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POWDERS. Part II. POWDERS are solid dosage forms for internal and external application consisting of one or some medicinal substances and having a loose property . POWDERS WITH POISONOUS AND STRONG-EFFECTIVE SUBSTANCES.
POWDERS are solid dosage forms for internal and external application consisting of one or some medicinal substances and having a loose property
1-st case is when poisonous and strong-effectivesubstances are prescribed in the prescription in a weighed amount, i.e. more than 0.05g;2-nd case is when poisonous and strong-effectivesubstance are prescribed in the formula less than 0.05g.
Example: Rp.: Osarsoli 2.5 Glucosi 10.0 Acidi borici 1.0 Misce, fiat pulvis Divide in partes aequales N 10 Signa. For external use.
WCP (reverse side): Osarsoli 2.5 Glucosi 10.0 Acidi borici 1.0 m = 2.5 + 10.0 + 1.0 = 13.5; weight of one dose 13.5:10 = 1.35
WCP (front side): Date № prescription. Glucosi 10.0 Асidi borici 1.0 Osarsoli 2.5 m (of one dose) 1.35 № 10 Has prepared: Has checked up:
Request Has issued: Osarsoli 2.5 Series № Date Signature Has received: Osarsoli 2.5 Series № Date Signature
The 2-nd case is when poisonous and strong-effective substances are written out in the prescription in the quantity less than 0.05g, it is necessary to use trituration for preparation of powders because it is impossible to weigh a quantity less than 0.05 g even on MB-1 (1 g manual balances).
Triturations are mixtures of poisonous or strong-effective grinding of medicinal substances with indifferent excipients.
The lactic sugar (Saccharum lactis) is used more often as an excipient. It can be explained that the lactic sugar has some advantages in comparison with other indifferent substances. Usually triturations from poisonous substances dosed in mg and, are prepared in the ratio of 1:100 (i.e.1 portion of a poisonous substance and 99 parts of lactic sugar are taken). When substances are prescribed in santigramms it is necessary to use triturations in the ratio of 1:10 (i.e. 1 portion of a substance is mixed with 9 parts of lactic sugar).
Rp. Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0,0025 Papaverini hydrochloridi 0,02 Sacchari 0,35 Misce, fiat pulvis Da tales doses N 10 Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day.
WCP (reverse side): Platyphylline hydrotartrate 0.0025х10 = 0.025 Triturations of platyphylline hydrotartras (1:10) 0.025х10 = 0.25 Papaverine hydrochloride 0.02х10 = 0.2 Sugar 0.35х10 = 3.5 3.5 – 0.25 = 3.25 Weight of one dose: (0.25 + 0.2 + 3.25) /10 = 0.37
WCP (front side): Date prescription № Sacchari 3.25 Triturationis Platyphyllini hydrotartratis (1:10) 0.25 series № Papaverini hydrochloridi 0.2 0.37 № 10 Has prepared: Has checked up
Request Has issued: Triturationis Platyphyllini hydrotartratis (1:10) 0.25 Date Series № Signature Has received: Triturationis Platyphyllini hydrotartratis (1:10) 0.25 Date Series № Signature
Dyeing substances: acriquin, methylene dark blue, diamond green, riboflavine, etacridine lactate, furaciline, potassium permanganate etc. Coloured substances: dermatol, quinosol, protargol etc. POWDERS WITH DYEING SUBSTANCES.
POWDERS WITH DYEING SUBSTANCES. • Dyeing medicinal substances, as well as their solutions, mixtures leaving a coloured trace on containers, parking materials, equipment and other subjects belong to the 1-st group. This trace is impossible to wash out by usual sanitary and technical processing. They are stored in a separate cabinet on the wale of laboratory, where there are also separate manual balances for weighing of these substances • During the preparation of powders with dyeing substances, it is necessary to take into account that dyeing substances can make the mortar, pestle and working place dirty.
Therefore, for preparation of powders with dyeingsubstances it is necessary: • To have a separate working place or to work on the assistant table covered with a sheet of paper, which should be displaced and burnt after work. • At first, it is necessary to place substance without any colour, then add dyeing substance and, at last, add the second colourless substance.If the colourless substances are prescribed in different quantities, mix them and then divide into two parts and dyeing substances should be between two layers of colorless substances. • After work, the mortar and pestle should be washed out immediately.
POWDERS WITH POORLY POWDERED MEDICINAL SUBSTANCES There are several poorly powdered substances such as: camphora, menthol, thymole, phenylsalisilate, iodine, boric acid, streptocide etc. Their fineness is improved in the presence of an auxiliary liquid with rendering effect. While powdering in a dry form the substances such as camphora, menthol, thymol, iodine cling together, adhere to the walls of the mortar and pestle. For these substances add the liquid calculated on 10-15 drops for each 1.0 g of the substance. It is necessary to add the same quantity of alcohol for phenylsalicylate, which has solid crystals.
For some medicinal substances, such as boric acid, streptocide, sodium tetraborate the amount of liquid is decreased twice: 5 drops of alcohol or 8 drops of ether for 1.0 g of the substance powdered. The remaining components of a complex powder are added without complete evaporation of the alcohol.
PREPARATION OF POWDERS WITH EXTRACTS.Extracts are concentrated extracts from medicinal plant raw material produced in the pharmaceutical factories. Depending on their consistence they can be distinguished as: • Dry Extracts - Extracta sicca (1:1) 100 % or (1:2), i.e.50 %; • Dense Extracts - Extracta spicca (1:1), i.e. 100 %; • Liquid Extracts - Extracta fluida.
The preparation of complex powders with extracts depends on properties of the extract used and its consistence. • 1. The powders with dry extracts are prepared by the general rules of powder’s blending, taking into account the fact that extracts are usually prescribed in small amounts. • 2. Powders with dense extracts. The dense extracts are usually viscous liquids with water content up to 25% or less. In chemist’s shops for convenience and the facilitation of work while preparing complex powders dense extracts solutions are used ( Extractum solutum 1:2), which are prepared from a dense extract according the article «Extractа» (the State Pharmacopoea): 100 g of a dense extract is dissolved in a mixture of 60 g of water, 10 g of 90 % alcohol and 30 g of glycerine.