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Logan High School/Utah State University Latinos in Higher Education Mayo 30 de 2013

Logan High School/Utah State University Latinos in Higher Education Mayo 30 de 2013 Estimado padre de familia/tutor:

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Logan High School/Utah State University Latinos in Higher Education Mayo 30 de 2013

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  1. Logan High School/Utah State University Latinos in Higher Education Mayo 30 de 2013 Estimado padre de familia/tutor: Este es un atento recordatorio de las clases de preparación en matemáticas e inglés que Logan High School ofrece este verano, para mejorar el score de la prueba de ACT que se necesita para favorecer la graduación y ayudar a su estudiante para continuar en la universidad.Las clases empiezan en Junio 10 y termina en Julio 19. El horario es 12:00 PM a 2:00 PM. Se complementan con una presentación y un lunch ligero cada semana en Utah State University. El estudiante que termine el curso con calificación aprobatoria ganará medio crédito que se agrega a los adquiridos en las clases regulares. También aprenderá el trámite para inscribirse en la universidad, obtener becas y ayuda financiera disponible que faciliten conseguir un diploma. Le invitamos a usted a animar a su estudiante para asistir a las clases. Agradecemos su atención. Dear Parent / Guardian: This is a gentle reminder from Logan High School, of the preparatory classes in math and English that will be offered this summer. Your student will improve the ACT test score needed to promote graduation and help your student to continue in college. Classes begin on June 10 and end July 19. Hours are 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 PM. Room 112, English Building. These classes are complemented by a presentation and light lunch once a week at Utah State University. The student who completes the course with a passing grade will earn half credit that is added to those acquired in regular classes. The student will also learn the procedure for applying to college, get scholarships and financial aid available to facilitate getting a diploma. We invite you to encourage your student to attend classes. If you have any questions, please call us. Jorge Espinoza Aarón Espinoza Dr. Héctor Mendiola (435)755-2380 (435)213-7862 Cell Facebook: Multicultural Learning Center

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