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RFI Management for Single Dish Radio Astronomy at NRAO Green Bank. Some Considerations. Single dish RA is more vulnerable to RFI than array configurations. Protection and source-mitigation are the preferred options but not always possible.
RFI Management for Single Dish Radio Astronomy at NRAO Green Bank
Some Considerations • Single dish RA is more vulnerable to RFI than array configurations. • Protection and source-mitigation are the preferred options but not always possible. • Weak, narrowband, or intermittent RFI lends itself to excision; strong, constant, or wideband noise-like RFI does not.
Protection and Mitigation • National/International (Protected Bands) • Regional (NRQZ) • State (WVRAZ) • Site (Site Policy)
The National Radio Quiet Zone • Established by an act of congress in 1958 • Approx. 13,000 sq. mile area • Requires coordination for all permanent, fixed, licensed transmitters • Administered through NRAO Green Bank for the mutual benefit of NRAO and the Sugar Grove Facility
WV Radio Astronomy Zone • Established through §37A-1-2 of the West Virginia Code “The Radio Astronomy Zoning Act” • Applies to any electrical equipment that causes harmful interference to Radio Astronomical Observations • Increasingly difficult and complex problem due to the proliferation of wireless technologies • Our Strategy: • Problem-driven component: we will seek enforcement only as a last resort, if friendly requests repeatedly fail. • Proactive component: We solicit voluntary cooperation: PR campaign is in progress to raise awareness
Zones 1 & 2: On-Site RFI Policy • IPG Develops Policy; Site Director has final authority • ITU-R RA.769 Limit applies
Amplifier Assessing Equipment For RFI ComplianceAnechoic Chamber Testing Receive (Rx) Antenna Equipment Under Test (EUT) Cable #1 Cable #2 Distance (Dtest) Spectrum Analyzer Cable #3 PowerTx(dBm) = Pmeasured(dBm) + Lspace(dB) – Gantenna(dB) – Gamplifier(dB) + Lcables(dB)
The “Show Me” Project ~150m
The “Show Me” Project ~3:1 or 5dB SNRatio …but anechoic chamber prediction said worst-case emissions exceed ITU-R line limit by 22dB....17dB discrepancy???? 60s integration time of test vs. ITU-R line limitassumed 2000s integration: 10Log(60/2000) = -15dB (close enough)