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2013 年度十大英语新词. 2014-03-18 Ann. 1.Selfie Selfie 就是“ 自拍照 ”,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。自毕加索时期以来,自画像从未如此盛行。智能手机的高质内置相机以及可以便捷使用的照片修正程序正在让“自拍”成为社交媒体用户普遍使用的一种自我表达方式。. 2.Budget wife/ budget husband
2013年度十大英语新词 2014-03-18 Ann
1.Selfie Selfie就是“自拍照”,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。自毕加索时期以来,自画像从未如此盛行。智能手机的高质内置相机以及可以便捷使用的照片修正程序正在让“自拍”成为社交媒体用户普遍使用的一种自我表达方式。
2.Budget wife/ budget husband 经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版。“经济适用男”一词来源于“经济适用房”,由名字可以看出,经济适用男的经济实力不如那些“钻石男”,但这种平凡却能保证稳定。他们不管从经济上还是情感上都比较可靠。
3.Phubber Phubbing指在社交场合不关注身边的人,而是一个劲看手机的不礼貌行为,我们可称之为“低头症”。跟人聊天时老忍不住看手机的人就被称为phubber“低头族”。
4.Bromeo “男闺蜜”就是因为共处时间甚至长于你的女性朋友而遭到嫉妒的男性朋友。他是你最忠实的朋友之一,在任何情况下都会毫不犹豫地支持你。
5.Fangirl/ fanboy “脑残粉”指的是那些极度痴迷于某事物或某明星的粉丝,甚至狂热到失去理智的地步。在英语中,男的“脑残粉”叫fanboy,女的“脑残粉”叫fangirl,虽然二者痴迷的对象略有差别,但疯狂程度却不相上下。
6.Gayriage Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。两个男人结婚,这种婚姻就叫gayriage,而两个女人结成的婚姻,就叫lesriage。
7.Mompetition “拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。可能是两个或更多的妈妈在互相比拼,比拼的对象甚至可能是已经成年的孩子。
8.Social bubble “人际泡沫”,指一些人看起来结识的人不少,但事实上,真正能称之为朋友的却寥寥无几。在“金融泡沫”、“房产泡沫”之后,“人际泡沫”开始冲击职场人士。
9.Showrooming Showrooming指先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为,我们可以称之为“先逛店后网购”。
10.Abenomics 安倍经济学(Abenomics)指日本现任首相安倍晋三推出的经济新政策。安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。
When Failure Practice
2014年嘉兴英语一模试卷 • 单选6.It’s common for us to present something as a fact _____ it is actually an opinion. • A. once B. before C. when D. if • 完型22. She was dying of Kidney _____. • injury B. failure C. function D. operation • 阅读58 • C. During his practice at New York Hospital. 虽然 When Failure 衰竭 Practice 实习
二轮复习:词汇突破熟词生义 Ann 2014-03-17
小试牛刀 (2012, 江苏,21) ---- Can I help you with it? ---- I appreciate your _____, but I can manage it myself. A. advice B. question C. offer D. idea. Offer n. 主动提议;建议 推广:接受/拒绝/谢绝好意 Accept/refuse/decline an offer. 熟词生义小结①:涉及词性变化,与语文文言文中“词类活用”相似,意思上有相关性,做题相对来说难度中等。
熟词生义:词类活用举例 1. color • He drew a monster and colored it green. v. 为….着色 2. Light • The candle was lit. v. 点燃(light-lit-lit; light-ed,-ed) • Our road was lit by a full moon v. 照亮
3. picture • We find it hard to picture her as mother of two sons. v. 想象=imagine 4. voice • A number of parents have voiced concern about their children’s safety. v. 表达,表示 5. must • Education is a must. n. 必须要做的事
小试牛刀 (2014, 12校联考,3) Emergency suppliers of food have been transported to the disaster-hit area as a _______ of sympathy to the victims. A. relief B. gesture C. symbol D. text. Gesture (表示情感或意图的)姿态或表示。 推广:爱的表示/善意的表示 A gesture of love/kindness. 熟词生义小结②:涉及词汇的多个意思,即“一词多义”。做题相对来说难度较高,需要结合语境或者平时多多积累。
熟词生义:一词多义举例 1. Collect • That guitar has been collecting dust. v. 聚集,积累 • The package is waiting to be collected. v. 领取,接走 • I’m fine, I just need a minute to collect myself. v. 镇定下来 2. Count • We have invited 50 people, counting the children. v. 包括 • Every point in this game counts. vi. 有重要性,要紧=matter • It’s confidence that counts in life. 人生贵在自信
