are: Avoid restrictions concerning building relationship classes with between spatial data and other attribute data in GIS database. There are no needs to transfer all attribute information to GIS database; End user may have simultaneous access to both data from a GIS server and data from the general RDBMS; Publishing GIS data to the Web does not change existing data workflow – how the data is created, maintained, and used by desktop applications. Possibilities to replace of ARGIS Server with Google services
The advantages of such an approach are: Avoid restrictions concerning building relationship classes with between spatial data and other attribute data in GIS database. There are no needs to transfer all attribute information to GIS database; End user may have simultaneous access to both data from a GIS server and data from the general RDBMS; Publishing GIS data to the Web does not change existing data workflow – how the data is created, maintained, and used by desktop applications. Possibilities to replace of ARGIS Server with Google services
Clients Report Server Google maps Server General DATABASE GIS DATABASE Data Base Server (s) • Main steps • Create map application • Load periodically only trajectory of Argo float data as layers in GIS data base • Load other Argo float data in general data base • Export map as KML file • Run a script to modify KML file with links to Report Server • upload KML to Google server WEB publishing – combined approach
CONCLUSIONS WEB centric DMS ensure flexible and operative infrastructure for publishing argo float data and information exchange between data providers and end users; Combined approach allow the user to have simultaneous access to both data from a GIS server and data from the general RDBMS. Viewing data with Google tools provide additional flexibility.
HOW TO GET ARGO DATA: 1.CORIOLIS DATA CENTER http://www.coriolis.eu.org/Data-Services-Products floats № 6900803, 6900804, 6900803, 1901200 2. BUL_ARGO on BGODC http://www.gisserver.io-bas.bg/Web_argo/ 3. BULARGO on Google http://g.co/maps/9zh3z To enter Report Server User: argo Password:argo