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Will There Be Faith - in Canada?. Can’t presume “yes” At end, Jesus wondered, “when I come again, will there be faith?” (Lk 18:8) Challenging times for “faith on earth” - everywhere. Many reasons. Ours is a secular age (Taylor)
Can’t presume “yes” • At end, Jesus wondered, “when I come again, will there be faith?” (Lk 18:8) • Challenging times for “faith on earth” - everywhere. Many reasons
Ours is a secular age (Taylor) A separating of faith from life and a falling off of religious practice because cultural conditions can margin faith (e.g. advances) or offer alternatives (e.g. self sufficient humanism)
In Church: scandals that reflect betrayal of Gospel and Catholic faith Divisions, revisions and tensions e.g. around Vat II Pervasive sense of paralysis; elephants in corner but little we can do
But: Self sufficient humanism not nearly as humanizing as a life lived in faith; for high times, low times, & everyday Made in Divine image (Gn 1:27), alive by life of God (Gn 2: 7), we live more humanly by honoring our nature as spiritual beings
At its best, none better than Catholic Christian faith • Great positive outlook on person and life; a gift! • To live in covenant with God toward fullness of life – here & hereafter, for self & others
Card Lustiger - A challenging but great time for chosen faith: Will I have faith? • So much depends on what we teach, and howwe teach it. • And our own best efforts sustained by God’s grace; always at “high tide”
For Reflection and Conversation • Your reasons to hope for Catholic faith in Canada? • How will you help to realize your hopes?
What Faith: In Jesus! New awareness of centrality of Jesus to Catholic faith • Not the Bible, church, laws, sacraments, dogmas, but “At the heart we find a Person, the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, the only Son from the Father” (CCC #426)
Jesus of History who walked the roads of Galilee, calling people to live for reign of God • Claimed to be “the way, truth and life” for disciples • Preached radical love – even of enemies; fed the hungry, welcomed all to the table
Christ of faith, Son of God, among us as one of ourselves; • By his life, death, and resurrection, conquered sin, social & personal, and death • By “God’s abundant grace in Jesus” (1Tim 1: 14) we can live and flourish as disciples
All preaching and teaching should "put people in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ” (GDC #80); present Christian faith as “full and sincere adherence to his person and decision to walk in his footsteps” (#53)
Jesus reveals God as: Ultimate Mystery, yet active among us to effect God's reign Of love and justice, compassion and peace, in partnership with us and for us God is Love and in Love with us - unconditionally; Triune Loving Community calling us to so live
Sends the Spirit: Ever present as God's effective love – grace at work • Moving in our hearts and lives – sacramentality of ordinary and everyday • Inspiring to live in "right relationship" with God, self, others, creation
For Reflection and Conversation • What does it mean for Catholics to put Jesus at centre of Christian faith? • What might persuade post-modern people to embrace Jesus as “way, truth, & life”?
Centering Jesus lends apologetics of persuasion v coercion: Pathos: can appeal to peoples needs, desires; e.g. for happiness Logos: can reflect the rational coherence of Catholic faith Ethos: appeal to good fruits; e.g., happy are poor in spirit, just, etc.
Jesus’ sense of purpose: for reign of God; “for life of the world” (Jn 6: 51); for “life to the full” (Jn 10:10) • “Good news to poor, freedom to oppressed” (Lk 4:16-21) • For liberating salvation, personal and social; empowers human flourishing
How to Teach: Not only to teach Jesus and what he taught, but how he taught? • A bit naive in our time and place. But . . . • Our how should be consistent with the approach of Jesus’ public ministry
Catechists to imitate “the pedagogy of Christ” (GDC #140); to embrace Jesus’ approach as “the best model for communication of the faith” (GDC #137) • Jesus described as “teacher” and as “teaching” 150 times
Reflection and Conversation • From your own sense of it, how would you describe Jesus’ pedagogy? • How might Irish catechists, teachers, and parents be consistent with his style?
Jesus was: Welcoming and Inclusive: katholos as “all welcome”; radical outreach and inclusion Respectful of Learners: to empower as agents instead of dependents FavoredPartnership with him and each other Compassion & justice of God’s reign
Focusing on Jesus’ pedagogy as evident in explicit events, esp. the parables, his overall dynamic was to lead people from life to Faith to life He did so by:
* Engaging ordinary and everyday of people’s lives; fishing, farming, home * To reflect on their reality, to question, often to “see” in whole new way * Taught Gospel with authority (Mk1:22) * Encouraged people to see for themselves, with personal conviction * Invited to decision – to follow his “way” as disciples
Invited people to share their own story and vision Shared with them the Story and Vision of the Faith community Brought them to “see for themselves” and to personally embrace Christian Faith
The Road to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35): He joined their company; heard their traumatic story and shattered vision; retold the Story and Vision of faith community; waited for them to personally “see”; they returned to deepened faith Life to Faith to Life
For Reflection and Conversation • Insights, wisdoms emerging from example of Jesus? • Decisions for your own efforts to ensure “faith on earth” – in Canada?
Thomas Groome, Toronto, Oct 27, 2011 “Faith Meets Pedagogy” groomet@bc.edu For further reading: see Groome, Will There Be Faith (Harper, 2011)