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CSci 8980: Data Mining (Fall 2002). Vipin Kumar Army High Performance Computing Research Center Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota http://www.cs.umn.edu/~kumar. Model Evaluation. Metrics for Performance Evaluation How to evaluate the performance of a model?
CSci 8980: Data Mining (Fall 2002) Vipin Kumar Army High Performance Computing Research Center Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota http://www.cs.umn.edu/~kumar
Model Evaluation • Metrics for Performance Evaluation • How to evaluate the performance of a model? • Methods for Performance Evaluation • How to obtain reliable estimates • Methods for Model Comparison • How to compare the relative performance among competing models
Metrics for Performance Evaluation • Focus on the predictive capability of a model • Rather than how fast it takes to classify or build models, scalability, etc. • Confusion Matrix: a: TP (true positive) b: FN (false negative) c: FP (false positive) d: TN (true negative)
Metrics for Performance Evaluation… • Most widely-used metric:
Cost Matrix C(i|j): Cost of misclassifying class j example as class i • Accuracy is a useful measure if • C(Yes|No)=C(No|Yes) and C(Yes|Yes)=C(No|No) • P(Yes) = P(No) (class distribution are equal)
Cost vs Accuracy Accuracy = 80% Cost = 3910 Accuracy = 90% Cost = 4255
Cost-Sensitive Measures • Precision is biased towards C(Yes|Yes) & C(Yes|No) • Recall is biased towards C(Yes|Yes) & C(No|Yes) • F-measure is biased towards all except C(No|No)
Methods for Performance Evaluation • How to obtain a reliable estimate of performance? • Performance of a model may depend on other factors besides the learning algorithm: • Class distribution • Cost of misclassification • Size of training and test sets
Learning Curve • Learning curve shows how accuracy changes with varying sample size • Requires a sampling schedule for creating learning curve: • Arithmetic sampling(Langley, et al) • Geometric sampling(Provost et al) Effect of small sample size: • Bias in the estimate • Variance of estimate
Methods of Estimation • Holdout • Reserve 2/3 for training and 1/3 for testing • Random subsampling • Repeated holdout • Cross validation • Partition data into k disjoint subsets • k-fold: train on k-1 partitions, test on the remaining one • Leave-one-out: k=n • Stratified sampling • oversampling vs undersampling • Bootstrap • Sampling with replacement
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) • Developed in 1950s for signal detection theory to analyze noisy signals • Characterize the trade-off between positive hits and false alarms • ROC curve plots TP (on the y-axis) against FP (on the x-axis) • Performance of each classifier represented as a point on the ROC curve • changing the threshold of algorithm, sample distribution or cost matrix changes the location of the point
ROC Curve - 1-dimensional data set containing 2 classes (positive and negative) - any points located at x > t is classified as positive At threshold t: TP=0.5, FN=0.5, FP=0.12, FN=0.88
ROC Curve (TP,FP): • (0,0): declare everything to be negative class • (1,1): declare everything to be positive class • (1,0): ideal • Diagonal line: • Random guessing • Below diagonal line: • prediction is opposite of the true class
Using ROC for Model Comparison • No model consistently outperform the other • M1 is better for small FPR • M2 is better for large FPR • Area Under the ROC curve • Ideal: • Area = 1 • Random guess: • Area = 0.5
How to Construct an ROC curve • Use classifier that produces posterior probability for each test instance P(+|A) • Sort the instances according to P(+|A) in decreasing order • Apply threshold at each unique value of P(+|A) • Count the number of TP, FP, TN, FN at each threshold • TP rate, TPR = TP/(TP+FN) • FP rate, FPR = FP/(FP + TN)
How to construct an ROC curve Threshold >= ROC Curve:
Test of Significance • Given two models: • Model M1: accuracy = 85%, tested on 30 instances • Model M2: accuracy = 75%, tested on 5000 instances • Can we say M1 is better than M2? • How much confidence can we place on accuracy of M1 and M2? • Can the difference in performance measure be explained as a result of random fluctuations in the test set?
Confidence Interval for Accuracy • Prediction can be regarded as a Bernoulli trial • A Bernoulli trial has 2 possible outcomes • Possible outcomes for prediction: correct or wrong • Collection of Bernoulli trials has a Binomial distribution: • x Bin(N, p) x: number of correct predictions • e.g: Toss a fair coin 50 times, how many heads would turn up?Expected number of heads = Np = 50 0.5 = 25 • Given x (# of correct predictions) or equivalently, acc=x/N, and N (# of test instances), Can we predict p (true accuracy of model)?
