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Software Development Guide. 1. Selection of Target Platform. Web Application. Selection of Development Language. Selection. Client Application. Manage Client VB.NET C#.NET. Selection. Native Client C++. 2. Manage and Native. Managed Client
Selection of Target Platform Web Application Selection of Development Language Selection Client Application Manage Client VB.NET C#.NET Selection Native Client C++ 2
Manage and Native • Managed Client • Executes Managed Code on Common Language Runtime • Can exploit .NET applications and XML Web service. • Can develop application software by Drag & Drop operation visually. • Can improve productivity by Custom Control. • Native Client • Executes Computer Binary Code. • Can derive functions and performance of the devices at most. • Can optimize performance and process speed. Manage Client Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio .Net 2003 Language:VB.NET C#.NET Native Client eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 or Visual Studio 2005 Language:C++ 3
Development Tool for Native Client • Tools for Application Development • From Microsoft (Software) • Visual Studio 2005 & SP1 or • eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 • eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 ServicePack4 • ActiveSync 4.2 or later version * Please download tools listed above from Microsoft Home Page. • From CASIO (Software) • IT-3100 SDK * Please download from CASIO Business Solution “Support” http://www2.casio.co.jp/system_en/pa/PADealer/ • From CASIO (Hardware) • IT-3100 • HA-B61IO (Bridge Satellite Cradle) • USB Cable 4
Steps of Software Development 1 Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++) 5
Steps of Software Development 2 Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++) 6
Steps of Software Development 3 Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++) 7
Steps of Software Development 4 Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++) 8
Steps of Software Development 5 Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++) The application program will be downloaded to the IT-3100 after compiling. If breakpoints are set, the program stops at each point while the IT-3100 is connected as remote connection. USB Note: Before building the program, it is necessary to connect the IT-3100 to the PC by Active Sync. Active Sync can be download from Microsoft Web site. 9
eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 • High speed processing • It is expected that an application program which is created by eVC++ 4.0 will run faster than those created by Visual Basic .NET or C#.NET created by VisualStudio 2005 or VisualStudio .NET2003. The reason is that codes compiled by eVC++4.0 are CPU native codes, on the other hand, codes created by VB or C# are intermediate codes therefore an application program by eVC++40 runs faster than one created by VB or C# theoretically. • Please download Embedded Visual C++4.0 from Microsoft Web site. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1dacdb3d-50d1-41b2-a107-fa75ae960856&displaylang=en 10
Steps of Software Development 1 eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 Create a new project. Mark the check box of Win32 WCE ARMV4I that is the CPU type of the IT-3100. Select A typical “Hello World” application. 11
Steps of Software Development 2 eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 A skeleton program will be automatically created. Execute “build” after setting IT-3100 as Target. Mark the check box on “Use WCE500 Tools”. Set IT-3100 to Target. 12
USB Steps of Software Development 3 eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 The application program will be downloaded to the IT-3100 after compiling. If breakpoints are set, the program stops at each point while the IT-3100 is connected as remote connection. Note: Before building the program, it is necessary to connect the IT-3100 to the PC by Active Sync. Active Sync can be download from Microsoft Web site. 13
Managed Code Development Tool • Required tools for Managed Code development • From Microsoft (Software) • Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio .NET 2003 • .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 Patch • Windows CE Utilities for Visual Studio .NET 2003 • ActiveSync4.2 or later • From CASIO (Software) • SDK • From CASIO (Hardware) • IT-3100 • HA-B61IO (Bridge Satellite Cradle) • USB Cable 14
Steps of Software Development 1 Visual Studio 2005 Start up Visual Studio 2005 and create new project, then select VB or VC# VB 15 VC#
Steps of Software Development 2 Start Debugging Visual Studio 2005 USB 16 Select IT-3100 Device.
