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Statistical Insights on Biomonitoring for Low Probability High Damage Detection

Explore statistical proof of biomonitoring, performance analysis, test probabilities, and practical implications. Key organisms and monitoring instruments included to enhance early detection and minimize risks effectively.

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Statistical Insights on Biomonitoring for Low Probability High Damage Detection

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  1. Low probability and great potential damage – statistical comments onbiomonitoringCarsten LüringKiel - 2010

  2. Why use Biomonitors? • Fast and online detection of toxic substances • Detection of known as well as unknown or unexpected toxic substances • Massive reduction of efforts for chemical analysis • Detection of rare events • Prevention of high damage

  3. Statistical proof of God’s existenceBlaise Pascale (1623 - 1662)

  4. The statistics of biomonitoring (2010) -> consider the use of biomonitoring

  5. Organisms and Biomonitors • daphnids • algae • luminescent bacteria • mussels • fish

  6. Performance of a water monitoring instrument: • Question: • What is the probability of a toxic event if an alarm is indicated? • 1. ca. 99,9% • 2. ca. 98% • 3. ca. 5% • 4. ca. 2% • 5. I don’t know • 6. Nobody knows

  7. Performance of a medical test: You are travelling to a tropical country. After returning, you notice that some travellers - let´s say 1 of 1000 - are infected by a painful sickness. To check whether you are infected or not, a diagnostic test with the following performance is conducted: Test result: infected How high is the probability of infection?

  8. Performance of a medical test: • Your personal test result: infected • How high is the probability of real infection? • 1. ca. 99% • 2. ca. 98% • 3. ca. 5% • 4. ca. 2% • 5. I don’t know • 6. Nobody knows

  9. Result of the medical test: • Your personal test result: infected • How high is the probability of real infection? • 1. ca. 99% • 2. ca. 98% • 3. ca. 5% • 4. ca. 2% • 5. I don’t know • 6. Nobody knows

  10. Result of the medical test: Example: Number of travellers: Number of not infected travellers Number of infected travellers Number of not infected travellers with a false positive test Number of infected travellers with a positive test Number of infected travellers with a false negative test 100,000 99,900 100 2,000 99 1 Probability: 99 of 2,099 -> ca. 5%

  11. Consequence: Redo the test • Your personal second test result: infected • How high is the probability of real infection? • 1. ca. 99% • 2. ca. 98% • 3. ca. 70% • 4. ca. 35% • 4. ca. 15% • 5. I don’t know

  12. Consequence: Redo the test Example: Number of travellers with a positive test: Number of not infected travellers with a positive test: Number of infected travellers with a positive test: Number of not infected travellers with a second false positive test Number of infected travellers with a second positive test Number of infected travellers with a false negative test 2,099 2,000 99 40 98 1 Probability: 98 of 138 -> ca. 70%

  13. Performance of a test: • To answer the questions of the probability of being infected, 3 pieces of information are required: • Error of the test showing an infection although there is none • Error of the test showing no infection although there is an infection • A priori probability of the population

  14. Performance of a water monitoring instrument: • Question: • What is the probability of a toxic event if an alarm is indicated? • 1. ca. 99.9% • 2. ca. 98% • 3. ca. 5% • 4. ca. 2% • 5. I don’t know • 6. Nobody knows

  15. Performance of a single biomonitorat a river:

  16. Performance of 10 biomonitors in a drinking water supply system:

  17. Consequences for biomonitoring: • Double check in case of an alarm • Reduce the number of alarms although there is no toxin by enhancing the instrument

  18. Realization in bbe biomonitoring instruments: • Reduce the number of alarms although there is no alarm by enhancing the instrument by: • using special alarm detection algorithms • using more than on parameter to detect an alarm • - DaphTox / FTOX: 2-3 of the behavioural parameters need to be suspicious • - ToxProtect: Activity and “swimming in the top row” • supervising the hardware for illegal states • - Temperature • - Flowrate • - Function of heating / cooling devices • - Status of the organisms

  19. Double check in case of an alarm: Using 2 instruments of the same type BioMonitor A1 BioMonitor A2 -> expensive

  20. Not usable for a double checking BioMonitor A BioMonitor B Double check in case of an alarm: Using 2 instruments with different organisms Detecting a wider range of toxins BioMonitor A BioMonitor B

  21. Realization in bbe biomonitoring instruments: • Double check in case of an alarm: • DaphTox / FTOX: Two chamber systems with parallel alarm evaluation • ToxProtect: Alarm evaluation by switching off the light • Algae Toximeter: Redo the measurement 2 or 3 times

  22. The bbe Daphnia Toximeter verification mechanism - current subjects of research - • Using the phototaxis of the daphnia for a second test • Additional alternating blue light on the left and right side in case of alarm • Horizontal distribution of daphnia by adding 5µg/l Pyrethrum

  23. Take home message: • The lower the probability of a toxic event - • the more important is the use of a biomonitor with an automatic double check of the alarm.

  24. Special thanks to: Dr. Hans-Hermann Dubben: Der Hund, der Eier legt

  25. Many thanks foryour attention

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