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Catatan Memanfaatkan Dana Penelitian APEC Disampaikan dalam Sosialisasi Program Dana Kerjasama Penelitian APEC tahun 2012, BPPT, Jakarta, 26 Juli 2012. Dr. Sri Adiningsih Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis/ Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik UGM.
Catatan Memanfaatkan Dana Penelitian APEC Disampaikan dalam Sosialisasi Program Dana Kerjasama Penelitian APEC tahun 2012, BPPT, Jakarta, 26 Juli 2012. Dr. Sri Adiningsih Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis/ Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik UGM
Dana APEC untuk penelitian atau pelatihan cukup besar besar…sayang Indonesia kurang dapat memanfaatkan
Semua group biasanya ada anggaran untuk penelitian ataupun pelatihan… tergantung kepada fokus kerja dari groupnya (29 group)…ada cukup banyak kesempatan bagi peneliti ataupun akademisi untuk bisa memanfaatkan dana yang ada.
Working Group: Industrial Science and Technology (ISTWG) • Recognizes its critical and strategic role in helping member economies achieve positive gains by “encouraging widespread access to, and increase in, knowledge about industrial science and technology” • Objective: to achieve innovative growth and to fulfill the APEC vision for the 21st century “to be a dynamic and prosperous region built on the development and application of industrial science and technology that improves the quality of life, while safeguarding the natural environment and achieving sustainable development” • The policy directions of ISTWG are set by APEC Economic Leaders and are guided by APEC Ministers responsible for science and technology.
The Terms of Reference and the 2010-2015 Work Plan set out the ISTWG’s goals: • Enhanced economic growth, trade and investment opportunities in harmony with sustainable development, through policies, innovative R&D and technologies, and knowledge sharing; • Better quality of life and a cleaner environment; • Safe and secure society, emphasizing the importance of measures for infectious diseases and natural disasters; • Human resource capacity building; • Enhanced international science and technology networks; • Improved level of connection between research and innovation, involving and encouraging the potential of SMEs; and • Strengthened technological cooperation and achievement of best practices in strategic planning for IST projects and programs. Originally the ISTWG was known as the Working Group on Expansion of Investment and Technology Transfer, which was initiated at the APEC Ministerial Meeting in Singapore in 1990.
Achievements: • The ISTWG established four subgroups that are chaired by individual economies to further the group’s goals and to develop its work. They include: • Subgroup A, “Human Resource Development,” chaired by Korea • Subgroup B, “International Science and Technology Network,” chaired by Chinese Taipei • Subgroup C, “Connecting Research and Innovations,” chaired by the United States • Subgroup D, “Technological Cooperation and Strategic Planning,” chaired by China
APEC Russia 2012 • APEC Priorities for 2012 • Liberalizing trade and investment and expanding regional economic integration • Strengthening food security • Establishing reliable supply chains • Fostering innovative growth
Current Activities: The 42nd ISTWG meeting in Kazan, Russia in May 2012: - members agreed that innovation is a key driver for economic growth, job creation and ensuring overall economic well-being. - Russia, proposed the establishment of the APEC Policy Partnership on Innovation to enhance the group’s activities, including developing the commercialization mechanisms; ensuring the cooperation of science, private sector, and government institutions; and improving the level of connection between research and innovation. The 42 nd meeting also included the Strategic Planning Workshop, where members received the expert and technical support from the APEC Technical Assistance & Training Facility to bolster their activities. The meeting also included the APEC Research and Technology (ART) Program Workshop conducted by Korea that involved other international organizations including the OECD.
The four sub-groups that integrate the IST revised projects and proposals are as follow: • Subgroup A: Human Resource Development • APEC Youth Science Festival (Chinese Taipei) • 2012 APEC Research and Technology (ART) Program (Korea) • APEC S&T Mentoring Center for the Gifted in Science (Korea) • Seminar “Development of Engineering Professionals in APEC Economies” (Russia Federation) • Education and Training to support Nuclear Power Program for APEC Economies (Malaysia) • Subgroup B: International Science and Technology Network • APEC Workshop on Global Warming Gas (PFCs) Reduction for Electronics Industry (Chinese Taipei) • Low Carbon Intelligent Operations for Textile Industry in APEC Economies (Chinese Taipei) • Green Energy Demonstration System of Biological Technology for APEC (Chinese Taipei) • For Safer Traffic Environment: Internet of Vehicles (China)
Continue… • Subgroup C: Connecting Research and Innovations • APEC Network Building- Applied Space Technology Centers (Russia Federation) • APEC Smart City Industrial Technology Cooperation Forum (China) • Global Cyber Security Alliance (Malaysia) • Developing scientific and trade collaboration between APEC member economies in radiation technology applications (healthcare, ecology, transport security, food safety) for life quality improvement. (Russian Federation) • Subgroup D: Technological Cooperation and Strategic Planning • Harnessing and Using Climate Information for Decision-making in Agriculture (Korea) • Cooperative Study on Efficient Renewable Resources Integration and Distribution Technologies (and Energy Storage Technologies) in Smart Grid (China) • APEC Research Center for Typhoon and Society (Chinese Taipei) • APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange (APEC-VC) (Japan). • Climate Change Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific (U.S.A.) • APEC Center for Technology Foresight (Thailand)
Publication from 2000-2012:1. Pollution from Capital Urbanization to the Nhue River: Proposed Solutions, January 2010 2. Utilization and Protection of Water Resources Case Studies on River Basin Management and Pollution Prevention , January 2010 3. Roadmapping Converging Technologies to Combat Emerging Infectious Diseases, September 2008 4. APEC Climate Symposium, December 2008 5. Human Capacity Building for Natural Resources Development and its Environmental Impacts, March 2008 6. Cleaner Production and Sustainable Technology Case Studies from APEC Economies, September 2006 7. National Innovation Competencies and Interests in a Globalized World, September 2004 8. APCN Symposium on the Multi-Model Ensemble for Climate 9. Prediction, 2003 9. Public Health Issues in Animal Production/Animal Products, 2000