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Rediscover the sense of wholeness in your life with the right Yoga practice. With the various Yoga poses from the experts at Namastday Yoga, you can cultivate an overall improvement in the health and energy in the body. Check out the top five yoga poses for the first-timers and feel and enhanced positivity in your mental, physical and spiritual space.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Tadasana, Mountain Pose or Samasthiti is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise; it is not described in medieval hatha yoga texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas.
Tree Pose (Vrksasana) Vrikshasana or Tree Pose is a balancing asana. It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval hatha yoga, and remains popular in modern yoga as exercise.
Triangle (Trikonasana) Trikonasana or UtthitaTrikonasana, [Extended] Triangle Pose is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. Variations include BaddhaTrikonasana and ParivrttaTrikonasana.
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) This is a standing yoga pose named after a mythological Hindu warrior, Virabhadra. An incarnation of the god Shiva, Virabhadra was fierce and powerful, with a thousand arms and hair and eyes of fire.
Downward-Facing Dog (AdhoMukhaSvanasana) Downward Dog Pose, Downward-facing Dog Pose, or AdhoMukhaShvanasana, is an inversion asana in modern yoga as exercise, often practised as part of a flowing sequence of poses, especially Surya Namaskar, the Salute to the Sun.
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