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Accessing and Analyzing Data. Agenda. Data Streaming Logging and accessing additional data Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data. Agenda. Data Streaming Logging and accessing additional data Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data.
Agenda • Data Streaming • Logging and accessing additional data • Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data
Agenda • Data Streaming • Logging and accessing additional data • Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data
Data Streaming • Depending upon the application or test requirements, sometimes various real-time information or data is required during the test • For instance, monitoring the current simulation status for the armed status or receiving the vehicle and satellite truth for logging and real-time processing of data as described below • SimGEN’s data streaming capability supports these unique test requirements by controlling where the data is sent, how fast the data is sent and what data is sent Truth Real-Time Processing Signal Generator SimGEN Status and Truth Receiver data UDP/IP Network Monitoring / Logging Proprietary & Confidential—Page 4
Data Streaming (cont.) • The data is streamed over the Ethernet using the UDP/IP protocol • This can be optionally sent via SCRAMNet • The data streaming settings are available in the SimGEN Scenario Contents Window Options tree shown to the right in the Data streaming definition file source file .dsd • The file can be edited by double-clicking the source file or using the Edit button just like other SimGEN source files Proprietary & Confidential—Page 5
Time sync message datagram sent every 1sec while a scenario is running. This helps the remote system synchronize to SimGEN’s time. The update rate of the data streaming datagrams. Cannot be faster then the simulation iteration rate Status datagram sent when SimGEN’s status changes. This also contains the time step SimGEN is using. IP address to which SimGEN should send the UDP/IP datagrams Copy datagrams to a binary file Copy to SCRAMnet (if available) to send UDP datagrams over SCRAMnet Data Streaming (cont.) • Editing the Data streaming definition file provides the General menu presented below for various settings Proprietary & Confidential—Page 6
Enable vehicle motion truth data Enable antenna motion truth data for each antenna Enable satellite signal data for each signal type selected for an antenna Data Streaming (cont.) • After the General settings are configured, the desired datagrams can be selected for streaming vehicle, antenna and satellite signal truth data as described below • There is one datagram stream for each selection • There are additional datagrams for other applications such as inertial aiding for SimINERTIAL Proprietary & Confidential—Page 7
Data Streaming (cont.) The data streaming packets use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for transmission of the desired datagrams The remote client just listens for the data from SimGEN for monitoring or logging of the various datagrams The SimGEN Dynamic Link Library (DLL) “simgendatastreaming.dll” takes care of the connection and delivery of the datagrams to the remote clients Header file “EthernetShare.h” defines the UDP data packets The datagrams are sent early so that remote clients can act on the data in real-time as necessary Uses Port 15660 for the client to bind to for receiving streamed data Can be sent to unicast, broadcast or multicast addresses for transmitting data to the desired recipients in the test environment The UDP structure is little endian packed on an 8 byte boundary Proprietary & Confidential—Page 8
Data Streaming (cont.) • Each data streaming packet contains a generic part and a specific part • The generic part defines the message body type (specific), the time of transmission, the time of validity of the message data and a version id specifying the build standard of the message structures being used as described below • Type of data packet specifies which union part to use • Version of header file SimGEN was compiled with • Time SimGEN sent UDP packet • Time of validity of data Specific Generic Data Streaming Message • The desired datagram used • Vehicle • Antenna • Signal Proprietary & Confidential—Page 9
Data Streaming (cont.) The vehicle, antenna and signal data are produced at the user specified update rate, up to the Simulation Iteration rate defined under SimGEN’s Options > General Options Data streaming is an efficient method of receiving an abundant amount of truth data for the vehicle, antenna and signals For instance, data available for each of these datagrams includes: Vehicle: Pos, Vel, Accel, Jerk, Attitude, Angular rates (body and Inertial), barometric height, and ground speed Antenna: Pos, Vel, Accel, Dilution of Precision (DOP) and number of signals for each antenna type (used for defining how many Signal messages to be transmitted by SimGEN if enabled) Signal: Satellite ID, PRN, multipath index if an echo, satellite pos, vel and accel, Azimuth, Elevation to the satellite, True range and range rate to the satellite from the antenna, tropo errors, and Azimuth and Elevation from the antenna Proprietary & Confidential—Page 10
