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Plant Unit “Seed of Life”. (STEAM Format) Grade 2 By: Elizabeth Cantelli, Maria Curatolo, and Razena Baines Roberts (ELMARA). Lesson 1 “Seed Sort”. Behavioral Objectives: To list physical properties of the seed and create a graph of their findings.
Plant Unit “Seed of Life” (STEAM Format) Grade 2 By: Elizabeth Cantelli, Maria Curatolo, and Razena Baines Roberts (ELMARA)
Lesson 1“Seed Sort” Behavioral Objectives: To list physical properties of the seed and create a graph of their findings. To identify seeds to their plant source. To sequence the life process of a seed. Materials: “Oh Say Can You Seed” book Brainstorming chart KWL chart Smart board Baggies with assorted seeds Seed properties worksheet Seed-source matching worksheet Sprouting bean booklet Sprouting matching cards Science notebooks Time Duration: Two Sessions-45 minutes each
Standards-Lesson 1 New York City Science Scope and Sequence Inquiry Skills Gathering and organizing data – collecting information about objects and events which illustrate a specific situation. Generalizing – drawing general conclusion from particulars. Inferring – drawing a conclusion based on prior experiences. Process Skills- General Skills Manipulate materials through teacher direction and free discovery. Classify objects according to an established scheme. NCTM Math Skills: Process Standards: Data Analysis- sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects; Data Analysis-represent data using concrete objects, pictures and graphs. Content Standards: Data Analysis and Probability-Grades K-2 New York State-Learning Standards for the Arts : Standards 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating Arts Students will engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theater, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts. -Students will create art. -Students will use elements and principles of art (line, color, shape) in order to communicate their ideas. ISTE’s NETs Standards for Literate Students : Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts -a. Students will use technology systems. -b. Students will use application skills effectively and productively.
Motivational Constructivist Question:“Where does our food come from?” Motivational Constructivist Activity: Brainstorming activity that takes students from the store to the seed in a back-tracking process…What happened before that? Brainstorming Activity leads to KWL chart
Procedures: Session 1 • Teacher reads “Oh Say Can You Seed”. • Students will be guided in a brainstorming activity posed from the “Motivational Question”, leading to the KWL chart. • Students will view a teacher-led Power Point Presentation called Seeds Grow! • Students will then view the life cycle of a bean planthttp://www.graves.k12.ky.us/powerpoints/elementary/symjheath.pptand the process of wheat plant http://oklahoma4h.okstate.edu/aitc/lessons/extras/audrey/wheat%20field%20to%20oven.ppt/extras/audrey/wheat%20field%20to%20oven.ppt#-Computer Rotation • Science Partner “Seed” Lab Work-Identifying Seed by exploring and examining their properties • Share In Findings
Procedures: Session 1 • Completion of Science Lab Work • Sprouting Bean Booklet • Sprouting Matching Cards • Share In “Bean Sprouting Book”
Lesson 2: “Parts of a Plant” • Behavioral Objectives: • To name the four parts of a plant and their functions, using a web on Microsoft Word. • To illustrate and label each part of a plant. • To create plant puppets, representing each of the four plant parts. Time Duration: Two Class Sessions
Standards-Lesson 2 NYC Science Scope and Sequence: Grade 2: Unit 3 (Plant Diversity) – Identify and compare the physical structures of a variety of plant parts. – LE 3.1b NCTM Math Skills: Pre-K – 2 Geometry Standards Recognize geometric shapes and structures in the environment and specify their location. Recognize and represent shapes from different perspectives. Recognize and create shapes that have symmetry. ISTE NETS Standards: Grades Pre-K -2 In a collaborative work group, use a variety of technologies to produce a digital presentation or product in a curriculum area. New York State Learning Standards for the Arts: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources – Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.
Motivational Constructivist Activity In groups, students will observe the flower, leaves, stem, and roots of a real plant. They will then take notes on the functions of each plant part. The students will also be asked to describe each plant part using geometric shapes.
The students will observe the 4 parts of a plant. The students will listen to a read aloud of From Seed to Plant, by Gail Gibbons. The students will take notes on the functions of each plant part. The students will use various art materials to create plant puppets . Plants Various art materials such as construction paper, markers, pipe cleaners, feathers, pom-poms, etc. Procedures Materials
Assessment The students will create a web on the “parts of a plant”, using Microsoft Word. They will need to include the 4 parts of a plant and their functions. Also, the students will draw and label the flower, leaves, stem, and roots.
