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INSTALLATION STATUS REPORT Definition Requirements generator based on Army-wide Standards designed to assist “Installations”, MACOMs, “Regions” and HQDA to monitor Quantity, Quality and Costs and provide an objective means to compare conditions across installations and functional areas that will affect management approaches, policy decisions, installation strategic planning and justification of resource allocations based on information collected annually (15APR).
WHY ISR? FY02 Budget Increase for Improved Installation Readiness
Secretary of the Army published 1MAR01: Quarterly Army Performance Review; Unit Status Report (monthly); INSTALLATION STATUS REPORT (annually) WHY ISR? Report conditions to Chief of Staff, Army Assess Army performance:
Secretary of the Army published 1MAR01: Quarterly Army Performance Review; Unit Status Report (monthly); INSTALLATION STATUS REPORT (annually) Congressional requirement (US Code : Title 10, Section 117) AR 210-14 (www.usapa.mil) WHY ISR? Report conditions to Chief of Staff, Army Assess Army performance: DOD Installation Readiness Assessment System Regulation
Measure Outcome Establish Requirements Standards Your Data Matters! Fund Requirements WHY ISR? Manage Installations to Standards • Concept: • Connect Resources to Outcomes Measured Against Standards • Categorize $ Requirements: • - Sustainment • - Improvement • Approach: • Set Standards - ISR • Establish $ Requirement - AIM-HI • Fund $ Requirement - POM • Measure Outcome - ISR
WHAT DOES ISR DO? • Assesses installation conditionsagainst established Army-wide standards • Articulates installation and Armyneeds • Estimates resourcerequirements • Assistsin prioritizing programs, projects • Assists in allocation of resources • Measurestrendsover time ISR’S INTENT IS TO PROVIDE MACRO LEVEL MANAGEMENT TOOL
WHAT CAN ISR DO FOR ME? Provides excellent, automated management data to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your operation. Provides an opportunity to address issues that affect installation readiness (Cdr’s Comments) Helps tell your story to higher headquarters Communicates status of Installation to Senior Leaders for visits (Congress, Sec White, CSA, CNGB, DARNG, DDARNG, Governors, TAGS...) Levels the resources playing field. Question: How much does it cost in Military Personnel, Civilian Personnel, Funding, Equipment costs, and other items to perform a particular operation? (rough order of magnitude)
Fully sustain required facilities to halt deterioration and protect the modernization investment Sustainment - Raise Army from C-3 to C-2 over 20 years Quantity Shortfalls - WHAT CAN ISR DO FOR ME? Army Facility Strategy Goals Quality Backlog - Raise Army from C-3 to C-2 by 2010 by bringing selected facility types to C-1 (see Focused Facility Types below) Focus Facility Types ARNG READINESS CENTERS USAR Centers Fitness Ctrs Trainee Bks Modernization Focus (Quality Backlog) Classrooms Veh Maint & Hardstand Chapels
RI - Used ISR to answer Governor’s Armory Questions Rhode Island uses "government by results"funding criteria. Questions arose after submitting a $2.8M budget request for FY '04. A Governor's Aide for performance measures was briefed using the ISR. Red, Amber, Green ratings were explained, Briefed the ISR inspection criteria for armories and gave him the percentage of Army National Guard armories that meet or exceed Army Standards (C-1 or 2) for the last four years. The briefing was satisfactory enough to squelch further questions. HOW DO STATES USE THE ISR? IA - Justified $750,000 Recurring Requirement KS -Justified $20,000,000 bond GA - Multiple Uses “…it was very useful data & we keep getting better at gathering it”. and Federal positions. NH - Received $700,000 “…it is significant for a small state budget that started with no funding”.
