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This mini-workshop focused on the Machine Detector Interface design of the FCC-ee collider, addressing open issues and validating designs with experts worldwide.
FCC-ee mini-workshop / reviewCERN, 16-26 January 2017 (chair & main organizer M. Boscolo) Motivation anmd scope This mini-workshop for the Machine Detector Interface design of the FCC-ee collider had been triggered by the FCC-ee design review of October 2016. It aimed at revisiting/validating several open issues with worldwide experts. The main topics to be discussed before freezing the baseline MDI layoutincluded the various beam-pipe dimensions, choice of l*, final magnet parameters, space and location of luminosity monitors. Overlapping in time with the FCC-ee MDI mini-workshop, the 1st FCC Physics Workshop tookplace, in the week 16-20 January. Its agenda is available at the following link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/550509 http://indico.cern.ch/event/596695
Participants E. Belli (CERN) M. Benedikt (CERN) A. Bogomyagkov (BINP) M. Boscolo (INFN) H. Burkhardt (CERN) M. Dam (NBI) D. El Khechen (CNRS/LAL) K. Elsener (CERN) R. Kersevan (CERN) M. Koratzinos (U Geneva) E. Levichev (BINP) A. Novokhatski (SLAC) N. Ohuchi (KEK - remote) K. Oide (KEK) M. Sullivan (SLAC) H. ten Kate (CERN) P. Vobly(BINP) G. Voutsinas (CERN) F. Zimmermann (CERN)
Programme Week 1 Monday 16/1 – Relevant talks at the 1st FCC Physics Workshop : 09.10 Status of the FCC Project (M. Benedikt), 09.40 FCC accelerator parameters (F. Zimmermann) The FCC-ee MDI mini-workshop starts at 2pm – Introduction & Optics 14:00 Introduction (M. Benedikt and F. Zimmermann), 14:30 Workshop Plan (M. Boscolo) 15:00 Optics (K. Oide) , 16:00 Optics discussion Tuesday 17/1 – Trapped modes 09:00 Trapped Modes Analysis (A. Novokhatski), 09:30 Trapped Modes Analysis (E. Belli) 10:00 Optics Issues Discussion & Trapped Modes Discussion, Afternoon: Working session Wednesday 18/1 – IR layout and Synchrotron Radiation 09:00 IR Layout with SR constraints (M. Sullivan), 10:00 SR with MDISim (H. Burkhardt) 10:30 SR with SYNRAD+ (R. Kersevan), 11:00 Discussion on SR related issues Afternoon: Working session Thursday 19/1 - Luminosity Monitor 09:00 LumiCal (M. Dam),10:30 FCC-eeIR magnetic element design – an update (M. Koratzinos) 11:00 Discussion on LumiCal, 12:00 Fast Luminosoity Monitor for SuperKEKB (D. El Khechen) Afternoon: Working session Friday 20/1 – Magnetic Integration System and IR Mechanical Layout 09:00 Magnetic Integration System and IR Mechanical Layout (H. ten Kate), Discussion Afternoon: Working session
Programme Week 2 • Monday 23/1 – IR Quadrupole Design • 14:00 IR Quadrupole Design (P. Vobly) , Discussion • 15:30 Solenoid Compensation Scheme Optimization (S. Sinyatkin) • Tuesday 24/1 - Working • 10:00 SuperKEKB IR SC Magnets (N. Ohuchi), Discussion & additional presentations • Wednesday 25/1 – Working & Writing • 09:30 Trapped Mode Analysis - Update (E. Belli), 09:45 Trapped Mode Analysis – Update (A. Novokhatski) • Discussion & write-up • Thursday 26/1 - Working & Writing • 09:30 Luminosity Calorimeter Update (M. Sullivan), 10:00 Lumical Design Update (M. Dam) • 10:55 Solenoid compensation scheme (S. Sinyatkin), • 11:00 Effect of the FCC beampipe on flavour tagging (G.G. Voutsinas) • Discussion & write-up • Friday 27/1 – Close-out • Close-out with conclusions (K. Oide, M. Sullivan, M. Dam, A. Novokhatski, H. ten Kate, S. Sinyatkin, M. Boscolo, F. Z.)