Data Streaming Client • Since the customer is required to create their own data streaming client, Spirent provide test software and source code for using data streaming at the following location: • C:\Program Files\Spirent Communications\SimGEN\Data Streaming • Full Documentation is provided in the SimREMOTE User Manual Example data streaming application provided with SimGEN Example C++ source code available Proprietary & Confidential—Page 11
Agenda • Data Streaming • Logging and accessing additional data • Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data
Bulk Logging • Quick-look is great for viewing and logging limited data sets, but it is not very efficient if an abundant amount of data is desired, such as all of the vehicle or antenna data output in data streaming • As a result, SimGEN provides the user with the abiltiy to perform “Bulk Logging” which will efficiently log All of the vehicle, aiding data and satellite signal information to structured data files in the scenario folder • The bulk data can be logged in either ASCII or binary output formats • The ASCII format is saved as a csv file format for easy compatibility with Excel or Matlab, for example • The Binary format is more efficient for SimGEN to log and provides better file space saving • SimGEN provides a Binary to ASCII conversion utility to decode the logged binary data • Note: The Binary and ASCII logged files are not entirely identical in content Proprietary & Confidential—Page 13
Bulk Logging (cont.) • The definition of bulk logging is available in SimGEN under the “Options” menu shown below • The bulk logging options allows the user to specify the desired logged data messages, logging rate (up to Simulation iteration rate), output format (ASCII or Binary) and saved file location (default is in the same scenario) • Note: These settings are not saved to the scenario, but remains as a default setting in SimGEN for all scenarios Proprietary & Confidential—Page 14
Bulk Logging (cont.) • The messages types available under Bulk Logging are: • Motion = Is the vehicle and antenna (at the offset) pos, vel, accel, jerk, attitude, angular rates and accelerations and respective antenna DOP • Satellite = Provides each satellite ID, PRN, multipath echo, pos, vel, azimuth, elevation, range, pseudorange (PR), PR error, atmosphere errors, azimuth and elevation relative to the antenna, and signal powers • Aiding = Is the aiding pos, vel, accel, jerk in ECEF and geodetic reference frames, attitude, angular rates, accelerations and jerks in body and inertial reference frames • This may not be the same as the vehicle depending upon the aiding offset defined under the vehicle options. • This can be used for an inertial sensor being offset from the C-of-G of the vehicle for instance • Reference the SimGEN User Manual for additional details Proprietary & Confidential—Page 15
Navigation Data • The user may need to log the navigation data from each of the satellites during the test for certain test requirements • This may be necessary for assisted GPS (A-GPS) testing or to compare what was used in the simulation to what the receiver decoded • As a result, SimGEN allows the user to log all of the navigation data for each satellite and each set of navigation data, including legacy nav data, L2C/L5 CNav, M-code MNav and WAAS nav data • The logged navigation data is saved as a binary file and is easily decoded into ASCII text files using the provided utilities on SimGEN’s Toolbar Tools > General Utilities shown below Various Navigation Data Extract Utilities Proprietary & Confidential—Page 16
Navigation Data (cont.) • Enabling navigation data logging is available in SimGEN under the Options > General Options menu in the SimGEN Toolbar shown below • Similar to Bulk Logging, enabling logging of the navigation data is not saved to the scenario, but remains as a default setting in SimGEN if enabled for all scenarios Saved to binary file in the scenario folder after simulation ends Proprietary & Confidential—Page 17
Navigation Data (cont.) • Converting the logged binary data to ASCII is performed using the navigation extract utilities provided with SimGEN • The legacy GPS Nav Extract utility is shown to the right • The logged nav data can be extracted or converted to a YUMA almanac for use in other applications • The user can just extract a certain subframe for all satellites or just for one satellite for various durations The output is a text file that shows the selected subframe hex and decoded nav data Proprietary & Confidential—Page 18