Responsibility AC Position ARNG Position WHO MAKES ISR HAPPEN? Approves / Signs Installation Commander TAG Overall Administrator Garrison Commander State COS ISR I Administrator DEH CFMO ISR 2 Administrator Env. Prog. Mgr. Env. Prog. Mgr State COS ISR 3 Administrator Installation COS USPFO SBC Administrator Resource Manager NGB-ARI-D Training, Data Collection ACSIM
ARNG ISR Organization Chart Personnel and Community ARNG General StafF Installations Division Information Technology Operations BG Vaughn Deputy Director LTG Schultz Director Logistics General Staff G-8 Engineering ARNG ISR Program Management ARNG Division ISR3/SBC POCs G-7 NGB-ARI Office of Chief of Staff G-6 Resource Management G-5 Installation Support LTC Brooks Acting Chief Real Estate Branch COL Smith Chief Installations Division Mr. Troumbley Manager ISR Program COL Walker G-4 Resource Management Acquisition G-3 Mr. Schombert CALIBRE (CONTR) ISR Program G-2 ETC. Health Services G-1 Command and Staff States, Commonwealths Territories ISR Working Group
THREE AREAS: THREE LEVELS: ISR1 - Infrastructure Green / Amber / Red ISR2 - Environmental (Good ---------- Poor) ISR3 - Services/SBC FIVE “C” RATINGS: OUTPUTS: C-1 through C-4 / C-5 Quantity Quality Cost n/a (high -------> low) INSTALLATION STATUS REPORT 101 (INDIVIDUAL) (COLLECTIVE)
ISR 1 (Infrastructure) Installation Support Family Hsg CDC Hosp & Med Dependent Schools Community Spt Post Exch Commissary Electrical / Gas Water Sewer Heat A/C EUPH Railroads Dining Fac Other UPH Trainee UPH 5 Areas (ISR SOFTWARE PRODUCES REPORTS ONLY TO THESE 5 LEVELS) Mission Mobility Housing Community Trng Ranges Road & Trail Maintenance Airfield Facs Production 29 Categories Trng/Inst Airfield Pvmt Ports R&D Strat Mob Supply/Storage Admin Info Mgmt *63 Sub-Categories *245 Facility Category Groups *Has changed in the past and will continue to change
ISR 2 (Environmental) Compliance Conservation Pollution Prevention Restoration Foundation Air Quality Haz Mat Mgt Recycling Restoration Program Mgt Haz. Waste Pollu Preven Remediation Env. Noise Natural Res. Solid Waste Cultural Res. Storage Tank Int. Pest Mgt Wastewater Water Quality Toxic Sub Mgt NEPA/EIA 5 Pillars 18 ISR Media
ISR 3 / SBC (SERVICES) -> SSC * # * * # * # * # # Safety and Occupational Health Veterinary Medicine # # Installation Management Preventive Medicine * # Inspector General Dental Medical Public Affairs Services Chaplain Contracting Administration * # Staff Judge Advocate Contracting # Provost Marshall Management Analysis * # Financial Management * Emergency Services # Resource Environmental Services # Other Engineering Services # Real Property Management Housing Management Facilities Maintenance/Management * Laundry/Dry Cleaning * Food Services # # - SBC EVALUATED(180 PMs) Transportation Services # * Materiel Maintenance * # Supply Management * # - ISR 3 SERVICES EVALUATED(150 PMs) Supply Operations # Force Protection Installation Intelligence and Security # Info Technology Mgt and Planning * # Administrative Services * # Visual Information Systems * # Comm Systems and Systems Spt * # Retail Services * # Education Morale, Welfare and Recreation Military Personnel Support # * Civilian Personnel Management # Health Acquisition Command and Staff Management 9 SERVICE AREAS Engineering 38 FUNCTIONS 95 SERVICES Logistics Operations Information Technology Personnel and Community
ISR I Mr. W.G. Troumbley NGB-ARI BILL.TROUMBLEY@NGB.ARMY.MIL c-703.607.7943 d-327-7943 ISR II MAJ Merle ‘Chip’ London NGB-ARE MERLE.LONDON@NGB.ARMY.MIL c-703.607.7994 d-327-7994 ISR III/SBC Mr. Tim Schombert NGB-ARI TIM.SCHOMBERT@NGB.ARMY.MIL C-703.6079775 d-327-9775 Program Mr. W.G. Troumbley NGB-ARI Manager BILL.TROUMBLEY@NGB.ARMY.MIL c-703.607.7943 d-327-7943 WHERE CAN I GET ASSISTANCE?
CMRP - Religious plan DFAS - Fiscal Accounting RPLANS - Facilities reqmts CATS - Complaints/Appeals Tracking IT Metrics (web) IR- Semi-annual Internal Review Report to Congress ASIP - Force Structure Data RPI - Facilities assets SIDPERS - Personnel Data Property Books LIDB/LOGSA - Maintenance records ...And many other sources WHERE DOES ISR DATA COME FROM?