Lesson 3“The Plant Life Cycle: Seed Travel” • Behavioral Objectives: • To write a short paragraph about the best means of travel and why. • To completely define the words disperse, overcrowding, and colonies. • To create seed puppets being dispersed. Time Duration: 1 Hour during 3 Weeks
Standards-Lesson 3 NYC Science Scope & Sequence 1. Observe plant life cycles and life spans. 2.Observe that plants reproduce from: Seeds, bulbs and cuttings NCTM Math Skills Process Standards: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas; 1.select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems; 2.use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. Content Standards: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates 1.develop and use strategies for whole-number computations, with a focus on addition and subtraction; 2.develop fluency with basic number combinations for addition and subtraction; 3.use a variety of methods and tools to compute, including objects, mental computation, estimation, paper and pencil, and calculators. ART Standard(s): Strands: Perceiving, Producing, Knowing, Communicating, Evaluating, Connecting Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles. ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students List Standard (s): 2.Communication and Collaboration-Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media .b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
Motivational Constructivist Activity In their science notebooks, students will write and draw a picture of the best way to travel.
Procedures • Students will answer the question “What is the best way to travel and why?” They will draw a picture of the mode of transportation. • Students will volunteer and share out the best mode of transportation. • The teacher will direct students to the classroom computers. • The students will take a virtual field trip. • Students will return to their seats. The teacher will then define the words disperse, overcrowding, and colonies. • Students are given paper bags, green crayons, and scissors. In groups, they will color and cut the bags to make plant and seed puppets. • Students will present a short puppet show about the seeds being dispersed.
Virtual Field Trip Take the trip and discuss it with your groups http://www2.bgfl.org/bgfl2/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/science/plants_pt2/dispersal.htm
Lesson 4: “Growth of a Seed” Time Duration: 1 Hour Behavioral Objectives: To define photosynthesis for homework. To create paper bag puppets, cutting pieces to attach and detach to show plant growth. To measure short, medium, and long spaghetti , using a ruler, and writing results in math notebooks. To write a paragraph of 3 sentences on a worksheet titled “What do you need to grow?”
Standards-Lesson 4 NYC Science Scope & Sequence: Describe the basic life functions of plants: Growth Take in nutrients Reproduce http://schools.nyc.gov/Documents/STEM/Science/K8ScienceSS.pdf NCTM Math Skills Process Standards: Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas; Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems; Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. Content Standards: In prekindergarten through grade 2 all students should— Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement 1. Recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area, and time; 2. Compare and order objects according to these attributes; 3. Understand how to measure using nonstandard and standard units; 4. Select an appropriate unit and tool for the attribute being measured. ART Standard(s) Strands: Perceiving, Producing, Knowing, Communicating, Evaluating, Connecting: Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students: List Standard (s): 1.Creativity and Innovation-Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a .apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d .identify trends and forecast possibilities.
Motivational Constructivist Activity Students were measured at the beginning of the year, and will be measured again at the beginning of this class to test their growth.
Procedures • The teacher will measure the height of each student. • Students will be placed in groups of 4, and will sit at the computers. • Students will take a VFT, titled “Seed Growth”. • Students will measure short, medium, and tall spaghetti, in their groups. • Based on the VFT, we will create a line graph of plant growth. • Students will be given paper bags, green crayons, and scissors to create a plant, cutting the stem into 1, 2, and 3 inches to attach and detach, showing the growth until there is a leaf at the end. • Students in every group will present their plant puppets growing. Materials Science and math notebooks, crayons, paper bags, scissors, tape, and computers.
Lesson 5: Measuring Growth • Behavioral Objectives: • To write journal entries based on their observations and measurements of plant growth. • To record the data obtained from their measurements on a chart, using Microsoft Excel. • To construct a line graph based on the data they collected, using Microsoft Word Time Duration: Two Weeks (4 Class Sessions)
Standards-Lesson 5 NYC Science Scope and Sequence: Grade 2: Unit 3 (Plant Diversity) Observe and describe how plants grow and change in predictable ways. - LE 2.1 a NCTM Math Skills: Pre-K – 2 Measurement Standards Recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area, and time. Understand how to measure using nonstandard and standard units. Select an appropriate unit and tool for the attribute being measured. Pre-K – 2 Representation Standard Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate Mathematical ideas. ISTE NETS Standards: Grades PK–2 Use simulations and graphical organizers to explore and depict patterns of growth, such as the life cycles of plants and animals. In a collaborative work group, use a variety of technologies to produce a digital presentation or product in a curriculum area. New York State Learning Standards for the Arts: 1. Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources – Students will be knowledgeable about and make use of the materials and resources available for participation in the arts in various roles.
Motivational Constructivist Activity In groups, students will work together to plant a seed. Each group will be provided with a small pot, soil, and seeds to plant. The students will water the seed and place the pot by the window, near the sunlight.