Confidence Interval for Accuracy Area = 1 - • For large test sets (N > 30), • acc has a normal distribution with mean p and variance p(1-p)/N • Confidence Interval for p: Z/2 Z1- /2
Confidence Interval for Accuracy • Consider a model that produces an accuracy of 80% when evaluated on 100 test instances: • N=100, acc = 0.8 • Let 1- = 0.95 (95% confidence) • From probability table, Z/2=1.96
Comparing Performance of 2 Models • Given two models, say M1 and M2, which is better? • M1 is tested on D1 (size=n1), found error rate = e1 • M2 is tested on D2 (size=n2), found error rate = e2 • Assume D1 and D2 are independent • If n1 and n2 are sufficiently large, then • Approximate:
Comparing Performance of 2 Models • To test if performance difference is statistically significant: d = e1 – e2 • d ~ N(dt,t) where dt is the true difference • Since D1 and D2 are independent, their variance adds up: • At (1-) confidence level,
An Illustrative Example • Given: M1: n1 = 30, e1 = 0.15 M2: n2 = 5000, e2 = 0.25 • d = |e2 – e1| = 0.1 (2-sided test) • At 95% confidence level, Z/2=1.96=> Interval contains 0 => difference may not be statistically significant
Comparing Performance of 2 Algorithms • Each learning algorithm may produce k models: • L1 may produce M11 , M12, …, M1k • L2 may produce M21 , M22, …, M2k • If models are generated on the same test sets D1,D2, …, Dk (e.g., via cross-validation) • For each set: compute dj = e1j – e2j • dj has mean dt and variance t • Estimate:
What is Cluster Analysis? • Finding groups of objects such that the objects in a group will be similar (or related) to one another and different from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups. • Based on information found in the data that describes the objects and their relationships. • Also known as unsupervised classification. • Many applications • Understanding: group related documents for browsing or to find genes and proteins that have similar functionality. • Summarization: Reduce the size of large data sets.
What is not Cluster Analysis? • Supervised classification. • Have class label information. • Simple segmentation. • Dividing students into different registration groups alphabetically, by last name. • Results of a query. • Groupings are a result of an external specification. • Graph partitioning • Some mutual relevance and synergy, but areas are not identical.
Notion of a Cluster is Ambiguous Initial points. Six Clusters Two Clusters Four Clusters
Types of Clusterings • A clustering is a set of clusters. • One important distinction is between hierarchical and partitional sets of clusters. • Partitional Clustering • A division data objects into non-overlapping subsets (clusters) such that each data object is in exactly one subset. • Hierarchical clustering • A set of nested clusters organized as a hierarchical tree.
Partitional Clustering Original Points A Partitional Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering Traditional Hierarchical Clustering Traditional Dendrogram Non-traditional Hierarchical Clustering Non-traditional Dendrogram
Other Distinctions Between Sets of Clusters • Exclusive versus non-exclusive • In non-exclusive clusterings, points may belong to multiple clusters. • Can represent multiple classes or ‘border’ points • Fuzzy versus non-fuzzy • In fuzzy clusterings, a point belongs to every cluster with some weight between 0 and 1. • Weights must sum to 1. • Probabilistic clustering has similar characteristics. • Partial versus complete. • In some cases, we only want to cluster some of the data.
Types of Clusters: Well-Separated • Well-Separated Clusters: • A cluster is a set of points such that any point in a cluster is closer (or more similar) to every other point in the cluster than to any point not in the cluster.
Types of Clusters: Center-Based • Center-based • A cluster is a set of objects such that an object in a cluster is closer (more similar) to the “center” of a cluster, than to the center of any other cluster. • The center of a cluster is often a centroid, the average of all the points in the cluster, or a medoid, the most “representative” point of a cluster.
Types of Clusters: Contiguity-Based • 3) Contiguous Cluster(Nearest neighbor or Transitive) • A cluster is a set of points such that a point in a cluster is closer (or more similar) to one or more other points in the cluster than to any point not in the cluster.
Types of Clusters: Density-Based • Density-based • A cluster is a dense region of points, which is separated by low-density regions, from other regions of high density. • Used when the clusters are irregular or intertwined, and when noise and outliers are present. • The three curves don’t form clusters since they fade into the noise, as does the bridge between the two small circular clusters.