Optics Summary Katsunobu Oide
Mike’s summary • The LumiCal looks OK at the Z running • We need a Be beam pipe for the LumiCal window in order to minimize the RL to the LumiCal and to minimize the HOM power in this region • The LumiCal window will cause central detector SR backgrounds to increase at the Top running because of the high energy of the scattered photons Mike Sullivan
For the Top running • 1.9109 photons incident on the mask tip every beam bunch • 3.87% scatter through the mask tip • About 1% can scatter through 2 cm of Ta • This means about 700,000 photons go into the central detector region every beam crossing – too many • We will need to add as much shielding as we can in order to cut this rate down Mike Sullivan
Detector Magnets Herman ten Kate
Quadrupole Magnets Herman ten Kate
Compensation & shielding solenoius, etc. Herman ten Kate
Model 2 E. Belli 25/01/2017 – FCCee MDI Workshop
Wake potential 10 mm 5 mm E. Belli 25/01/2017 – FCCee MDI Workshop
HOM power estimate IR power loss (two beams) Positrons Electrons Excitation of a cavity by electron and positron currents depends upon the difference in the arrival time and frequency of the cavity. The power may vary from 0 to 4. In average we assume to be 2. B-side BPM A good HOMs absorber in IP will solve the problem with resonant modes. Alexander Novokhatski
A trapped mode in FCC IR Electric field lines in this place Perpendicular to the beam trajectory And image currents Alexander Novokhatski
A screen with longitudinal slots Alexander Novokhatski
HOM absorber for FCC IR water pipe cupper absorbing tiles screen screen Alexander Novokhatski
Layout 1.2 m Luminometer QC1R1_1 QC1R1_2 Compensating Solenoid 1 m Screening Solenoid 1.25 m Defocusing Quads 2.01 m 1.84 m 2.16 m 2.2 m QC1R1_1: L= 0.7 m, K1=-75 / -75 T/m, R = 0.015 m QC1R1_2: L= 1.4 m, K1=-173 / -166 T/m, R = 0.0175 m Sergey Sinyatkin
Layout Sergey Sinyatkin
Field distribution with detector iron yoke Transverse half size: - main solenoidfield - Lgeom = 1.25 m, Bs = 2 T - compensating solenoid - R = 0.176/ 0.243 m, Lgeom= 0.756 m, Bs~ 3.3 T - screening solenoid - R = 0.245 m , Lgeom = 1.838 m Sergey Sinyatkin
Field distribution with detector iron yoke Edge field in quad area: Bs<0.01 T Bx<0.002 T It is necessary to introduce additional corrections in the screening area and at the detector’s yoke end cap. Sergey Sinyatkin
Beam Orbit at IR Sergey Sinyatkin
Emittance calculation • I2 = 5.65*10-4 m-1 • I5 = 1.99*10-11 m-1 For 2 IP Sergey Sinyatkin
Field distribution Bs_no iron Bs • Nonuniformity: • No iron: Bs ~ 1 kGs • With iron: Bs ~ 50 Gs • Insert of distributed screening solenoid coils • Screening area up to 6 – 10 m by distributed screening solenoids Sergey Sinyatkin
Sergey’s Summary • Vertical emittance for current geometry is small. • Residual magnetic field in FF area is less than 50 - 100 Gs. • Absence of detector’s solenoid iron yoke requires distributed solenoid coils. Sergey Sinyatkin
my personal highlights • enormous progress, all questions were answered (l*, HOMs, lumical, chamber dimension, material…) • some otherconclusions/observations: • no need for full final quadrupole prototypes • structural design of compensating solenoid does not yet exist • new questions: • do we need LumiCal for the H? • can we make the final part of soft bend even softer? • SR from solenoid fringe field • where are the draftsmen making detector specification drawings? • option for second detector with 0.5 T field? – which detail in CDR? • do we really need a no-yoke magnet for FCC-ee? • beta_x* at Z? SR emittance limits?electron cloud in IR?! • new requests: • 3D CAD computer model of IR region (now already pursued by vacuum group!) as input for realistic impedance calculations • need cryostat designer