Procedures The students will listen to a read aloud of How a Seed Grows, by Helene Jordan. The students will gather in their groups to observe the seed that they had previously planted. They will record their observations of seed growth in their journals. The students will use a ruler to measure the plant growth, either in inches or centimeters. They will record the data each time they meet over the 2-week period. Materials Small pots, soil, seeds, water
The students will create a chart and graph, using the data that they collected, showing the growth of the seed over time. The student journals will be collected as part of their assessment. Assessment
Lesson 6: The Presentation of the “Seed of Life” Project • Behavioral Objectives: • To summarize information on their “seed to plant” project, including the chart summary plotting growth. • To work in small groups to negotiate, organize and present their report. • To analyze and synthesize their work and contribution to the project. Time Duration: 90 Minutes: 1 Hour-Presentation; 30 minutes Reflection
Standards-Lesson 6 Common Core Standards: Literacy-Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas SL.2.4. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts, relevant and descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. Comprehension and Collaboration SL.2.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). New York State-Science-Scope and Sequence- Inquiry Skills- Communicating – giving oral and written explanations or graphic representations of observations. Creating models – displaying information, using multi-sensory representations. Gathering and organizing data – collecting information about objects and events which illustrate a specific Situation. Process Skills- General Skills xxiii. Communicate procedures and conclusions through oral and written presentations. NCTM Math Skills: Content Standards: Data Analysis and Probability-Grades K-2 New York State Learning Standards for the Arts Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participation in the Arts Students will actively engage in the process that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts. (as part of their final presentations include their puppets)
Procedures • Students will listen to a read aloud of What Kinds of Seeds are These? • Students will then have 30 minutes to complete their final Science Project presentational material. • Students will present their projects with their groups. • Students will complete their assessment worksheets , and we will share answers in a group discussion to close the project.
Content Assessment • What was the total growth for the entire class that had taken place during the past 2 weeks? • What is the average growth rate of our seed/plant samples? • Which flowering plant experienced the most growth and during what period was it in? • Why do you think it grew the most? • What would you be interested in planting and why? • What is something you learned that you think you now know really well?
Group Work Assessment • How did you think you worked in your group? • Why did you rate yourself the way you did? • Did everyone in your group have a chance to participate in all the roles? • Do you think this project was best as a group project or would it have been better in pairs, or individuals, and why?
Final Session Together, students will do a final presentational reading of our script from lesson 3, based on Eric Carle’s The Tiny Seed. We will also include our Seed of Life poem in our final class reading. “Seed of Life” My seed is waiting to come alive Inside are parts that cannot hide With roots and leaves that will come out Watch it GROW. Watch it SPROUT. It can become something we eat Or flowers smelling oh so sweet. Seeds are different and you know They need CARE. Watch them GROW. From seed to plant and plant to seed The seed of life cycle is important INDEED! Note:This poem would be mounted on card stock and distributed to all class members on “poem in your pocket” day.
Filamentality Webpage Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html Last revised Sat May 12 18:10:29 US/Pacific 2012 • Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara • IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources • Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site • The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site • Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html Last revised Sat May 12 18:10:29 US/Pacific 2012 • Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara • IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources • Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site • The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site • Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html Last revised Sat May 12 18:10:29 US/Pacific 2012 • Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara • IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources • Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site • The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site • Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html Last revised Sat May 12 18:10:29 US/Pacific 2012 • Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara • IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources • Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site • The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site • Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html • Exploration with Plants An Internet Hotlist on Plants created by elmara • IntroductionLet's learn more about plants! This webpage is here to guide you through our plants exploration in 2nd grade. Visit these amazing websites to start our journey! The Internet Resources • Mosses and Ferns - This site is an interactive video that explains the differences between seedless plants and seed plants. It discusses mosses and ferns in particular but there are other plants discussed. Perhaps this site would be better for second graders since the language is a little advanced for kindergarten but the visuals are very detailed. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • Seed Plants - This site introduces seed plants and how they start from a seed and grow flowers which may turn into fruit. It takes one through the whole life cycle of a plant from the time it was a seed. It has beautiful visuals and new language for students to learn. NCATE (3) Target site • The Gardening Scavenger Hunt - This website teaches students how to grow their own seeds and take care of their garden in a very simplified and visual way. The site teaches about different foods you can grow and how to use and reuse your resources. A teacher might have to aid students in reading all of it but it is definitely simplified enough that pre-k-2 students would enjoy it. NCATE (2) Satisfactory site • The “Life” in Life - This tour allows students to click on different topics such as Seeds, Plants, Plant parts and Plants need food too. There are many activities listed for teachers and students to use. There are great visuals as well. NCATE(3) Target site • Content by elmarahttp://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/listplantsel.html