Steps of Software Development 3 • Download Windows CE Utilities for Visual Studio .NET 2003 from Microsoft Web site and then install it into the PC. • Startup Visual Studio .NET 2003 and then create a new project. Visual Studio .NET 2003 Select Smart Device Application. Select Windows CE. 17
Steps of Software Development 4 Visual Studio .NET 2003 1. Select Windows CE Device CPU 2. Select ARMV4I 18
Steps of Software Development 5 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Start Debugging USB Select Windows CE.NET Device The application program will be downloaded to the IT-3100 after compiling. If breakpoints are set, the program stops at each point while the IT-3100 is connected as remote connection. Note: Before building the program, it is necessary to connect the IT-3100 to the PC by Active Sync. Active Sync can be download from Microsoft Web site. 19
Usage of Common Device Control Library • 1. Visual C++ • 2. VB.NET • 3. eVC++ 4.0 20
Visual C++ Step 1 • Currently we have released the following Common Device Control Library Lib files Header files CAB files C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\CAB C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\LIB\ARMV4I C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\INCLUDE 21
Visual C++ Step 2 • Try to use “SysGetModelName” function in system library So, first of all, you should append “#include “SystemLib.h” sentence for using System library. 22
Visual C++ Step 3 Then you should append “SysGetModelName” function sentence like this. 23
Visual C++ Step 4 • Header file path setting Then you should set header file path setting in this “Property Pages”. 24
Visual C++ Step 5 • Library file path setting Then you should set library file path setting in this “Property Pages”. 25
Visual C++ Step 6 • Library file path setting Then you should set library file name in this “Property Pages”. 26
Visual C++ Step 7 • Deploying and debugging 27
VB.NET Step 1 • Currently we have released the following Common Device Control Class Library DLL files CAB files C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\CAB C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\WindowsCE 28
VB.NET Step 2 • Add Reference operation First of all, you should append “SystemLibnet” into References in Solution Explorer. 29
VB.NET Step 3 • Coding Write code which is using system library function 30
VB.NET Step 4 • Deploying and debugging 31
eVC++ 4.0 Step 1 • Currently we have released the following Common Device Control Library Lib files Header files CAB files C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\CAB C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\LIB\ARMV4I C:\Program Files\CASIO\MBSys\INCLUDE 32
eVC++ 4.0 Step 2 • Try to use “SysGetModelName” function in system library So, first of all, you should append “#include “SystemLib.h” sentence for using System library. 33
eVC++ 4.0 Step 3 Then you should append “SysGetModelName” function sentence like this. 34
eVC++ 4.0 Step 4 Header file path setting Then you should set header file path setting in this “Project Settings Pages”. 35
eVC++ 4.0 Step 5 Library file path setting Then you should set library file path setting in this “Project Settings Pages”. 36
eVC++ 4.0 Step 6 Library file path setting Then you should set library file name in this “Project Settings Pages”. 37
eVC++ 4.0 Step 7 Deploying and debugging 38
Usage of Emulator • 1. Visual C++ • 2. VB.NET • 3. Device control • Bluetooth • Mcr • Printer • Sobr
Emulator (Visual C++) • To start emulation, run “IT-3100” from Start menu “CASIO Device Emulation”
Emulator (Visual C++) • Open “Device Emulator Manager” from Visual Studio 2005 menu.
Emulator (Visual C++) Select “DMA” in ActiveSync setting. Select “Cradle” then ActiveSync connection will be established.
Emulator (VB.NET) • To start emulation, run “IT-3100” from Start menu “CASIO Device Emulation”
Emulator (VB.NET) • Open “Device Emulator Manager” from Visual Studio 2005 menu.
Emulator (VB.NET) Select “DMA” in ActiveSync setting. Select “Cradle” then ActiveSync connection will be established.
Device control • You can control the following devices on this emulator. • Bluetooth, Mcr, Printer, Sobr When you refer “Storage Card” folder in this emulator, There are some these devices folder.
Device control Mcr Printer Sobr Bluetooth When you use these device control library on emulator, emulator devices will Response these setting parameter or data. And when you change these file detail, you can get your expected value.
Device control Example for using print out demo program “PrinterImage.bin” file will be created in “C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\IT-3100\Emulation\Ctrl\Printer” Folder. After that you should execute “makePrnData.bat” file. Then “TEMP.BMP” file will be created in same folder. TEMP.BMP file is print out image file like below. If we run such kind of barcode print Out program on emulator, we can get Print out image as bitmap file.