POM Development Environmental Sustainment $ for: Cost & Economic AIM- HI Environmental Improvement $ Analysis Center BASOPS Sustainment Requirements BASOPS Improvement Generator HQ ENVR SRM Sustainment RPLANS BASOPS Facility Modernization Rqmts Programming Fac Mod Improve Rqmts BASOPS SRM Inventory MILCON SRM $ $ HQEIS AEDB Facility Strategy BASOPS SSC Strategy ASIP SBC HQISR “Pacing Measures” AND THEN….. ENVR $ Rqmts BASOPS Rqmts $ Cost Factors Rqmts RPM $ Cost Factors Force Structure Population Served Real Property Inventory Environmental Requirements Facility $ to C1 Requirements Facility ‘C’ Ratings -----------Installations data feeds these headquarters systems-------------
Congress POM at DA MACOMS DOD IRAS MILCON IRP State Legislatures RPI Data Base …and MANY other users Contractors WHERE DOES ISR DATA GO?
WHEN IS ISR DATA COLLECTED? 1. Validate imported / top loaded data DEC / JAN 2. Collect data / Complete all surveys JAN - MAR 3. Input data JAN - MAR 4. Provide, overwrites and comments MAR 5. Brief Chain of Command 1 APR * 6. The Adjutant General signs ISR reports 1 APR * 7. Electronic file and signed ISR Report to NGB 15 APR ** Dates shown are for ISR 1 & ISR 2. ISR 3 & SBC are due 1 MAR
Commander’s Comment Quality Rating Quantity Rating ISR Overall Rating: Commander’s Overwrite Rating (Lesser of Quality/Quantity) WHAT DO RESULTS LOOK LIKE? “The Chiclet”
Select “Installations, Logistics and Environment” Select “Installations” and click left mouse button. Select “Installations Status Report Info Library” and click left mouse button. WHERE CAN I ACCESS ISR PRODUCTS? GKO ISR INSTRUCTIONS The ARNG Installation Status Report Intranet web site is operational and available for your use. Find it at https://gko.ngb.army.mil/ If you have no user id/password sign up for one. Its takes about 1 day to get a password. Once you have your user id/password, Log on. Select desired menu item.
WHATMAKES ALL THIS HAPPEN? http://isr.pentagon.mil
C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 FACILITIES DEGRADATION MODEL Sustainment funding at POM 03-07 levels OMA, OMAR, OMNG Baseline FY00 ISR 10/3/01
1999 Mission: Steady at Red Quality- from C4 to C3 (Critical areas deleted) Quantity- from C3 to C4 2000 Mobility: Steady at Red Quality- Steady at C4 Quantity- Steady at C3 Housing: Steady at Red Quality- from C4 to C3 (Housing more clearly defined) Quantity- from C2 to C4 2001 Community: From Red to Amber Quality- from C4 to C3 (Critical areas deleted) Quantity- from C2 to C4 2002 ISR 1 - INFRASTRUCTURE (Trends) Inst Spt: From Amber to Red Quality- C3 to C2 to C3 to C2 (hovering) Quantity- from C1 to C4
ACTIVITY BASED COSTING • STANDARD SERVICE COSTING • LIVE SYSTEM: Data lock occurs when answer is required. • CATOSTROPHIC CHANGES: Records updated as major changes occur • MORE OBJECTIVITY: Mathematical outcomes FUTURE? • ISR 1: 2003/2004 - Critical element back / 5 Areas to 9 2005 - Re-look at Standards / Better improvement Costs • STRATEGIC READINESS SYSTEM (SRS) ? • CORRELATION BETWEEN PARTS:C1 facilities = C1 services? • FUNDING TO SUPPORT FULL TIME PERSONNEL
You are here Global Information System (GIS)
NGB -----> ACSIM -----> CIM -----> TIM -----> IMA -----> ??? Automation & computer modeling of fiscal systems -----> Opportunity to be come more fiscally involved. More Training Areas will be added. ISR 2 and possibly ISR 3 will permeate Training Areas. More detailed training available. WE DETERMINE OUR FINANCIAL DESTINY CLOSING