NMEA Data • Several receivers support the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 standard, so it may be desirable to log receiver or truth data in the NMEA-0183 format • The NMEA-0183 format is a standard for interfacing with various electronic devices that specifies the electrical signal requirements, data transmission protocol, and message formats • It provides the benefit that the GPS data is output as an ASCII file which is easily readable and provides various useful information on the vehicle position, speed and satellites in view Applications Proprietary & Confidential—Page 19
Some of the relevant NMEA messages output by receivers include: GNS – Geographic position information, HDOP, num of satellites GGA – Geographic position information, GPS quality, HDOP, num of satellites GLL – Geographic position information, Latitude and Longitude GSV – GNSS satellites in view information GSA – Various SVID and DOP information HDT – Heading information ZDA – Various time information VTG – Velocity information NMEA Data (cont.) NMEA Output Proprietary & Confidential—Page 20
NMEA Data (cont.) • SimGEN provides two ways of supporting NMEA data • Since SimGEN is already generating ‘truth’ data, SimGEN can log and transmit ‘truth’ NMEA data • This conveniently supports the common tools and systems that currently use NMEA data for post-processing and analysis • SimGEN can also input unit under test (UUT) receiver NMEA data for display, plotting and logging • Using SimGEN to log the receiver NMEA data conveniently keeps all of the receiver and scenario data together Proprietary & Confidential—Page 21
NMEA Truth Data • The ‘Truth’ NMEA generated by SimGEN can be output on a COM Port and/or logged to a file for example later comparison with receiver data • To stream out the NMEA data to external equipment via the RS-232 port, the RS-232 COM port must be configured from the SimGEN Toolbar Options > RS232 Port Settings shown to the right to specify “NMEA Output” • Note: the correct NMEA electrical chatecteristics must also be defined (e.g. baud rate, parity, etc.) Proprietary & Confidential—Page 22
NMEA messages supported NMEA Truth Data (cont.) • The desired NMEA messages to be streamed via RS-232 or logged to a file is specified in the SimGEN source file NMEA output file shown to the right (double-click or use the Edit button to open) • SimGEN supports the V2.20 or V3.01 NMEA data formats as applicable • SimGEN can also log the NMEA ‘truth’ data to a file • Can also provide ‘truth’ differential correction messages from a defined reference station as an augmentation aid as necessary Proprietary & Confidential—Page 23
NMEA Logging Data • Besides generating NMEA truth, SimGEN can receive NMEA input data from a receiver as specified in the source file NMEA logging file shown below • Editing the file is performed the same as other source files and allows the user to specify the desired messages to be logged Automatically sets ‘used by’ in RS232 settings RF NMEA NMEA messages received can be logged to a text file or individual CSV files. Proprietary & Confidential—Page 24
NMEA Logging Data (cont.) • If inputting NMEA receiver position data, SimGEN makes the receiver position data available for logging, plotting and displaying just like other vehicle, satellite and signal data as shown below under the UUT Keyword set Select ‘UUT’ as the keyword set Only Rx Lat, long, height are available for plotting, displaying and logging Receiver ECEF position & velocity are related to SimDATA’s ability to send other receiver data to SimGEN and will return ‘zero’ if used in this context Proprietary & Confidential—Page 25
Agenda • Data Streaming • Logging and accessing additional data • Using SimPROCESS and other tools to process and analyze data
Quick-Look Data • Because quick-look can be used for plotting, displaying and logging data, it also provides several useful features for analyzing data • If inputting receiver, it may be desired to observe the estimated real-time performance of the receiver for example This is available under the UUT Keyword set Receiver Plane (2-D) and Spherical (3-D) errors are available for plotting, displaying and logging Proprietary & Confidential—Page 27
Quick-Look Data (cont.) • Quick-look also provides the benefit of allowing the parametric values to be compared to each other against time • This is useful to observe range errors for instance by using collocated satellites defined in the GPS Constellation > Signal Sources File or other unique methods (example shown below with 100m ramp error) • Among many creative uses, this can also be used to plot or display position differences between vehicle 1 and 2 for example • Difference between Satellites 1 and 2 plotted versus time • SV ID 1 has ramp error applied Proprietary & Confidential—Page 28