Similarity and Dissimilarity • Similarity • Numerical measure of how alike two data objects are. • Is higher when objects are more alike. • Often falls in the range [0,1] • Dissimilarity • Numerical measure of how different two data objects are. • Is lower when objects are more alike. • Minimum dissimilarity is often 0. • Upper limit varies • Proximity refers to a similarity or dissimilarity
Summary of Similarity/Dissimilarity for Simple Attributes p and q are the attribute values for two data objects.
Euclidean Distance • Euclidean Distance Where n is the number of dimensions (attributes) and pk and qk are, respectively, the kth attributes (components) or data objects p and q. • Standardization is necessary, if scales differ.
Euclidean Distance Distance Matrix
Minkowski Distance • Minkowski Distance is a generalization of Euclidean Distance Where r is a parameter, n is the number of dimensions (attributes) and pk and qk are, respectively, the kth attributes (components) or data objects p and q.
Minkowski Distance: Examples • r = 1. City block (Manhattan, taxicab, L1 norm) distance. • A common example of this is the Hamming distance, which is just the number of bits that are different between two binary vectors. • r = 2. Euclidean distance. • r. “supremum” (Lmax norm, Lnorm) distance. • This is the maximum difference between any component of the vectors. • Do not confuse r with n, i.e., all these distances are defined for all numbers of dimensions.
Minkowski Distance Distance Matrix
Common Properties of a Distance • Distances, such as the Euclidean distance, have some well known properties. • d(p, q) 0 for all p and q and d(p, q) = 0 only if p= q. (Positive definiteness) • d(p, q) = d(q, p) for all p and q. (Symmetry) • d(p, r) d(p, q) + d(q, r) for all points p, q, and r. (Triangle Inequality) where d(p, q) is the distance (dissimilarity) between points (data objects), p and q. • A distance that satisfies these properties is a metric
Common Properties of a Similarity • Similarities, also have some well known properties. • s(p, q) = 1 (or maximum similarity) only if p= q. • s(p, q) = s(q, p) for all p and q. (Symmetry) where s(p, q) is the similarity between points (data objects), p and q.
Similarity Between Binary Vectors • Common situation is that objects, p and q, have only binary attributes. • Compute similarities using the following quantities M01= the number of attributes where p was 0 and q was 1 M10 = the number of attributes where p was 1 and q was 0 M00= the number of attributes where p was 0 and q was 0 M11= the number of attributes where p was 1 and q was 1 • Simple Matching and Jaccard Coefficients SMC = number of matches / number of attributes = (M11 + M00) / (M01 + M10 + M11 + M00) J = number of 11 matches / number of not-both-zero attributes values = (M11) / (M01 + M10 + M11)
SMC versus Jaccard: Example p = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 M01= 2 (the number of attributes where p was 0 and q was 1) M10= 1 (the number of attributes where p was 1 and q was 0) M00= 7 (the number of attributes where p was 0 and q was 0) M11= 0 (the number of attributes where p was 1 and q was 1) SMC = (M11 + M00)/(M01 + M10 + M11 + M00) = (0+7) / (2+1+0+7) = 0.7 J = (M11) / (M01 + M10 + M11) = 0 / (2 + 1 + 0) = 0
Cosine Similarity • If d1 and d2 are two document vectors, then cos( d1, d2 ) = (d1d2) / ||d1|| ||d2|| , where indicates vector dot product and || d || is the length of vector d. • Example: d1= 3 2 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 d2 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 d1d2= 3*1 + 2*0 + 0*0 + 5*0 + 0*0 + 0*0 + 0*0 + 2*1 + 0*0 + 0*2 = 5 ||d1|| = (3*3+2*2+0*0+5*5+0*0+0*0+0*0+2*2+0*0+0*0)0.5 = (42) 0.5 = 6.481 ||d2|| = (1*1+0*0+0*0+0*0+0*0+0*0+0*0+1*1+0*0+2*2)0.5= (6) 0.5 = 2.245 cos( d1, d2 ) = .3150
Extended Jaccard Coefficient (Tanimoto) • Variation of Jaccard for continuous or count attributes • Reduces to Jaccard for binary attributes
Correlation • Correlation measure the linear relationship between objects. • To compute correlation, we standardize data objects, p and q, and then take the dot product.
Visually Evaluating Correlation Scatter plots showing the similarity from –1 to 1.