3. Exercise • When she appeared in court, she exercised her right to remain silent. v. 行使,运用,使用 4. Fail • He failed to keep the appointment. v. 未做某事,未履行 • My eyesight is failing. v. (健康,视力等)衰弱 • When he lost his job, he felt he had failed his family. v. 使失望,辜负, • She tries to be brave but courage fails her. • Words fail me. 鼓不起勇气 文字无法表达我的感情
九死一生,死里逃生 险胜 5. Narrow • He had a narrow escape • They gain a narrow victory. adj. 勉强的,刚刚好的 • She has a very narrow view of the world. adj. 狭隘的,目光短浅的。 • The gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points. v. 缩小,变窄 6. Note • I have a 100 yuan note. n. 纸币 • Please note there will be no water on Monday. v. 注意,留意=notice
履行职责/承诺 7. Perform • She performs an important role in our organization. v. 做,履行,执行 • Perform duties/promise 8. Promise • Your future is full of promise. n. 前途,希望 9. Sense • Dogs have a keen sense of smell. n. 感官 • Sensing danger, they started to run. v. 感觉到,意识到=be aware of 10. Weigh • I weigh the advantages of the plan against its disadvantages. v. 权衡,斟酌 敏锐的嗅觉
熟词巧用 Can you help Jimmy to translate his illustration for us ?
它点亮了我的心,为我的生活增添了色彩。 It lights my heart and colors my life.
碰巧要去参加比赛。真难想象自己站在观众面前碰巧要去参加比赛。真难想象自己站在观众面前 I happened to have a chance to participate in a contest but I found it tough to picture my standing in front of the audience.
想到要辜负父母和老师,我无法镇定自己。脑袋一片空白。想到要辜负父母和老师,我无法镇定自己。脑袋一片空白。 Considering I might fail my parents and teachers, I could hardly collect myself and my mind went blank.
在某处,我注意到,有个声音说“别放弃,我是可以的”。在某处,我注意到,有个声音说“别放弃,我是可以的”。 But somewhere, I noted there was a small voice saying “don’t give up. I’m possible.”
恐惧被战胜了。信念缩短了梦想和现实的距离。自信是人生中要紧的。我可以,我前途无量。恐惧被战胜了。信念缩短了梦想和现实的距离。自信是人生中要紧的。我可以,我前途无量。 Fear has been overcome and conquered. Faith narrows the gap between dream and reality. It’s confidence that really counts in life. I’m possible. I am full of promise.
Behind every impossible situation, there is a small voice saying I’m possible. It lights my heart and colors my life. • I happened to have a chance to participate in a contest but I found it tough to picture my standing in front of the audience. Considering I might fail my parents and my teachers, I could hardly collect myself and my mind went blank. But somewhere, I noted there was a small voice saying “don’t give up. I’m possible.” • Fear has been overcome and conquered. Faith narrows the gap between dream and reality. It’s confidence that really counts in life. I’m possible. I am full of promise. 熟词生义的巧用:用熟悉词汇表达出来的文章通俗易懂,且文章也有深度和新意,别有味道。 2014年嘉兴一模英语作文:谈谈你对“Behind every impossible situation, there is a small voice saying I’m possible.” 这句话的理解,并结合自己的亲身经历进行说明。
Homework (2012, 书面表达) • 你校正在进行”英语读书周”活动,该活动要求学生摘录名言佳句(quote)并相互交流。以下是某同学摘录的句子:”Your future depends on many things but mostly on you”:请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文: • 1. 针对摘录句中的观点谈谈你的看法; • 2. 举例说明理由 • 注意:短文的开头已给出(不计词数) • In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, which goes like this: “Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.” 3. 请好好利用熟词生义,写一篇别有风味的文章来吧。