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Guiding Questions for the Preliminary Scenario Definition (PSD) (session 10)

Guiding Questions for the Preliminary Scenario Definition (PSD) (session 10). Information in Disasters Workshop Tanoa Plaza Hotel, Suva, Fiji June 2011. Secondary data review (SDR) . MIRA:

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Guiding Questions for the Preliminary Scenario Definition (PSD) (session 10)

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  1. Guiding Questions for the Preliminary Scenario Definition (PSD)(session 10) Information in Disasters Workshop Tanoa Plaza Hotel, Suva, Fiji June 2011

  2. Secondary data review (SDR) MIRA: Primary data is (post-disaster) data collected by the assessment team in the field, or by others using the same instruments, to inform the PSD/MIRA reporting. Community Level Assessment All other sources are considered secondary, and can be divided in pre- and post-disaster sources Census, baseline surveys, livelihood profile, satellite imagery, sitreps,... Secondary Data Review (SDR): The process of collecting and analysing secondary data

  3. What are we looking for?

  4. Purpose of SDR Pre disaster information review: To provide up-to-date analysis of the situation prior to the crisis To describe pre existing vulnerabilities that may be affected by the current crisis To ensure that lessons learned from past and/or similar type of crisis are captured To provide a baseline with which to compare your primary data collection results Post disaster information review: To support the identification of what and where the problems are (or might be) and which groups is (or may be) affected To Identify information gaps and needs To help the design of further primary data collection, support the site selection, closed questions … To triangulate/validate the results of the primary data collection

  5. Draft Template

  6. Clusters, Cluster Leads/Convenors 8 ‘Clusters’ (sectoral working groups with predefined structure and accountability)

  7. Cluster Reporting for Inter-Cluster Coordination What clusters are responding? Do you have a copy of their TOR? Is there baseline data available? Are there vulnerable populations? What are the numbers? Dead, injured, affected; total populations; number per household; women and children? What assessments are being carried out?

  8. WASH Do people have access to clean water for basic needs? Is it sufficient? Is there equal and secure access to water for vulnerable groups? What sort of emergency water interventions are needed? Will water tankering continue after the emergency phase? Are hygienic items (soap, disinfectants, containers) available? What sanitation facilities are people, especially women, using? Is there a need for latrines? And how are people disposing excreta? Is the latrine construction culturally appropriate? What sort of WASH interventions are needed at health facilities and at schools? How long will it take to carry out the repair and rehabilitation of water sources?

  9. Shelter Who is the cluster lead? What is the level of damage to housing, total and partial? Is there enough stock to meet the need? What are the secondary issues of shelter damage? How many people are living with host families? How many weeks into the crisis is emergency shelter no longer a priority? How long is transitional shelter planned? Are there minimum and maximum standards for shelter provided? Are there any weather concerns? Risk of natural hazard? How long until permanent shelter construction begins? What outreach is being conducted to build back safer? What is the availability of reconstruction materials and are there any technical standards developed? Are there any issues with land tenure and site ownership?

  10. Education Can children still attend school? Are their teachers, classrooms and supplies? Are there discrepancies between boys and girls? Why? Is the school infrastructure heavily damaged? Are there any temporary learning centres? Is the school also being used for non educational activities? Are their child friendly spaces? Are there other factors affecting school attendance (landmines, violence, threats and socio-cultural issues)? Are their facilities and/or community services for preschool aged children and vulnerable populations? How long will it take to repair the education infrastructure?

  11. Early Recovery Can the affected populations meet their basic needs? What are the gaps areas? (livelihoods, transitional shelter, governance, security and rule of law, environment, reintegration, and restoration of basic services) What name will the cluster go by? GIL? What is the access to basic infrastructure and services? What is the access to sustainable livelihoods? What is the total cost of reconstruction? What is the cost of the damage, losses and disruptions? When will the early recovery network be established? When does the transition phase begin? What assessments are being conducted? What is the environmental impact?

  12. Health What are the immediate health needs? What are the key health issues or health risks? Are health facilities functioning or staffed? What is the scale of the damage to the health infrastructure and health care personnel? Is there access to critical health services? Is there access to mental health and reproductive services? Is there an availability of essential drugs? How there enough hospital beds for the number of injured? Is there an effective disease surveillance system in place? What is the measles vaccination coverage? What is the number of cases or incidence rates for selected diseases relevant to the local context (cholera, meningitis) ? What is the number of cases or incidence of sexual violence? How long will it take to repair and rehabilitate the health facilities?

  13. Protection What areas of responsibility are relevant to this emergency? Are there killings or deliberate targeting of specific ethnic, political and/or religious group or particularly vulnerable groups such as women or children? Are there unaccompanied children? Are there missing children? Are there cases of sexual abuse? Are there child soldiers? Are there traumatized children? Are there landmines/UXO in the affected areas?

  14. Nutrition Are there signs of malnutrition (odema)? What is the number of admissions to supplementary feeding centres or therapeutic feeding centres? What is the number of U5 GAM and SAM What is the CMR? What is the U2MR? What is the prevalence of GAM and SAM? What is the percentage of the population in worst quintile of functioning?

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