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À la Carte

Jour B. Mme Panter’s Français Café. À la Carte. Nous sommes lundi, le vingt-deux février deux mille dix. . Dans les notes: Choose how you should conjugate “to eat” in the blanks (or if you should conjugate it at all) in these sentences: I ____ an apple every day. I ____ pizza now.

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À la Carte

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  1. Jour B Mme Panter’s Français Café À la Carte Nous sommes lundi, le vingt-deux février deux mille dix. • . Dans les notes: Choose how you should conjugate “to eat” in the blanks (or if you should conjugate it at all) in these sentences: • I ____ an apple every day. • I ____ pizza now. • I like ____ ice cream every night. Bellwork: Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between –er, -ir, and –re verbs, and know what some infinitive verbs mean (to like, to study, etc), and explain the basics of conjugation. L’horaire du Jour: • Bellwork, l’appel. • Discuss BW and identify the two ways to conjugate present tense verbs, and when you must include an infinitive verb or a conjugated verb. • Review HW;hand in HW (3 sheets: Groups of Verbs; Guessing Meanings; Subj/Conj/Inf.). • Review pronunciation and vocabulary on infinitive verbs on PPT. • Use tactile verbs to conjugate the different groups of verbs. Écris les devoirs dans le Cahier de Devoirs/Write in the HW assignment book: Explain to one adult and one peer how to conjugate verbs. Interro: VENDREDI, le 26

  2. Jour A Mme Panter’s Français Café À la Carte Nous sommes mardi, le vingt-trois février deux mille dix. • . Dans les notes: Choose how you should conjugate “to sing” in the blanks (or if you should conjugate it at all) in these sentences: • I like ____ . • He ____ in the shower. • They ____ that song by Justin Bieber now. Bellwork: Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between –er, -ir, and –re verbs, and know what some infinitive verbs mean (to like, to study, etc), and explain the basics of conjugation. L’horaire du Jour: • Bellwork, l’appel. • Discuss BW and identify the two ways to conjugate present tense verbs, and when you must include an infinitive verb or a conjugated verb. • Review pronunciation and vocabulary on pronoms sujets and verbes infinitifs on PPT. • Use tactile verbs to conjugate the different groups of verbs. Écris les devoirs dans le Cahier de Devoirs/Write in the HW assignment book: Write the French & English definitions of the verbs on sheet 1 in the packet. Interro: Jeudi, le 25

  3. Jour B Mme Panter’s Français Café À la Carte Nous sommes mercredi, le vingt-quatre février deux mille dix. • . Dans les notes: Choose how you should conjugate “to sing” in the blanks (or if you should conjugate it at all) in these sentences: • I like ____ . • He ____ in the shower. • They ____ that song by Justin Bieber now. Bellwork: Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between –er, -ir, and –re verbs, and know what some infinitive verbs mean (to like, to study, etc), and explain the basics of conjugation. L’horaire du Jour: • Bellwork, l’appel. • Discuss BW and identify the two ways to conjugate present tense verbs, and when you must include an infinitive verb or a conjugated verb. • Review pronunciation and vocabulary on pronoms sujets and verbes infinitifs on PPT. • Use tactile verbs to conjugate the different groups of verbs. Écris les devoirs dans le Cahier de Devoirs/Write in the HW assignment book: Write the French & English definitions of the verbs on sheet 1 in packet. Interro: Vendredi, le 26

  4. Jour A Mme Panter’s Français Café À la Carte Nous sommes jeudi, le vingt-cinq février deux mille dix. • Entrez et étudiez pour l’interro. Bellwork: Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between –er, -ir, and –re verbs, and know what some infinitive verbs mean (to like, to study, etc), and how conjugation works. L’horaire du Jour: • l’appel. • Interro • Sheet in packet Écris les devoirs dans le Cahier de Devoirs: 1. Étudiez les pronoms sujets et les verbes infinitifs.

  5. Jour B Mme Panter’s Français Café À la Carte Nous sommes vendredi, le vingt-six février deux mille dix. • Entrez et étudiez pour l’interro. Bellwork: Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between –er, -ir, and –re verbs, and know what some infinitive verbs mean (to like, to study, etc), and how conjugation works. L’horaire du Jour: • l’appel. • Interro • Sheet in packet Écris les devoirs dans le Cahier de Devoirs: 1. Étudiez les pronoms sujets et les verbes infinitifs.

  6. Les Pronoms Personnels

  7. je

  8. nous

  9. tu

  10. vous

  11. il

  12. ils

  13. elle

  14. elles

  15. Can you remember what the words are?

  16. Des Verbes Infinitifs

  17. travailler

  18. regarder

  19. parler

  20. aimer

  21. étudier

  22. jouer

  23. écouter

  24. danser

  25. chanter

  26. obéir

  27. aller

  28. manger

  29. perdre

  30. être

  31. avoir

  32. Can you remember what the verbs mean?

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