SimPROCESS • For some tests, displaying, plotting and logging data does not provide the necessary analysis resources for adequately post-processing the data when detailed performance plots or statistics may be required • Or the test requires using NMEA data as a motion trajectory, or a SimGEN command file to turn the satellites in view on or off for modeling the environment for example • Provided free with SimGEN is SimPROCESS which is a powerful software tool developed by Spirent to address these unique test requirements • SimPROCESS takes advantage of the various data already generated by SimGEN such as bulk logged ‘truth’ and receiver NMEA data Proprietary & Confidential—Page 29
SimPROCESS • SimPROCESS itself should be seen as a software toolbox • It provides a standardized user interface for accessing any number of existing SimPROCESS tools • Takes advantage of tight integration with SimGEN scenarios • SimPROCESS is a compiled MATLAB standalone application • It is a full encrypted installation of MATLAB known at the MATLAB component runtime (MCR) integrated into SimGEN • MATLAB itself is not available on the SimGEN PC however, but the MCR makes available virtually all of the functionality of MATLAB as called by the SimPROCESS tools • This makes available a very powerful set of data analysis and visualization functions free of charge to SimGEN users. • Reference Chapter 21 of the SimGEN User Manual for additional details Proprietary & Confidential—Page 30
Shortcuts to common SimPROCESS tools SimPROCESS (cont.) • SimPROCESS is accessed under SimGEN’s Toolbar Tools > General Utilities as shown below • Shortcuts to common SimPROCESS tools are also provided SimPROCESS (compact view) Proprietary & Confidential—Page 31
SimPROCESS (cont.) • Starting SimPROCESS opens the main display shown below • This display is the expanded view to show the Tools (e.g. Tasks) available in the current Session • The Session is saved in the scenario or can be copied from ones provided with SimGEN atC:\Program Files\Spirent Communications\SimGEN\SimPROCESS\library Tasks Workspace Selected Session Open/Close Workspace Proprietary & Confidential—Page 32
SimPROCESS (cont.) • SimPROCESS tasks are specified in the corresponding Session/Library file selected in the Session window • To assist users, SimGEN provides the general.lib file containing many common tasks • Custom sessions files may be generated by Spirent to support unique test requirements. Contact Spirent if additional Tasks are desired. • The general.lib provides the following SimPROCESS capabilities: • Receiver position error post-processing for error analyses • Receiver 2-D Plane Error and statistics from NMEA data • User defined processing of generic receiver data • NMEA to SimGEN User Command Files (*.ucd) • NMEA to SimGEN motion files (*.umt) • Command file for modeling antenna noise effects • Add various time tags to SimGEN truth files for processing Proprietary & Confidential—Page 33
SimPROCESS can be used for post-processing receiver position errors as shown below From the Rx NMEA Errors and Rx Errors from Generic Output File tasks It can also process receiver 2-D NMEA plane errors and statistics From the Plan Error task Truth and Receiver Log files Statistics 2-D Plane Error Time Series Data 3-D Errors Single Axis Errors SimPROCESS – Example Tasks Proprietary & Confidential—Page 34
NMEA to User Command Files From the nmea2ucd task Uses logged receiver NMEA data (GSV satellite message) The output is a time stamped command file (*.ucd) of the satellites in view, for example: Turning on/off satellites to model what was “seen” by the receiver Modeling the C/No of what was received by the receiver and antenna NMEA to User Motion Files Uses logged receiver NMEA data (GGA position message) Outputs are a cubic spline interpolated 10Hz motion file (*.umt) that can be loaded in the scenario as shown below SimPROCESS – Example Tasks (cont.) Proprietary & Confidential—Page 35
SimPROCESS – Example Tasks (cont.) • The Model Antenna Noise Effects task supports two models, Antenna Noise and Earth/Sky Noise • Antenna Noise Model = use if the antenna noise temperature is known already. Creates a SimGEN command file (*.ucd) creates satellite power level changes for the entered noise temperatures • Earth/Sky Noise = use this model to produce a SimGEN command file (*.ucd) to modify the signal power during a scenario.to compensate for antennas that are pointing towards the Earth or sky Proprietary & Confidential—Page 36
SimPROCESS Summary • SimPROCESS is a compiled version of Matlab included with SimGEN • Various Tasks are included with the general.lib library file • If additional Tasks are desired, please contact Spirent • The majority of the Tasks utilize the receiver’s NMEA data and either SimGEN’s bulk logged or truth NMEA data • This can be checked by right-clicking on the desired task and going to properties Proprietary & Confidential—Page 37