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Relational Data Model Ch. 7.1 – 7.3. John Ortiz. Why Study Relational Model?. Most widely used model. Vendors: IBM, Informix, Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase, etc. “Legacy systems” in older models E.G., IBM’s IMS (hierarchical model) Recent competitor: object-oriented model
Relational Data ModelCh. 7.1 – 7.3 John Ortiz
Why Study Relational Model? • Most widely used model. • Vendors: IBM, Informix, Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase, etc. • “Legacy systems” in older models • E.G., IBM’s IMS (hierarchical model) • Recent competitor: object-oriented model • ObjectStore, Versant, Ontos, O2 • A synthesis emerging: object-relational model • Informix UDS, UniSQL, Oracle, DB2 Relational Data Model
Attribute name Students Relation name Tuple Column Anatomy of a Relation • Each relation is a table with a name. • An attribute is a column heading. • The heading is the schema of the relation Students(SSN, Name, Age, GPA) Relational Data Model
Domain of an Attribute • The domain of an attribute A, denoted by Dom(A), is the set of values that the attribute can take. • A domain is usually represented by a type. E.g., • SID char(4) • Name varchar(30) --- character string of variable length up to 30 • Age number --- a number Relational Data Model
Tuples • A tupleof a relation is a row in its table. • If t is a tuple of a relation R and A is an attribute of R, we use t[A] to represent the value of t under A in R. Example: If t is the second tuple in Students t[Name] = ‘Mary Day’ t[Age] = 18, t[Name, Age] = (‘Mary Day’, 18) Relational Data Model
Schema and Instance • A relation schema, denoted by R(A1, A2, …, An), consists of the relation name R and a list of attributes A1, …, An. • R.A denotes attribute A of R. • # of attributes = degree • A relation instance (state) of a relation schema R(A1, …, An), denoted by r(R), is a set of tuples in the table of R at some instance of time. • # of tuples = cardinality Relational Data Model
Schema & Instance Update • The schema of a relation may change (e.g., adding, deleting, renaming attributes and deleting a table schema) but it is infrequent • The state of a relation may also change (e.g., inserting or deleting a tuple, and changing an attribute value in a tuple) & it is frequent A schema may have different states at different times. Relational Data Model
Relational Database • A relational database schema is a set of relation schemas S={R1, …, Rm}. • A relational database is a set of relations DB(S)={r(R1), …, r(Rm)}. • A database state is a set of relation instances at some instance of time. In addition, a relational database must satisfy a number of constraints (more to come later). Relational Data Model
Students Sections Courses Departments A University Databasesee p. 204, Fig. 7.5 Relational Data Model
Constraints of Relational DB • Relations must satisfy the following constraints. • Domain (1NF) Constraint. • Access-by-Content Constraint. • Key (Unique Tuple) Constraint. • Entity Integrity Constraint. • Referential Integrity Constraint. Integrity constraints are enforced by the RDBMS. Relational Data Model
Domain Constraint • Also known as the First Normal Form (1NF): Attributes can only take atomic values (I.e., set values are not allowed). • How to handle multivalued attributes? • Use multiple tuples, one per value • Use multiple columns, one per value • Use separate tables What problems does these solutions have? Relational Data Model
Employees Employees Handle Multi-Valued Attributes Multiple Values: Use Multiple Tuples: Relational Data Model
Employees Dependents Employees Handle Multi-Valued Attributes Use Multiple Columns: Use Separate Relations: Relational Data Model
Access-by-Content Constraint • A tuple is retrieved only by values of its attributes, i.e., the order of tuples is not important. • This is because a relation is a set of tuples. Although the order of tuples is insignificant for query formulation, it is significant for query evaluation. Relational Data Model
Superkey • A superkey of a relation is a set of attributes whose values uniquely identify the tuples of the relation. • Every relation has at least one superkey (default is all attributes together?). • Any superset of a superkey is a superkey. • From a state of a relation, we may determine that a set of attributes is not a superkey, but can not determine that a set of attributes is a superkey. Relational Data Model
Students R Superkey Example • Find all superkeys of the Students relation. • With the only state of R, is A a superkey? What about {A, B}? Relational Data Model
Candidate Key • A candidate key of a relation is a set of attributes of the relation such that • it is a superkey, and • none of its proper subsets is a superkey. • Find all candidate keys in Students relation. • Is it true that every relation has at least candidate key? Why? • Can candidate keys be found from a state? • If AB is a candidate key of a relation, can A also be a candidate key? What is ABC called? Relational Data Model
Primary Key • A primary key of a relation is a candidate key designated (with an underline) by a database designer. • Often chosen at the time of schema design, & once specified to DBMS, it cannot be changed. • Better be the smallest candidate key for improvement of both storage and query processing efficiencies. What should be the primary key of Students? Relational Data Model
Key Constraint • Every relation must have a primary key. • Why is key constraint needed? • Every tuple has a different primary key value. • Only the primary key values need to be checked for identifying duplicate when new tuples are inserted (index is often used). • Primary key values can be referenced from within other relations Relational Data Model
Entity Integrity Constraint • A null value is a special value that is • unknown, • yet to be assigned, or • inapplicable. • Entity Integrity Constraint: No primary key values can be null. Why? Relational Data Model
Foreign Key • A foreign key in relation R1 referencing relation R2 is a set of attributes FK of R1, such that, • FK is compatible with a candidate (or primary) key PK of R2 (with same number of attributes and compatible domains); and • for every tuple t1 in R1, either there exists a tuple t2 in R2 such that t1[FK] = t2[PK] or t1[FK] = null. Foreign keys need to be explicitly defined. Relational Data Model
DName of Employees is a foreign key referencing Name of Departments A foreign key may reference its own relation. Employee(EID, Name, Age, Dept, ManegerID) Employees Departments Foreign Key Example Relational Data Model
Referential Integrity Constraint • Referential Integrity Constraint: No relation can contain unmatched foreign key values. • Using foreign keys in a relation to reference primary keys of other relations is the only way in the relational data model to establish relationships among different relations. Relational Data Model
Update Operations • Insert • Can violate any of the 4 previous constraints – what were they again? • 1 solution: reject the insert • Delete • Can only violate referential integrity – why? • 3 solutions: reject deletion, propagate deletion, modify referencing attributes • Modify • Can violate any of the 4 previous constraints Relational Data Model
Relational Model: Summary • A tabular representation of data. • Simple and intuitive, currently the most widely used. • Integrity constraints can be specified by the DBA, based on application semantics. DBMS checks for violations. • Two important ICs for primary and foreign keys • In addition, we always have domain constraints. Relational Data Model
Relational Model: Summary • ICs are based upon the semantics of the real-world enterprise that is being described in the database relations. • We can check a database instance to see if an IC is violated, but we can never infer that an IC is true by looking at an instance. • Powerful and natural query languages exist. • Guidelines to translate ER to relational model (next class…) Relational Data Model
Look Ahead • Next topic: Relational Algebra • Read Textbook: • Chapter 7.4 – 7.6 Relational Data Model